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Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.

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  • #31
    Re: Occupy Seattle - Pictures of the 99

    Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
    Understand the cynicism that prevails. But it seems to me that these protests are, at least in part, about reforming the system. I see no reason why one cannot try to start reforming the system by using the avenues already available. If they don't like the candidates they should run their own slate.

    I know the above may sound trite, but I really believe that a democratic system where there is widespread participation is sounder than one where the majority of eligible voters have dropped out...and then start protesting against the very system they have ignored.
    I only know a handful of people who participate in protest events, but they are uniformly those who are the most engaged - not the least engaged. It is only when one DOES vote, but sees no one on the ballot with an interest in creating real change, that one becomes frustrated enough to protest. The people you refer to who are too disengaged to vote are logically also too disengaged to protest, since that requires a much higher level of energy. Sorry, but blaming their disaffection on their own inaction is at best misguided.

    As for running their own slate (which you admit sounds trite -- and it is) it completely misses the point that to do so in the current system requires accumulating the large pools of money which they are trying to get out of the system. In other words, you are suggesting that they give in before they even start. Small change can indeed be implemented within an existing system. But only if it is indeed small change. The spectacular failure of previous attempts at campaign finance reform, including McCain-Feingold, are proof of this.

    I'm not saying that I agree with the demands of the protestors. (heck, I'm not even sure if THEY know what those demands are!) But to dismiss the frustration that is evident on the street in the manner quoted here is merely to show that one is either entirely missing the point, or more likely, pre-judging their concerns before bothering to hear, let alone understand, them.

    For my part, I will continue to watch with interest, and try to learn more. I suspect that this is just the beginning of something, and am not sure yet just what.


    • #32
      Re: Occupy Seattle - Pictures of the 99

      Here in the United States every local election seemed to go to the "Big Spender" politician types for the last thirty years. I'd ventured that many of these people voted for Politicians who were for Building a Big new School (no problem, just issue some Debt), higher salaries for every municipal employee (raise taxes on property because Real Estate always goes up), Astro Turf for juniors soccer games (Muni Bond market is a god send), Convert perfectly good railroad system into Bikeways (more Muni debt). You can't take the Savings of a nation and pour the saving in to Non-producing assets (assets that don't produce an economic benefit for society like a new factory or railway system that lowers the cost of delivering goods to an area). Most local Investment initiatives raised a Tax on the citizens in the form of higher debt service, higher property taxes, or taking a perfectly good Railroad system out of commission for good - People do go Mad in Herds.

      Local issues eventually impact the National stage and this is especially true when the Voter/Citizens think there is a Free Lunch. The bill for the 'Free Lunch' is arriving and the patrons/citizens/voters are surprised and angry.


      • #33
        Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.

        Hey Guys, if you want to see pictures from OWS' Zuccotti Park Sunday October 9, 2011, demonstration they are here:
        Last edited by BillBoard; October 16, 2011, 01:37 PM.


        • #34
          Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.

          Some video of what it was like to be at Liberty Park / Zuccotti Park on Oct. 9th, 2011.

          Last edited by BillBoard; October 16, 2011, 07:16 PM.


          • #35
            Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.




            • #36
              Re: Occupy Seattle - Pictures of the 99

              Originally posted by BK View Post
              Here in the United States every local election seemed to go to the "Big Spender" politician types for the last thirty years. I'd ventured that many of these people voted for Politicians who were for Building a Big new School (no problem, just issue some Debt), higher salaries for every municipal employee (raise taxes on property because Real Estate always goes up), Astro Turf for juniors soccer games (Muni Bond market is a god send), Convert perfectly good railroad system into Bikeways (more Muni debt). You can't take the Savings of a nation and pour the saving in to Non-producing assets (assets that don't produce an economic benefit for society like a new factory or railway system that lowers the cost of delivering goods to an area). Most local Investment initiatives raised a Tax on the citizens in the form of higher debt service, higher property taxes, or taking a perfectly good Railroad system out of commission for good - People do go Mad in Herds.

              Local issues eventually impact the National stage and this is especially true when the Voter/Citizens think there is a Free Lunch. The bill for the 'Free Lunch' is arriving and the patrons/citizens/voters are surprised and angry.
              esp the 'surprised' part
              read: par for the course of bluestates

              aka: freelunch-atopia
              it would all be so funny but for the fact We All get to pay now, for the BS promises of the bluestate political hacks!


              • #37
                Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.

                theres at least ONE person who GETS IT

                award for: Most Enlightened Sign...

                Originally posted by BillBoard View Post

                OWS Demostration Oct. 9, 2011
                also have to think there's a great metaphor here, with his arm in a sling, eh?


                • #38
                  Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.

                  thanks for the vids & pix, mr B

                  caught this one in another series

                  this dude with the CHASE sign, now HE GETS IT:

                  11 of 51 photos


                  • #39
                    Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.

                    Check out the new website coming up for OWS:


                    • #40
                      Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.

                      The MSM will not tell the truth, well here is more reporting from the trenches:



                      • #41
                        Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.

                        Behind the scenes of OWS:


                        • #42
                          Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.

                          Originally posted by BillBoard View Post
                          What a great video. Thanks for sharing!


                          • #43
                            Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.

                            I'm still looking for someone carrying a sign that says "Repeal GATT". Has anyone seen one yet?
                            The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                            • #44
                              Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.


                              The Main Stream Media is telling everyone that Occupy Wall Streeters are a bunch of whining irresponsible losers that do not know what they want.

                              Occupy Wall Streeters know what they want, and why they want it. You may not fully understand what is going on, but if you are having problems paying your bills due to a lack of work or opportunities, you are already feeling the reasons why people are occupying Wall Street.

                              The first and most important thing that Occupy Wall Street people want is the abolishment of the Federal Reserve Bank. The reason why? Because it is a private bank that issues the money of our country under Usury to the detriment of all the people that do not own a share in the Federal Reserve Bank.

                              The second thing Occupy Wall Street people want is competing currencies. By having competing currencies you remove from the Central Bank the awesome power to leave you homeless at their whim.

                              You will see Occupy Wall Streeters with different signs and slogans, but that does not mean they do not know what they want, they do, and do not let the government media tell you differently. If you let government shape your view of the Occupy Wall Street movement, you will soon find yourself unable to pay your rent or mortgage, unemployed and unable to feed your children.

                              All we ask is for a fair chance to compete, and that begins by abolishing the Federal Reserve Bank and having competing currencies


                              • #45
                                Re: Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.

                                You want to know what will happen with the OWS movement if those running government do not get their **** together and tell the greedy ****s running the shadow government and Wall Street to go **** themselves?

                                1. The movement will place a heavy burden on security services, local governments will have police crack down and begin abusing and hurting protesters.

                                2. As more people joint the ranks of the poor and unemployed, the heavier the burden on security services, government will suspend all civil liberties.

                                3. Protestors will respond to the lack of civil liberties with acts of violence, bombs, shootings, sabotage, etc.

                                4. Government will respond by shutting off freedom of movement and installing check points to control the movement of dissidents.

                                5. Government will implement massive propaganda campaigns to turn neighbors against neighbors, they will reward those that side with the government with economic rewards, i.e. jobs, food, fuel, etc.

                                6. The economy will break complete down and civil war will ensue.

                                7. Pending the outcome of the civil war, the reconstruction cycle will begin again.

                                This has happened since the beginning of time where Usury has been the primary economic model.

