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Soros, #OWS, and Reuters

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  • Soros, #OWS, and Reuters

    On George Soros, Occupy Wall Street, and Reuters

    Wouldn’t it be ironic if Occupy Wall Street — the soi-disant “99%” — were being secretly funded by billionaire Davos Man George Soros, exemplar of the 1%? Well, no, it wouldn’t, actually. As Noreen Malone points out, lots of the 1% have, like Soros, expressed sympathy with OWS, including Bill Clinton, Ben Bernanke, and at least one member of the Buffett family. And when you’re sympathetic to a cause, and have lots of money, often you donate money to that cause.

    But in this case it looks very much as though there’s no connection at all between Soros and OWS. That makes sense: for one thing, Soros is a creature of Wall Street himself, and for another, he tends to fund well-organized groups with specific goals. Which, clearly, OWS isn’t.

    Which is why today’s Reuters story about the connection between Soros and OWS has elicited so much derision around the blogosphere. Beyond allowing us to shoehorn the #ows and #soros hashtags into a single tweet, there’s no real substance to it at all...
    Full article here.
    Last edited by *T*; October 27, 2011, 03:42 AM. Reason: link not obvious to all
    It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.

  • #2
    Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters - Dress rehearsal for OWS was in 2009 - Michael Moore

    Michael Moore and Marc Gopin had a dress rehearsal for OWS at the DC Premiere of Michael Moore's Movie on Capitalism.

    Kobi Skolnick is Marc Gopin's - employee and one of the public leaders of Occupy Wall Street.

    From Huffington Post article: "Kobi Skolnick, an organizer with Occupy Wall Street, told HuffPost that the congressional enthusiasm for the tax holiday is "a reflection of the deep disconnect between the representatives of the people and the people."

    The people, he said by phone from lower Manhattan, "are complaining about this corporate greed, and clearly nobody is listening."

    Marc Gopins Non-profit - Center for World Religions -staff list is found here and Mr Skolnick is Kobi Skolnick, Director of Leadership Development
    Last edited by BK; October 25, 2011, 08:34 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters - Dress rehearsal for OWS was in 2009 - Michael Moore

      How do you identify an Occupy Wall Street leader?

      One danger of this movement not having a detailed platform nor structure is that any charlatan can jump in.

      Already there are examples of activists from other areas trying to horn in:


      And then there are the Judas Goats:


      • #4
        Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters - Dress rehearsal for OWS was in 2009 - Michael Moore

        1. The best way to make it impossible to have a fruitful negotiation - is to have no leader.
        2. I'm convinced that Michael Moore and Marc Gopin are key creators of this Event. I also believe they understood because of the choas in the financial markets and high unemployment many others would join in.

        The difference between the supposed leaders you offer is they are not paid employees of an organization like Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University - this Non-profit is very Politically active - I believe their primary Political Activists interest lie in the MiddleEast, but Mr Gopin is wise enough to understand that if the USA can be consume with self hatred then the Palestine-Israel question will drop from our focus.

        I could be wrong - but, the Video from 2009 is very telling - a mini OWS.


        • #5
          Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters

          Soros understands how to influence society and the fundmentals of crisis creation. This video touches the surface.

          The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


          • #6
            Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters - Dress rehearsal for OWS was in 2009 - Michael Moore

            They don't want to negotiate. Negotiation implies compromise.
            It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


            • #7
              Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters

              Reggie, the OP was for your benefit, care to substantially respond to the content?
              It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


              • #8
                Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters

                Originally posted by *T* View Post
                Reggie, the OP was for your benefit, care to substantially respond to the content?
                First, where did that quote come from?

                Second, I just love how that clip is framed, characterizing these actors as being "sympathetic" to the cause. That's a diversion.

                Third, we can go around and around about who funded what and what evidence there is to support such funding, but that is a diversion. The much larger and much more important point is to understand the system, and the science behind that. This is a big task, and hopefully over time, and in my own way, i can add to that understanding here.

                I've already started posting some preliminary videos regarding Smart (soft) power. I will follow that up with information about Cybernetic systems, Popper's Open Soceity thesis, Heinz von Foresters Power Laws and try to show where this science came from, why it is important, and how it has resulted in techniques that are being implemented today.

                Finally, to understand why elites are behind the global protests, one must realize that real Soft Power is based on owning the "Narratives", not just the pro-system narrratives, but the anti-systems/anti-establishment narratives as well. That's what we see here, and it is important because the narratives must be designed to apply the appropriate Positive/negative feedback into the Cybernetically designed system (in order to achieve the desired results).
                The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                • #9
                  Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters

                  Originally posted by reggie View Post
                  First, where did that quote come from?
                  The quote in the OP? It comes from the article linked by the title, I will edit the OP to make it clearer.

                  Second, I just love how that clip is framed, characterizing these actors as being "sympathetic" to the cause. That's a diversion.

                  Third, we can go around and around about who funded what and what evidence there is to support such funding, but that is a diversion. The much larger and much more important point is to understand the system, and the science behind that. This is a big task, and hopefully over time, and in my own way, i can add to that understanding here.

                  I've already started posting some preliminary videos regarding Smart (soft) power. I will follow that up with information about Cybernetic systems, Popper's Open Soceity thesis, Heinz von Foresters Power Laws and try to show where this science came from, why it is important, and how it has resulted in techniques that are being implemented today.

                  Finally, to understand why elites are behind the global protests, one must realize that real Soft Power is based on owning the "Narratives", not just the pro-system narrratives, but the anti-systems/anti-establishment narratives as well. That's what we see here, and it is important because the narratives must be designed to apply the appropriate Positive/negative feedback into the Cybernetically designed system (in order to achieve the desired results).
                  Well, I'm not sure what to make of the rest of your points, but my area of research is feedback control (not really called cybernetics since the 60's) so if you have any papers showing how such theory has been applied to propaganda / social systems, I'd be all ears.
                  It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


                  • #10
                    Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters

                    Originally posted by *T* View Post
                    The quote in the OP? It comes from the article linked by the title, I will edit the OP to make it clearer.

                    Well, I'm not sure what to make of the rest of your points, but my area of research is feedback control (not really called cybernetics since the 60's) so if you have any papers showing how such theory has been applied to propaganda / social systems, I'd be all ears.
                    I use the term "Cybernetics" because of its closeness to it's Greek origin (Kybernotos), meaning "pilot" or "steersman," as I don't want to lose that reference. But yes, now we see terms like "Control Theory," and when I was studying it (long time ago) we referred to it as simply "Dynamics & Control" or "Orbital Mechanics."

                    As far as white papers, I'm not aware of anything out there that summarises the complexities in a single neat package. But if you have a background in the topic I would think that you're familiar with the work of people like Weiner, Ashby, Beers, John Boyd, and perhaps even aware of the work that came out of the 8-Macy Conferences of the 40's & 50's.

                    In Weiner's "The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society" he offers a deep analysis of information processes as the foundation of a new structure of Society in the 21st Century. But this was only a prediction without providing detailed arguments. Such details with solid scientific foundation were made later by Stafford Beer.

                    "When I control the actions of another person, I communicate a message to him, and although this message is in the imperative mood, the technique of communication does not differ from that of a message of fact. Furthermore, if my control is to be effective I must take cognizance of any messages from him which may indicate that the order is understood and has been obeyed."

                    "The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society"
                    In Introduction to Cybernetics (1964), Ross Ashby addresses how the human brain supplements its regulatory capacity beyond gene-patterns, explaining that this comes from "environment., which he suggests is an amplifier that can be increased to develop finely tuned regulators.

                    from page 271....

                    "Whence comes the supplementation? From random sources as
                    in S.12/15 and from the environment itself! For it is the environment
                    that is forced to provide much of the determination about
                    how the organism shall act. Thus gene-pattern and environment
                    both contribute to the shaping of the fully developed adult, and in
                    this way the quantity of design supplied by the gene-pattern is
                    supplemented by design (as variety and information) coming
                    from the environment. Thus the adult eventually shows more regulatory
                    capacity than could have been determined by the
                    gene-pattern alone. The amplification of regulation is thus no new
                    thing, for the higher animals, those that adapt by learning, discovered
                    the method long ago.

                    May it not be possible that the amplification can be increased
                    even further? If so, is there not a possibility that we can use our
                    present powers of regulation to form a more highly developed
                    regulator, of much more than human capacity, that can regulate
                    the various ills that occur in society, which, in relation to us, is a
                    very large system?"
                    in Beer's first book "Cybernetics and Management," he described an enterprise as a living organism. Later he developed the Viable System Model (VSM) as a recursive structure valid from the workshop of an enterprise (Ashby, and others, show that it applies to the human brain as well) to the state as a whole. Following this universal structure Beer extended the VSM beyond a state, in his World Syntegrity Project.
                    "In 1986 Stafford Beer was appointed Coordinator of the World Cybernetic Commission of the World Government of World Citizens. Beer called for a World Syntegration with data fed from the Viable System Model for real-time ethical development of the planet."

                    Beer provides an explanation of the VSM theory in his trilogy:

                    Brain of the Firm (1971)

                    The Heart of the Enterprise (1979)

                    Diagnosing the System (1985).

                    If you would like links to John Boyd, or info on the Macy Conferences then let me know and I'll dig into my notes and post some relevant material
                    The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                    • #11
                      Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters - Dress rehearsal for OWS was in 2009 - Michael Moore

                      Yes, the weakness of the Occupy Wall Street protests nationwide are exactly the weakness of the Obama Administration: What is the clear message of the protests, and what is the legislative plan of the progressives in the Obama Administration?

                      Here are some groups that in my opinion hurt the progressive cause and dilute the message of the OWS protests and the Obama Administration:

                      1.) The eco-frauds and their anti-carbon agenda, anti-oil, anti-coal, anti-natural gas, and anti-nuclear power agenda, not to mention their preservation of rare mice and mosquito agenda, their pro-EPA and pro-regulation and pro- big government agenda, their anti-development agenda, and their quite obvious anti-people and anti-civilization agenda;

                      2.) The fun-seekers with their painted faces, drum-beating, horn-tooting, intoxication, and general carnival presentation at the protests;

                      3.) The Middle-East protesters who want to divert the focus of the protest to the happenings in the Middle-East;

                      4.) The labour aristocrats ( for example, in the teachers' unions ) who want to keep the system ( such as the school system & the school curriculum ) more or less the way it is now;

                      5.) The ultra-nationalists and xenophobic members of the protests who oppose free-trade, oppose open immigration, oppose open borders and oppose NAFTA;

                      6.) The anti-abortionists and pro-abortionists, both of which are not (and should not) be the focus of these protests;

                      7.) The gay, lesbian, and feminism protesters, all of which are not ( and should not ) be the focus of these protests;

                      8.) The anti-capitalism protesters which are diluting the principle message of the protests--- which should be that the Federal Reserve Bank has no business to be bailing-out nor assisting banks nor assisting Wall Street stock/bond trading firms;

                      9.) The green power ( pro-wind and pro-solar ) protesters which have nothing to do with the focus of these protests;

                      10.) The pro-pot & pro-drugs protesters which have nothing to do with the focus of these protests;

                      11.) The anti-tar sands, anti-pipeline, anti-drilling, and anti-fracking protesters, all of which are protests about issues that have nothing to do with what ought to be the focus of the OWS protests;

                      Finally, the focus of the OWS and the Obama Administration should be very clear; it should be:

                      a.) Complete national health insurance for everyone in America, regardless of who they are;

                      b.) A cut in military spending, especially for foreign interventions and nation-building adventures in other countries;

                      c.) A progressive and simple tax policy, including a federal sales tax to balance the budget and eliminate the national debt;

                      d.) A strong dollar backed by gold, and an anti-inflation strategy in monetary policy;

                      e.) A pro-jobs and pro-people programme such as a capital works programme like the WPA in the 1930s;

                      f.) A pro-energy policy including a pro-nuclear power policy and pro-drilling policy;

                      g.) A government to help the common person strategy;

                      h.) A complete reform ( or abolishment ) of the Federal Reserve Bank in America;

                      i.) A strategy of daily leadership in the Congress to hold the Congress responsible for blocking these programmes; bills which are voted down should be re-introduced immediately, and the President should then go directly to the people to put pressure on the Congress;

                      j.) The Constitution should be up-dated (amended) so that the federal government is not in permanent grid-lock.
                      Last edited by Starving Steve; October 28, 2011, 11:42 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters - Dress rehearsal for OWS was in 2009 - Michael Moore

                        Starving Steve,
                        If the Federal Reserve is abolished - wouldn't that lead to a all of the Government sponsored programs you recommend being completely un-affordable?


                        • #13
                          Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters

                          Originally posted by reggie View Post
                          If you would like links to John Boyd, or info on the Macy Conferences then let me know and I'll dig into my notes and post some relevant material
                          In followup to my earlier post, below is a HTML agenda-summary of the Macy Conferences and Dupuy's book-summary of the conferences, which I believe is the only summary available. I believe a review of these works will demonstrate a concerted effort to apply the theories of Cybernetics to human behaviour and society.

                          SUMMARY: The Macy Conferences

                          On the Origins of Cognitive Science: The Mechanization of the Mind
                          Jean-Pierre Dupuy
                          The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                          • #14
                            Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters

                            FYI.... I've attached a PDF from the Introduction of The Mechanization of the Mind
                            THE SELF-MECHANIZED MIND


                            From 1946 to 1953 ten conferences--the first nine held at the Beekman Hotel at 575 Park Avenue in New York, the last at the Nassau Inn in Princeton, New Jersey--brought together at regular intervals some of the greatest minds of the twentieth century. Sponsored by the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, these meetings have since come to be known as the Macy Conferences. The mathematicians, logicians, engineers, physiologists, neurophysiologists, psychologists, anthropologists, and economists who took part set themselves the task of constructing a general science of how the human mind works. What brought them together, what they discussed, and what came of a collaboration unique in the history of ideas--these things form the subject of the present volume.

                            Every group of this kind adopts a code name as a way of affirming its identity. In the case of the Macy Conferences it was "cybernetics." Today this name has fallen out of fashion, to say the least. Since 1954 the project undertaken by the Cybernetics Group1 has been carried on under a series of different names, ultimately coming to be known as "cognitive science." Why cognitive science today is ashamed of its cybernetic heritage is one of the chief questions I wish to address.

                            More at PDF attachment
                            Attached Files
                            The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                            • #15
                              Re: Soros, #OWS, and Reuters

                              Originally posted by reggie
                              In followup to my earlier post, below is a HTML agenda-summary of the Macy Conferences and Dupuy's book-summary of the conferences, which I believe is the only summary available. I believe a review of these works will demonstrate a concerted effort to apply the theories of Cybernetics to human behaviour and society.
                              More laborious hand waving with little substance.

