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The Officer Pike Collection

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  • #16
    Re: The Officer Pike Collection

    Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
    Insert Taibbi quote: "All that tricked-up military gear, with that corny, faux-menacing, over-the-top Spaceballs stormtrooper look that police everywhere seem to favor more and more – all of this is symbolic of the increasingly total lack of ideas behind all that force."
    I'd like to see a progressive (whatever that means?) mayor in some big city mandate that his local storm troopers to be outfitted with bright yellow and pink and green pads, helmets, boots, etc. Probably would take a lot of the edge off of the attitude of everyone involved.


    • #17
      Re: The Officer Pike Collection

      I saw this in the NYPD. Over the years the some things became more militarized. Some specialized uniforms, the cop all decked out with a more menacing gun in possible terrorist locations in midtown. We all got riot helmets but they put shield numbers on them.
      How do you ID one of these guys in the photo above if he goes off the reservation?

      You can't. You're almost anonymous. You can do what you want.


      • #18
        Re: The Officer Pike Collection

        Originally posted by BigBagel View Post
        I saw this in the NYPD. Over the years the some things became more militarized. Some specialized uniforms, the cop all decked out with a more menacing gun in possible terrorist locations in midtown. We all got riot helmets but they put shield numbers on them.
        How do you ID one of these guys in the photo above if he goes off the reservation?

        You can't. You're almost anonymous. You can do what you want.
        you're not supposed to identify them, especially if they are told to incite a riot so the clamp down can begin.

        how many places have now passed laws against videotaping police?

        when we lose the sunshine, the darkness envelopes all.


        • #19
          Re: The Officer Pike Collection

          Originally posted by metalman View Post
 a pic & i'll try to shop it...
          not quite what eye was looking for, but close:

          8. Care about Wall Street

          and then there was this one:

          and here's a beauty:

          or maybe this one...

          So, we have discovered Darth Vader's true identity.


          • #20
            Re: The Officer Pike Collection

            Originally posted by metalman View Post
            'i wish he'd pepper spray these assholes... post a pic & i'll try to shop it...

            The Fed Strikes Back…

            Posted In: The Fed

            According to Bloomberg:

            Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner may be most famous in the United States for cheating on his taxes (you can even buy a t-shirt to acknowledge his tax dodging), but he’s becoming a punch line in the rest of the world for different reasons.
            I wrote two years ago about Chinese students erupting in laughter after Geithner claimed the Administration believed in a strong dollar.
            Now he’s getting mocked by the Europeans.
            After Friday’s post about the absurdity of Obama sending his Treasury Secretary to lecture the Europeans, you can imagine my great amusement today as I read that the Europeans basically told Geithner to go jump in a lake.
            Here are some passages from the Reuters report.

            and the pIece of resIstonce:

            Last edited by lektrode; November 27, 2011, 05:50 PM.


            • #21
              Re: The Officer Pike Collection

              It looks like old Barn is about to re-tire, to Mayberry no doubt. It should be of some interest to see his public audit, after 30 years in Congress and the longtime chair of the House Financial Services Committee, comparing his original net worth with . . . what? . . . excuse me . . . there is no public audit? . . . no confidential audit either? Omigosh . . . .


              • #22
                Re: The Officer Pike Collection

                not sure we even want to go looking into _his_ closet....


                • #23
                  Re: The Officer Pike Collection

                  and who are they talking about replacing him? Maxine Waters. we go from slick and corrupt to outright stupid.


                  • #24
                    Re: The Officer Pike Collection

                    Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
                    and who are they talking about replacing him? Maxine Waters. we go from slick and corrupt to outright stupid.
                    Unless she changes her party (anything is possible) the House Financial Services Committee is a Republican chaired committee.

                    Change we can believe in . . .


                    • #25
                      Re: The Officer Pike Collection

                      Originally posted by don View Post
                      ....Change we can believe in . . .
                      now don, surely after all the time we've (well... some of us/the rocketscientists and physisists's) spent hashing out all sorts of the theoretically possible, techologically speaking - i must say and think you would agree that kind of change is right up there with Area 51 - but yeah, i guess _anything_ IS possible ;)


                      • #26
                        Re: The Officer Pike Collection

                        latest on officer Pike . . .


                        Believe the pepper sprayer made $110K per year, was in foreclosure, and had declared bankruptcy. He's still unaware of the pension he doesn't have.


                        • #27
                          Re: The Officer Pike Collection

                          not sure what to make of this . . .

                          officer pike in legoland

