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"Liar's Poker" any one ?

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  • "Liar's Poker" any one ?

    Worth reading

    That cheerful scenario is precisely the subject of Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World, Lewis's jaunty yet scary account of his travels in four countries at the heart of the crisis. He visits Iceland to investigate just how a tiny island nation in the middle of the North Atlantic could go through one of the most spectacular banking boom-and-busts in history. He trawls through the sorry tale of the Irish real estate bubble and the epic tragedy that is Greece before examining Germany: Europe's reluctant rescuer. But finally, and harrowingly, he ends his journey back in the US, warning that Americans have little reason to feel safe from the danger. Instead, they are simply last in line.

  • #2
    Re: "Liar's Poker" any one ?

    Much of the book was excerpted in Vanity Fair and showed up on itulip… the trips to Greece, Ireland, Iceland, and Germany. Parts of the last chapter, “Too Fat to Fly,” is currently online at

    The writing is fine, but the analysis is disjointed to say the least. And in the end, it’s too simplistic.


    • #3
      Re: "Liar's Poker" any one ?

      Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
      Much of the book was excerpted in Vanity Fair and showed up on itulip… the trips to Greece, Ireland, Iceland, and Germany. Parts of the last chapter, “Too Fat to Fly,” is currently online at

      The writing is fine, but the analysis is disjointed to say the least. And in the end, it’s too simplistic.

      That's typical of Lewis, who is a gifted writer but is more interested in weaving stories than rigorous analysis. He's always good for a few laughs, though.

      In this realm of writing, I prefer Matt Taibbi.


      • #4
        Re: "Liar's Poker" any one ?

        I read elsewhere that Liar's Poker and Lewis' book about the GFC were both recently optioned for Hollywood films.

