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Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

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  • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

    NYT Why Some Countries Go Bust

    By his own admission, Daron Acemoglu is a slightly pudgy and fairly nerdy guy with an unpronounceable last name. But when I mentioned that I was interviewing him to two econ buffs, they each gasped and said, “I love Daron Acemoglu,” as if I were talking about Keith Richards. The Turkish M.I.T. professor — who, right now, is about as hot as economists get — acquired his renown for serious advances in answering the single most important question in his profession, the same one that compelled Adam Smith to write “The Wealth of Nations”: why are some countries rich while others are poor?

    Over the centuries, proposed answers have varied greatly. Smith declared that the difference between wealth and poverty resulted from the relative freedom of the markets; Thomas Malthus said poverty comes from overpopulation; and John Maynard Keynes claimed it was a byproduct of a lack of technocrats. (Of course, everyone knows that politicians love listening to wonky bureaucrats!) Jeffrey Sachs, one of the world’s most famous economists, asserts that poor soil, lack of navigable rivers and tropical diseases are, in part, to blame. Others point to culture, geography, climate, colonization and military might. The list goes on.

    But through a series of legendary — and somewhat controversial — academic papers published over the past decade, Acemoglu has persuasively challenged many of the previous theories. (If poverty were primarily the result of geography, say, or an unfortunate history, how can we account for the successes of Botswana, Costa Rica or Thailand?) Now, in their new book, “Why Nations Fail,” Acemoglu and his collaborator, James Robinson, argue that the wealth of a country is most closely correlated with the degree to which the average person shares in the overall growth of its economy. It’s an idea that was first raised by Smith but was then largely ignored for centuries as economics became focused on theoretical models of ideal economies rather than the not-at-all-ideal problems of real nations.

    Consider Acemoglu’s idea from the perspective of a poor farmer. In parts of modern sub-Saharan Africa, as was true in medieval Europe or the antebellum South, the people who work the fields lack any incentive to improve their yield because any surplus is taken by the wealthy elite. This mind-set changes only when farmers are given strong property rights and discover that they can profit from extra production. In 1978, China began allowing farmers to benefit from any surplus they produced. The decision, most economists agree, helped spark the country’s astounding growth.

    According to Acemoglu’s thesis, when a nation’s institutions prevent the poor from profiting from their work, no amount of disease eradication, good economic advice or foreign aid seems to help. I observed this firsthand when I visited a group of Haitian mango farmers a few years ago. Each farmer had no more than one or two mango trees, even though their land lay along a river that could irrigate their fields and support hundreds of trees. So why didn’t they install irrigation pipes? Were they ignorant, indifferent? In fact, they were quite savvy and lived in a region teeming with well-intended foreign-aid programs. But these farmers also knew that nobody in their village had clear title to the land they farmed. If they suddenly grew a few hundred mango trees, it was likely that a well-connected member of the elite would show up and claim their land and its spoils. What was the point?

    I encountered another side of Acemoglu’s thesis during what must have been one of history’s great natural economic experiments: post-Saddam Hussein Baghdad. On April 9, 2003, the day the city was captured, one of the world’s most tightly controlled economies suddenly became a free-for-all. Amid the chaos, many former state functionaries turned into entrepreneurs. Nearly every engineer from the ministry of housing, it seemed, had opened his own construction company. Satellite TVs, once illegal to all but a very small elite, were sold on every major street. Under Hussein, only one company (widely rumored to be monitored by the intelligence service) offered Internet access, and it was incredibly bad and expensive. After it was gone, there were so many new Internet companies that I had far more access options then than I do today in Brooklyn.

    Yet the American authorities, who had not planned for this budding free market, all but destroyed it when they gave the bulk of new contracts to large companies outside the country. Often, these outsiders subcontracted to Iraqi firms with close ties to the state’s new political establishment. By the anniversary of the United States invasion, it was clear that economic success would again come from connections and corruption rather than talent and hard work. Today, Transparency International ranks Iraq as one of the most corrupt nations on earth. An Iraqi friend once told me that he had hoped we would teach the Iraqis how to be Americans. Instead, the Americans learned how to be Iraqi.

    Acemoglu, Robinson and their collaborators did not come up with the idea that incentives matter, of course, nor the notion that politics play a role in economic development. Their great contribution has been a series of clever historical studies that persuasively argue that the cheesiest of slogans is actually correct: the true value of a nation is its people. If national institutions give even their poorest and least educated citizens some shot at improving their own lives — through property rights, a reliable judicial system or access to markets — those citizens will do what it takes to make themselves and their country richer. This suggests, among other things, that instead of supporting one-off programs promoting health or agricultural productivity, the international community should focus its aid efforts on deep political and economic change.

    Perhaps just as interesting, “Why Nations Fail” also shows the effects of different economic and political systems over the centuries. The sections on ancient Rome and medieval Venice are particularly compelling, because they show how fairly open and prosperous societies can revert to closed and impoverished autocracies. It’s hard to read these sections without thinking about the present-day United States, where economic inequality has grown substantially over the past few decades. Is the 1 percent emerging as a wealth-stripping, poverty-inducing elite?

    Well, maybe. Acemoglu and Robinson’s frequent collaborator Simon Johnson, the former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, told me that financial firms have so thoroughly co-opted the political proc*ess that the American economy has become fundamentally unsound. “It’s bad and getting worse,” he told me. Barring some major shift in our political system, he suggested, the United States could be on its way to serious economic failure.

    Charles Calomiris, an economist at Columbia University, is less worried. But it’s not because he thinks that banks haven’t co-opted our political system. “We’ve never had a good banking system,” he says. “What’s amazing about America is that we’ve been the most successful economy in the world while being crippled by political constraints on the quality of our banking system.” This has been going on since the 1700s, Calomiris says, and he doesn’t see any reason for the United States’ economy to stop growing anytime soon.

    Acemoglu and Robinson are on the pessimistic side of optimism about the United States’ chances of a resurgence. Congress, they told me, is too heavily influenced by the wealthy, and the advent of super PACs has only given elites more power. Yet Acemoglu surprised me when he said he was encouraged by the rise of the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. While neither has an especially coherent or subtle economic agenda, both show that, however frustrated they might be, large numbers of Americans still believe they can influence the political process to improve their fortunes. Since the future of American economic health lies in its people, Acemoglu explained, as long as Americans believe they can influence the process, they will.

    But, he quickly pointed out, what if Americans find their protests have no impact? What if the United States becomes a truly extractive nation, with violent repression of protest or — in some ways, worse — the grudging acquiescence of the beaten-down masses? While many Americans are frustrated by the divisive, often angry public debates over our economic future, we may only be in real trouble at the very moment that they shut up.


    • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

      I thought this would fade. Now I don't, especially after watching footage last night. Bloomberg should rethink this.

      "As I wrote recently, the outlook for the spring is not placid - "NATO and G8 summits (now separate), May Day, the potential rollout of indictments by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's investigation of the financial sector, a shaky outlook for Greece and the Euro and ominous signs for Bank of America." At six months old, Occupy Wall Street looks ready to become increasingly radical and disciplined - and the NYPD looks ready to become increasingly heavy handed and repressive."


      • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

        Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
        NYT Why Some Countries Go Bust

        Now, in their new book, “Why Nations Fail,” Acemoglu and his collaborator, James Robinson,
        Looks like a good book. Thanks.


        • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

          Like real-life Avengers, the FBI and 23 separate police agencies joined forces and pounced on a band of villains hell-bent on sowing chaos in a sleepy Midwest suburb earlier this month. The FBI reassured the world that thanks to the "swift collaborative action" of law enforcement, it had rounded up five "self-proclaimed anarchists … intent on using violence to express their ideological views" by attempting to blow up a bridge near Cleveland on May Day.


          • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

            Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
            I thought this would fade. Now I don't, especially after watching footage last night. Bloomberg should rethink this.

            "As I wrote recently, the outlook for the spring is not placid - "NATO and G8 summits (now separate), May Day, the potential rollout of indictments by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's investigation of the financial sector, a shaky outlook for Greece and the Euro and ominous signs for Bank of America." At six months old, Occupy Wall Street looks ready to become increasingly radical and disciplined - and the NYPD looks ready to become increasingly heavy handed and repressive."
            The "narrative" builds as it is defined....

            Report from Al Gore's 1989 hosted meeting of the Club of Rome clearly articulates the plan to render society's current insitutions and systems inoperable so that the people will "welcome" a new system.

            FYI.... posted a thread with this clip as the OP in the video forum.
            Last edited by reggie; May 30, 2012, 04:49 PM.
            The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


            • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

              Wallerstein weighs in . . .

              When times are good, and the world-economy is expanding in terms of new surplus-value produced, the class struggle is muted. It never goes away, but as long as there is a low level of unemployment and the real incomes of the lower strata are going up, even if only in small amounts, social compromise is the order of the day.

              But when the world-economy stagnates and real unemployment expands considerably, it means that the overall pie is shrinking. The question then becomes who shall bear the burden of the shrinkage - within countries and between countries. The class struggle becomes acute and sooner or later leads to open conflict in the streets. This is what has been happening in the world-system since the 1970s, and most dramatically since 2007. Thus far, the very upper strata (the 1%) have been holding on to their share, indeed increasing it. This means necessarily that the share of the 99% has been going down.

              The struggle over allocations revolves primarily around two items in the global budget: taxes (how much, and who) and the safety net of the bulk of the population (expenditures on education, health, and lifetime income guarantees). There is no country in which this struggle has not been taking place. But it breaks out more violently in some countries than in others - because of their location in the world-economy, because of their internal demographics, because of their political history.

              An acute class struggle raises the question for everyone of how to handle it politically. The groups in power can repress popular unrest harshly, and many do. Or, if the unrest is too strong for their repressive mechanisms, they can try to co-opt the protestors by seeming to join them and limiting real change. Or they do both, trying repression first and co-option if that fails.

              The protestors also face a dilemma. The protestors always start as a relatively small courageous group. They need to persuade a much larger (and politically far more timid group) to join them, if they are to impress the groups in power. This is not easy but it can happen. It happened in Egypt at Tahrir Square in 2011. It happened in the Occupy movement in the United States and Canada. It happened in Greece in the last elections. It happened in Chile and the now long-lasting student strikes. And at the moment, it seems to be happening spectacularly in Quebec.

              But when it happens, then what? There are some protestors who wish to expand initial narrow demands into more far-reaching and fundamental demands to reconstruct the social order. And there are others, there are always others, who are ready to sit down with the groups in power and negotiate some compromise.

              When the groups in power repress, they quite often fan the flames of protest. But repression often works. When it doesn't and groups in power compromise and co-opt, they often are able to pull the plug on the protestors. This is what seems to have happened in Egypt. The recent elections are leading to a second-round runoff between two candidates, neither of whom supported the revolution in Tahrir Square - one the last prime minister of the ousted president Hosni Mubarak, the other a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood whose primary objective is instituting the sharia in Egyptian law and not implementing the demands of the those who were in Tahrir Square. The result is a cruel choice for the about 50% who did not vote in the first round for either of the two with the largest plurality of votes. This unhappy situation resulted from the fact that the pro-Tahrir Square voters split their votes between two candidates of somewhat different backgrounds.

              How are we to think of all of this? There seems to be a rapidly and constantly shifting geography of protest. It pops up here and then is either repressed, co-opted, or exhausted. And as soon as that happens, it pops up somewhere else, where it may in turn be either repressed, co-opted, or exhausted. And then it pops up in a third place, as though worldwide it was irrepressible.

              It is indeed irrepressible for one simple reason. The world income squeeze is real, and not about to disappear. The structural crisis of the capitalist world-economy is making the standard solutions to economic downturns unworkable, no matter how much our pundits and politicians assure us that a new period of prosperity is on the horizon.

              We are living in a chaotic world situation. The fluctuations in everything are large and rapid. This applies as well to social protest. This is what we are seeing as the geography of protest constantly shifts. Tahrir Square in Cairo yesterday, unauthorized massive marches with pots and pans in Montreal today, somewhere else (probably somewhere surprising) tomorrow.

              by Immanuel Wallerstein


              • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

                from Mish . . .

                Reader Andrea who is from Italy but now resides in France writes ...
                Hello Mish.

                As I told you some days ago, in Italy something quite new and disruptive is happening in the political landscape. As expected, the “Movimento 5 Stelle” (5 Stars Movement) had been the real winner of the recent round of regional elections a couple of weeks ago, and in my opinion it is worth to keep an eye on them especially in the light of the recent elections outcome in many European countries.

                The founder of the movement is Beppe Grillo, a comic showman, very popular in the 70s and 80s. He was (unofficially) “banned” from Italian TV in the mid-80s when he made in a Saturday night show a very satiric (and funny) joke about the Socialist party and its chief Bettino Craxi, at that time Italian PM.

                In the first half of 2000s he started Beppe Grillo's Blog, posting messages in a satiric style about economy, politics, ecology, society.

                The movement is quite different from the other parties. It does not not a clear, hierarchic and defined organization. It is more a mixture of a method, a guideline and a set of rules to select candidates and programs and obtain its logo be part of the network.

                Main Rules for the Five Star Movement

                • Not be an elected politician prior to 5 Stelle
                • Commit to stay in charge for no longer than 2 terms
                • Commit to take a minimum salary and give the rest back to the community
                • Post a public platform on the internet
                • Be willing to hold a public debate on the platform
                • Get out of the Euro and default on debt

                In the latest elections, Five Star Movement candidates have been able to get almost everywhere between 10 and 20% of votes, sometimes even more, all without a single minute of TV advertising or a single advertising page on newspapers.

                The movement has simply spread via the internet, social networks and public meetings around the country. The message sent by their success is clearly: we are fed up with this corrupted, inefficient and incompetent political class.

                The most important thing for the future months is the last stance Beppe Grillo has decided to take just before elections: get out of the Euro and default on debt. This position has been strongly criticized the rest of the political class and mainstream media, but the fact that Beppe Grillo has been breaking this “Taboo” and that there was a strong reaction by political and media environments, has finally opened the debate in Italy and has certainly made people to start seriously think about it, despite the fact that Italy so far had no financial help from the EU or IMF.

                The Monti consensus is now rapidly decreasing, mainly because the tax increases are starting to bite and because he seems unable to cut waste of taxpayer money as he promised. Political elections in Italy will take place in the spring of 2013: Beppe Grillo said after recent elections “see you in the next Parliament”.

                If he will be present in the next Parliament with a significant number of members (which is likely), you can be sure that the topic will be more and more debated.

                It already is. In numerous talk-shows, the issue is now openly debated. Discussing Italy leaving the eurozone one year ago was almost considered as "heretic". Now it's not.

                Best regards, Andrea.
                Ultimate Occupy Movement

                That email from Andrea actually came in several weeks ago. In a recent followup post Andrea writes ...
                Hello Mish,

                Movimento 5 Stelle just won the its first Mayor of an Italian significant city, Parma (more known for its Parmesan cheese and the Parma ham).

                For a movement born just 3 years ago and with no funds it is extremely significant. The prior local administration of this city had to resign, pushed out by an angry crowd literally waiting for them outside city hall after discovering that they had indebted the city up to bankrupt.

                Sounds familiar?
                Regards, Andrea
                The only way the "Occupy Movement" is ever going to work is the way it just worked in Italy: vote the bums out, not in favor of more bums, but rather in favor of candidates with principles.


                • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

                  Originally posted by don View Post
                  The only way the "Occupy Movement" is ever going to work is the way it just worked in Italy: vote the bums out, not in favor of more bums, but rather in favor of candidates with principles.
                  Why rely on the Occupy "Movement" for this?

                  It seems to me that we require an organically created movement comprised of educated (non Ivy league) middle class with no ties to existing political, financial or nonprofit institutions, as all the influential ones have been infiltrated & corrupted.

                  As far as the Five Star movement your Italian friend speaks of, how can one be confident that this is not another tangential vector designed for a dead end. I'd be curious to learn what due diligence has been done on the "movement" and it's core actors. I don't konw a damn thing about Beppe Grillo, but I do know that comedy is a primary technique used to implant propagandistic narratives into the public mind. Hence, comedians, especially those with TV recognition, are excellent leaders for newly created controlled "movements".
                  Last edited by reggie; June 19, 2012, 12:35 PM.
                  The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                  • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

                    Soft resistance - co opting any dissent - is currently the name of the game.


                    • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

                      CounterPunch Diary
                      Biggest Financial Scandal in Britain’s History, Yet Not a Single Occupy Sign; What Happened?

                      by ALEXANDER COCKBURN

                      Since what is now going is being described as “the greatest financial scandal in the history of Britain” — the Barclays imbroglio – I have a question to ask. Where are those tents outside St Pauls? Or ones in solidarity this side of the Atlantic? Where are the vibrant reminders that – as has happened in the Barclays case – there is most definitely one law for the 1% (none, in fact) and another for the 99 %?

                      It was very hard not to be swept away by the Occupy movement which established itself in New York’s Zuccotti Park last September and soon spread to Oakland, Chicago, London and Madrid. And indeed most people didn’t resist its allure.
Leninists threw aside their Marxist primers on party organisation and drained the full anarchist cocktail.

                      The Occupiers , with their “people’s mic”, were always a little hard to understand. And as with all movements involving consensus, everything took a very long time.
Was there perhaps a leader, a small leadership group, sequestered somewhere among the tents and clutter? It was impossible to say and at that point somewhat disloyal to pose the question. Cynicism about Occupy was not a popular commodity.
But new movements always need a measure of cynicism dumped on them. Questions of organization were obliterated by the strength of the basic message – we are 99 per cent, they are one per cent. It was probably the most successful slogan since ‘peace, land, bread’.

                      The Occupy Wall Street assembly in Zuccotti Park soon developed its own cultural mores, drumming included. Like many onlookers, I asked myself, Where the hell’s the plan?

                      But I held my tongue. I had no particular better idea and for a CounterPuncher of mature years to start laying down the program seemed cocky. But, deep down, I felt that Occupy, with all its fancy talk, all its endless speechifying, was riding for a fall.

                      Before the fall came there were heroic actions, people battered senseless by the police. These were brave people trying to hold their ground.

                      There were other features that I think quite a large number of people found annoying: the cult of the internet, the tweeting and so forth, and I definitely didn’t like the enormous arrogance which prompted the Occupiers to claim that they were indeed the most important radical surge in living memory.

                      Where was the knowledge of, let along the respect for the past? We had the non-violent resistors of the Forties organising against the war with enormous courage. The Fifties saw leftists took McCarthyism full on the chin. With the Sixties we were making efforts at revolutionary organisation and resistance.
Yet when one raised this history with someone from Occupy, I encountered total indifference.

                      There also seemed to be a serious level of political naivety about the shape of the society they were seeking to change. They definitely thought that it could be reshaped – the notion that the whole system was unfixable did not get much of a hearing.

After a while it seemed as though, in Tom Naylor’s question in this site: “Is it possible that the real purpose of Occupy Wall Street has little to do with either the 99 per cent or the one per cent, but rather everything to do with keeping the political left in America decentralised, widely dispersed, very busy, and completely impotent to deal with the collapse of the American empire…

                      “Occupiers are all occupied doing exactly what their handlers would have them be doing, namely, being fully occupied. In summary, Occupy Wall Street represents a huge distraction.”

                      Then the rains of winter came. Zuccotti Park came under repeated assault, the tents were cleared from zucotti Park and from St Paul’s Cathedral and by early this year it was all over.

                      People have written complicated pieces trying to prove it’s not over, but if ever I saw a dead movement, it is surely Occupy.
                      Has it left anything worth remembering? Yes, maybe. With Bob Diamond squirming before British MPs, and politicians jostling to apportion blame for the Barclays scandal, memories of the 99 per cent and the one per cent are surely at least warm in the coffin.

                      Everything leftists predicted came true, just as everything hard-eyed analysts predicted about the likely but unwelcome course of ecstatic populism in Tahrir Square also came true. ·I do think it’s incumbent on those veteran radicals who wrote hundreds of articles or more proclaiming a religious conversion to Occupyism, to give a proper account of themselves, otherwise it will happen all over again.



                      • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

                        Originally posted by don View Post
                        CounterPunch Diary
                        Biggest Financial Scandal in Britain’s History, Yet Not a Single Occupy Sign; What Happened?
                        “Occupiers are all occupied doing exactly what their handlers would have them be doing, namely, being fully occupied. In summary, Occupy Wall Street represents a huge distraction.”

                        but distracted in the same sense, somewhat ironically, that
                        got so little attention from the lamestream media (with all due respect/recognition for dave stratman's very well written piece) since it didnt reflect well on 'their team' - if it had, there would've been at least as much publicity about it as... umm... kim kardashian's wedding (never mind divorce) or 'gender identity' issues...

                        or like this particular editorial

                        or this tv show

                        where's the outrage over these?

                        zip, zilch, NADA baybee....


                        • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

                          Originally posted by don View Post
                          CounterPunch Diary Biggest Financial Scandal in Britain’s History, Yet Not a Single Occupy Sign; What Happened? by ALEXANDER COCKBURN Since what is now going is being described as “the greatest financial scandal in the history of Britain” — the Barclays imbroglio – I have a question to ask. Where are those tents outside St Pauls? Or ones in solidarity this side of the Atlantic? Where are the vibrant reminders that – as has happened in the Barclays case – there is most definitely one law for the 1% (none, in fact) and another for the 99 %?
                          The purpose of this post is to close-off future dissidence.
                          But I held my tongue. I had no particular better idea and for a CounterPuncher of mature years to start laying down the program seemed cocky. But, deep down, I felt that Occupy, with all its fancy talk, all its endless speechifying, was riding for a fall.
                          Rubbish. Alex is in the top 10 of most arrogant people I've ever met. He would have had no problem demonstrating his "cockiness" on this matter, had he chosen to.
                          The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                          • Re: Occupy Movement: First Fruit - Paradigm Shift

                            Another point of view, perhaps even an interesting one....

                            The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin

