Bit of background on "Phil".....He head of the World wildlife fund...Strange for a man who loved killing Tigers & lions etc. "Funny" thing is every time a poor 3rd World nation tried to get money/help with a Hydro-eletric plant......"Phil's crew" would find some long lost animal or plant living near by.....& do EVERYTHING to stop the project.
The WWF is 24/7 on TV here in the UK bitch'in on about some montain lion that lives in the Rainforest in Brazil.......& how "We" must fight to protect it.....
Bit of background on "Phil".....He head of the World wildlife fund...Strange for a man who loved killing Tigers & lions etc. "Funny" thing is every time a poor 3rd World nation tried to get money/help with a Hydro-eletric plant......"Phil's crew" would find some long lost animal or plant living near by.....& do EVERYTHING to stop the project.
The WWF is 24/7 on TV here in the UK bitch'in on about some montain lion that lives in the Rainforest in Brazil.......& how "We" must fight to protect it.....