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Gingrich: Nice work if you can get it

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  • #16
    Re: Gingrich: Nice work if you can get it

    Originally posted by babbittd
    The real story here is that what Gingrich did for the money was to lobby for National Housing Strategy. And now, as the "leading intellect" in the so-called conservative movement, he never misses an opportunity to push the new religion. i.e. blaming the Global Financial Crash entirely on Jimmy Carter and the Community Reinvestment Act.
    While this is correct, it was not housing which brought Gingrich into the national scene.

    As far as I recall, he was house minority whip as early as 1989.


    • #17
      Re: Gingrich: Nice work if you can get it

      will the anchor's gesture help Obama get re-elected? It might have during the Cold War . . .


      • #18
        Re: Gingrich: Nice work if you can get it

        Originally posted by Prazak View Post
        Franklin Raines should definitely be under investigation for fraud. But must we conclude that this is a Democratic conspiracy? There are scores of banksters who should be under investigation, and I suspect not all of them, perhaps not even a majority of them, are Democratic. Indeed party affiliation means little to these people.
        perhaps not, cant say i disagree with this - BUT... is it a 'Democrat conspiracy' ?
        (and another petpeeve is when the word Democratic is used in dicussion of the political party, as it infers they somehow more 'fair' than the other guys, here in our federal republic (small-r) form of gov: )

        O&BTW - since i'm here to learn, not argue for the arguing's sake and willing to stick my neck out for the sake of the discussion - i'm all eyeballs to any of my statements being refuted (and like dcarrigg has mentioned, i'm NOT all that idelogically biased ;) - please just supply the hrefs/links so eye can read for mesself

        anyway... back to the conspiracy...

        this is where things get interesting for me, for the simple reason that when its a 'Republican conspiracy' the lamestream media is all over it, with 6 INCH TALL HEADLINES in all the newspapers, TV news etc, with the chattering class piling on, copy/pasting from one end of the blogosphere to the other... so? being a small-r kinda guy, i get just a bit tired of the 'pubs getting continuously shellacked, as IF the dems can do no wrong... (and people wonder why fox news is so popular, not that eye watch them, mind you - i'm a PBS kinda guy - but you get my point...)

        and considering that fan/fred are creations of the FDR dems? (and for that matter, who stuck us with the fed reserve?) and further considering that (most of) the big investment banks are creatures of one of the bluest of the blue cities/states, where-in if one is part of the in-crowd, biz and socially speaking, one would tend to be a member of that locale's political structure? - and just like there's not many dems in the oil patch in TX/OK? not a lot of 'pubs in the tortbar? nor academia? my guess/observation is that there's not a lot of 'pubs in nyc banking circles either - esp noting that GS consistently gives more money to the DNC than the 'other guys', esp last time around - and we see that finance has continued to back them, in spite of noise to the contrary - is all i'm trying to say.

        i suppose that one could argue that its the 'pubs who've stuck us with the deficits, but considering that The House is where the money gets spent? and that the dems ran the show there not only for the 40years prior to ole newt grabbing the gavel in 95? - but consider just for a moment that the dems ran both sides of congress, as well as the whitehouse, during the moment in time that _something_ might've been done to address the biggest raid/giveaway of the US Treasury in history?

        and what did they do about it?

        hell even the enron perps went to jail, right?

        but when it really mattered, when all 3 branches of the US gov were being 'led' by the same team - what happened, sides a bailout for the nyc banks, the auto/municipal unions and the welfare class, along with a blatant giveaway to the health insurance industry that failed to address one of the biggest cost drivers in this runaway train: the tortbar - and we all know who they give their contributions to.

        so... i dunno - i'm just a common tradesman, who's had the 'benefit' of growing up in a bluestate (watching as their political machinations wiped out my ole mans biz), spent my 'formative' years in NH (where they keep the gov/legislature on a VERY tight leash, with NO sales or income taxes to allow the political class to play corruption games and buy votes with, aka crony capitalism, and where its VERY hard to survive on welfare), spent time in both FL and CA and... well... 20+ years out here has given me some real perspective on the diff tween the red and blue states, is all i'm gonna say....

        The big distinction with Gingrich is that he's running for President and his voluble positions on health care and Fannie Mae -- both reasonably central issues in the upcoming election -- are now shown up as hypocritical, indeed brazenly so.
        i guess i cant/wont defend him on that - as i'm not a party/big-R/ideological type, strictly independent (tho obviously i lean toward the smaller = better gov side) - but tell me what happens when the smear machine of the lamestream media, run mostly by liberal dems, succeeds in taking out all the opposition - what, 4 more years of the present disaster? (but with queen nancy stripped of her private 757 and the gavel, maybe it wont be so bad...)

        Hypocrites abound, of course, in politics as in finance as in life. But with Newt loudly pushing into the spotlight we should not be shocked, or presume a liberal conspiracy, to see the spotlight turning up unpleasant facts about the man and his politics.
        yes, i agree, however its just a shame that we dont have 'equal treatment' under the lights and some of us think perhaps its bit unfair to the mostly silent majority not having the sun shine equally upon ALL the players in the cesspool that is The Beltway

        had the current occupant been given the same treatment in 2008, things may have been different today... (even IF hilary mightve been better than mccain)... just sayin.

