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The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

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  • #16
    Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

    touchring, that is an amazing example of compassion at work. Should be required viewing in schools.


    • #17
      Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

      Originally posted by Shakespear View Post
      touchring, that is an amazing example of compassion at work. Should be required viewing in schools.

      You reap what you sow.

      This is what the communist officials fear. A backlash from the people. The next 3 years will reveal the real China. I think that will be the black swan event most international investors will be surprised by.
      Last edited by touchring; October 18, 2011, 03:37 AM.


      • #18
        Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

        There is saying that states that if you want to control someone you better not take everything away from them, because if you do then they have nothing to lose. Hence you have no control over them. This lesson is a old as this planet I think but most tend to think that TODAY things are different.

        Karma works even on the level of a nation.


        • #19
          Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

          Originally posted by swannmex View Post

          1. The Chinese kid thing happened in public, not in the privacy of a home.

          2. Numerous people ignored the child in China, which is sufficient proof to me that this behavior is at least close to the norm.

          3. In America, children are often given extra compassion. In many cases where an adult might be left lying in the street, assumed to be high or drunk, strangers, even criminals, will make extra efforts to assist and inquire about a child. In a recent case burglars turned in a pedophile when they found child porn on his computer, even knowing they would be admitting to their own crime.

          So, swing and a miss on this one.


          • #20
            Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

            It's certainly disgusting how far some of us have fallen with apathy and lack of compassion. But let's consider some contrasts to the China story;

            1. How is one to tell a stabbed man laying on the ground who is a "hero" from a criminal or other mutual combatant?

            2. You're talking about NYC. Hardly representative of America. People laying in the street is not that uncommon. Try rousting one who isn't dying one day and see what happens to you.

            3. Were his wounds visable to all passers by? If not, maybe he was assumed to be sleeping/under the influence.

            4. The other guy who lifted his head and shook him was probably going to rob him till he saw blood and didn't think a murder rap was worth it. So you're dealing with a criminal, not a regular citizen.

            5. This was an adult male, not a 3 year old child, who would certainly be harmless.

            6. The man was on the sidewalk, not in the street where traffic would obviously soon harm him.

            None of this excuses not at least placing a call to 911 to report it. But it's not the same situation as the little girl.


            • #21
              Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

              So the takeaway from viewing this one video is that Chinese people in general don't care or have compassion for children? OK by me if that works for you. Ever consider that the US as a Nation ( while we generally have compassion for small dogs and our own children ) has collectively ignored any responsibility for the results of our foreign policy ? Much easier if you don't have to actually see the dead children of course. I'm just not sure there is much point in people going out of their way to claim the high ground when the rest of the world probably views most Americans the way most Americans apparently view the Chinese.


              • #22
                Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

                Originally posted by touchring View Post

                CCTV video with English subtitles (Warning: Somewhat graphic).
                This is not SOMEWHAT graphic. It is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. You see the child driven over by the front wheel of the vehicle, which stops, and then slowly drives over the child with the rear wheel, all in full sight. The child's blood or other body fluids are ejected and smeared by the vehicles wheels.

                Do not watch this unless you want to see something you may not be able to get out of your mind.


                • #23
                  Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

                  Originally posted by Shakespear View Post
                  There is saying that states that if you want to control someone you better not take everything away from them, because if you do then they have nothing to lose. Hence you have no control over them. This lesson is a old as this planet I think but most tend to think that TODAY things are different.

                  Karma works even on the level of a nation.

                  It doesn't work this way in autocratic countries. The way autocrats rule is in fact to take away everything from the people. Take away their morality, their humanity, their faith, and they will fight among themselves like wild animals over food and shelter.

                  Ever seen the movie "Rise of the planet of the apes". Once they unite, that's when trouble for the masters begins.

                  Originally posted by Mn_Mark View Post
                  This is not SOMEWHAT graphic. It is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. You see the child driven over by the front wheel of the vehicle, which stops, and then slowly drives over the child with the rear wheel, all in full sight. The child's blood or other body fluids are ejected and smeared by the vehicles wheels.

                  Do not watch this unless you want to see something you may not be able to get out of your mind.
                  Thank you for point this out, I've amended the notice.
                  Last edited by touchring; October 18, 2011, 11:45 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

                    Please look up "bystander effect".


                    • #25
                      Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

                      "Rise of the planet of the apes".
                      Yes I have. It was inspiring as was "Soilent Green". However Hollywood for me is not a good cinema any more for dissecting Machiavellian Rulers. As soon as you dig deeper into the subject (history books) you come to the realization that you have been had.

                      I would recommend sampling films from the "Foreign Cinema" section to see what I mean, IF one has the sensibility to understand the problem. This is not a sole problem of the US viewer, in all fairness. People are people.

                      Once they unite, that's when trouble for the masters begins.
                      Todays rulers world over have learned the lessons of the past in how to deal with this. I believe it was Lenin who said that the best way to deal with opposition is to lead it. Wink wink ....


                      • #26
                        Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

                        Another incident caught on cam.


                        Trucker hit boy... then ran over him again to be sure he'd died 'because it was cheaper than paying for hospital bills'

                        By Lee Moran

                        A lorry driver ran over a five-year-old boy – and then reversed over him to make sure he was dead in an apparent attempt to avoid footing hospital bills for the child.

                        The sickening incident happened in Luzhou, western China, when driver Ao Yong hit Xiong Maoke as he left home to walk to school.

                        Witness Zhang Shifen said: ‘I saw the truck move back a little and then move forward again. Xiong became wrapped up in the wheel and the truck continued forward another ten yards.’

                        Fatal: Xiong Maoke's mother sits beside the truck that killed her five-year-old son

                        Sickening: The truck that killed Xiong as he was walked home to school in Luzhou, western China

                        Other passers-by said the lorry driver jumped from his cab after hitting the boy. They claimed Yong then asked: ‘How much shall I pay?’
                        Police said Yong, a 35-year-old lorry driver from Luxian, argued with the boy’s family about the size of the damages for seven hours.
                        After the latest incident, Yong denied reversing over the boy to kill him. Last night, police and government staff insisted Xiong died on impact.
                        Their investigation ruled that Yong was the first person to call the police after his truck hit the boy in the village of Yunfeng, in Luzhou, Sichuan province.
                        They said his body was not removed immediately because angry villagers were demanding instant compensation from the driver.
                        In heartrending scenes, the boy's mother sat shocked next to the covered body of her five-year-old son.

                        A string of such horrific cases have led to soul-searching in China, where the economic boom has been blamed for fuelling materialism at the cost of compassion.
                        Handing over compensation if an accident victim dies is seen by many Chinese as cheaper than paying for lengthy hospital treatment. The Communist regime does not provide free healthcare for its 1.3billion citizens.
                        The fear of high medical bills is also thought to be behind a second accident in China in which a two-year-old girl was run over twice but ignored by more than a dozen passers-by.

                        Video footage showed Wang Yue being hit by two vehicles and left for dead. The film was seen by millions on the internet and caused an outcry. Both drivers were arrested. One was charged with causing her death.

                        Ignored: In a similar incident the previous week, Yue Yue was left with horrific brain injuries and never recovered
                        The latest incident came just one week after toddler Yue Yue was knocked down by two vehicles on a busy market street.
                        The gruesome ordeal, captured by security cameras, showed the bleeding child was ignored by 18 passers-by before she was picked up by a scrap picker and given to her mother, who rushed to the street looking for her.

                        A week after the accident, she died in hospital.

                        Two drivers suspected of running over the Chinese toddler were arrested on Sunday.
                        The Beijing News and other outlets reported that police in the city of Foshan concluded their initial investigation and ordered the two men formally arrested, a step that almost always leads to a trial.


                        • #27
                          Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

                          In times of high stress and in that high paced setting, I think most people shut out traumatic events because they wont take the time to engage. If it was an adult rather than child would someone stop? I doubt it. This is a horrific story, but let's widen the parameters and be objective before pointing the finger at China.

                          Someone mentioned Good Samaritan law. There is a story of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, New Testament. Of the three people passing by, the one least expected to stop did- and he was an enemy (north israel) of the beaten up left for dead victim. The good samaritan stopped, cared for and paid (open account) for lodging for the victim. Way beyond what was expected compared to the two religious leaders who ignored the victim by walking on other side of street.

                          Why did Jesus Christ tell this story? The person who provoked Jesus to tell the Good Samaritan story thought he was deserving of eternal life in heaven because he followed religious laws, good guy, compassionate. Jesus's point is no one can love an enemy with a full open account 100% of the time which is why we all need mercy.

                          This child in China was no enemy of anyone. Yet it does illustrate whether it is China America or Europe we are for the most part selfish human beings- look out for ourselves. So before I point the finger at anyone in China, I need to search my own heart. Who did I ignore today that was not run over physically but run over emotionally because of a deceased wife or recent bankruptcy. I can think of at least one situation, how about you?


                          • #28
                            Re: The Real China: Chinese toddler run over twice after being left on street

                            Originally posted by jpetr48 View Post
                            In times of high stress and in that high paced setting, I think most people shut out traumatic events because they wont take the time to engage. If it was an adult rather than child would someone stop? I doubt it. This is a horrific story, but let's widen the parameters and be objective before pointing the finger at China.

                            Someone mentioned Good Samaritan law. There is a story of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, New Testament. Of the three people passing by, the one least expected to stop did- and he was an enemy (north israel) of the beaten up left for dead victim. The good samaritan stopped, cared for and paid (open account) for lodging for the victim. Way beyond what was expected compared to the two religious leaders who ignored the victim by walking on other side of street.

                            Why did Jesus Christ tell this story? The person who provoked Jesus to tell the Good Samaritan story thought he was deserving of eternal life in heaven because he followed religious laws, good guy, compassionate. Jesus's point is no one can love an enemy with a full open account 100% of the time which is why we all need mercy.

                            This child in China was no enemy of anyone. Yet it does illustrate whether it is China America or Europe we are for the most part selfish human beings- look out for ourselves. So before I point the finger at anyone in China, I need to search my own heart. Who did I ignore today that was not run over physically but run over emotionally because of a deceased wife or recent bankruptcy. I can think of at least one situation, how about you?

                            I agree in the concept of Judge Not Lest You Be Judged ...

                            These are not unique cases, there are plenty of such cases, many unreported. I'm putting these up for discussion so that we can better understand the mentality in China and to understand what the "New World Order" entails.

                            Sun Tze says, "know your opponent and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles".

                            I believe that international investors underestimate the impact that China can have world stock markets and commodity prices, including the price of gold. Let's not forget that the Chinese stock market crash presided the Dow by 4 months and the Chinese stock market rebounded Nov 2008, 4 months before the Dow.

                            Last edited by touchring; October 25, 2011, 10:03 AM.

