This is from another forum. Source is questionable, but it is still interesting, so I thought I'd post it here. If this is true; who and why would someone be so interested in the general public response to a bank bankruptcy that they would commission a telemarketing survey on the topic? BTW... the author of thread indicates that he lives in Canada. The link to the entire thread is below, if you want to read all the responses:
About 5:30 I get a phone call from a large polling research company asking if I could spare 7 to 8 minutes of my time to participate in a what the hell, I say yes...
Here's a sampling of some of their survey questions...
- how optimistic are you about your family's financial future?
- how optimistic are you about your community's financial future?
- how confident are you that your bank manages your assets appropriately?
- are you planning on making any major financial decisions in the next six months (mortgages, business loans, etc.)
- how optimistic are you about the economy over the next six months?
- do you have assets in a bank?
- are they protected assets?
- in the event of the BANK declaring bankruptcy, which of your assets would be protected?
- by whom would your assets be protected?
- how optimistic are you that the deposit insurers (in this case the Federal Gov't) could adequately protect all of your assets?
- which asset classes are protected?
- how knowledgeable do you consider yourself to be about the banking industry?
- how knowledgeable do you consider yourself to be about the economy?
- do you feel confident in being able to personally weather financial difficulties?
...and many more.
This was NOT a solicitation call asking me to buy bank products. This was a legitimate survey. Who asked the survey to be done I don't know, but I'd guess a large bank or the government. Of course, what I gathered from the pattern of questions was that they were trying to determine the following....
I think TPTB are very scared that a bank run is coming. That's the only way I can explain the survey. Needless to say, I'm freaked.
I'm interested in hearing what everyone thinks about this. Am I just being overly paranoid?,7056.0.html
I got a VERY interesting phone call tonight...and I'm freaked out. « on: September 07, 2007, 11:18:56 PM » |
About 5:30 I get a phone call from a large polling research company asking if I could spare 7 to 8 minutes of my time to participate in a what the hell, I say yes...
Here's a sampling of some of their survey questions...
- how optimistic are you about your family's financial future?
- how optimistic are you about your community's financial future?
- how confident are you that your bank manages your assets appropriately?
- are you planning on making any major financial decisions in the next six months (mortgages, business loans, etc.)
- how optimistic are you about the economy over the next six months?
- do you have assets in a bank?
- are they protected assets?
- in the event of the BANK declaring bankruptcy, which of your assets would be protected?
- by whom would your assets be protected?
- how optimistic are you that the deposit insurers (in this case the Federal Gov't) could adequately protect all of your assets?
- which asset classes are protected?
- how knowledgeable do you consider yourself to be about the banking industry?
- how knowledgeable do you consider yourself to be about the economy?
- do you feel confident in being able to personally weather financial difficulties?
...and many more.
This was NOT a solicitation call asking me to buy bank products. This was a legitimate survey. Who asked the survey to be done I don't know, but I'd guess a large bank or the government. Of course, what I gathered from the pattern of questions was that they were trying to determine the following....
I think TPTB are very scared that a bank run is coming. That's the only way I can explain the survey. Needless to say, I'm freaked.
I'm interested in hearing what everyone thinks about this. Am I just being overly paranoid?