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Wall St protest gaining strengh?

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  • #16
    Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

    Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
    True, but did you ever think you'd see this outside a federal reserve building?
    Frankly, I've pretty much seen it before. Not exactly, but some of the big demos in Washington and Boston. IMF and World Bank annual meets, the DNC circa 2000-2004.


    • #17
      Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

      My mother works for a private company with offices in the Boston Fed. building. I can't wait to hear what she has to say on Monday evening. I'm going to tell her a little about this tomorrow.


      • #18
        Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

        The top headlines on Google Finance are all protest related...


        • #19
          Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

          Day 14... "CAN YOU HEAR US NOW?"

          700 Arrested on Brooklyn Bridge (RT- Russian Television)



          OCCUPYWALLSTREET Day 13 (


          TOP VIRAL VIDEO FOR OCCUPY WALLSTREET (Women crying from peperspray - 1.25 Million hits & counting)



          Last edited by Adeptus; October 02, 2011, 03:12 AM.
          Warning: Network Engineer talking economics!


          • #20
            Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

            I saw this in a comment on ZeroHedge - it's not dated, but it's right from JP Morgan's website. I googled it, and sure enough, it's very recent:



            JPMorgan Chase recently donated an unprecedented $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation. The gift was the largest in the history of the foundation and will enable the New York City Police Department to strengthen security in the Big Apple. The money will pay for 1,000 new patrol car laptops, as well as security monitoring software in the NYPD's main data center.

            New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly sent CEO and Chairman Jamie Dimon a note expressing "profound gratitude" for the company's donation.
            "These officers put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe," Dimon said. "We're incredibly proud to help them build this program and let them know how much we value their hard work."



            • #21
              Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

              The police can't accept donations so they are funneled through the foundation. They take their cut and pass it on. They also get the money from the use of the NYPD logo. Many of the horses the cops ride around on are donated to the foundation and then passed on. The NYPD doesn't trust the Feds so they deploy officers overseas to get intel in a more timely manner. The foundation pays the bill.


              • #22
                Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?


                NYT changing the truth(blame)!


                • #23
                  Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

                  Steal trillions and spend a few million on protection. It seems like a very good investment. It is a very cheap way to control small armies, no? It is even cheaper than floating "security firms" on the stock market. These guys know they are modern day bandits. It is only wise to cover your ass.


                  • #24
                    Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

                    Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                    Frankly, I've pretty much seen it before. Not exactly, but some of the big demos in Washington and Boston. IMF and World Bank annual meets, the DNC circa 2000-2004.
                    Respectfully, I'd suggest that the WB & IMF protests were about (anti) free trade and other people's lives. I think that these are not. That difference alone is big - the difference between college kids protesting someone else's lot in life and their own. More specifically, of the two dozen arrested in Boston, most looked to be 50-somethings that blocked the doorways to BoA because they'd been foreclosed on.

                    Look at the Brooklyn Bridge...

                    I was at the 2004 DNC meeting at the garden (Fleet Center at the time) in 2004. The city was run and locked down by riot police then (not as much as when the Red Sox won a few months later). Interestingly, I ended up having drinks with Guido Westerwelle (future vice-chairman of Germany) and on a patio with Noam Comsky (who is supporting the latest protests and who supported the 2004 DNC protests) later that day (I did not intend on it). We discussed the protestes of that evening.

                    Of course that evening the "communist party" had 15 people being led through the streets of Cambridge by an attractive woman with a bullhorn (literally) yelling "Kerry and Bush are not the solution, fight for our communist revolution!"

                    Those 15 people had deeper numbers than the fundamentalist/anti-abortionists in the designated, legal "protest-cage" that I had seen earlier that afternoon. The number of people in the "protest cage" was larger than the number of people watching the RATM cover-band playing in the common across from the Goethe Instituet. Nothing was remotely spontaneous or deliberate or cohesive.

                    This was different.
                    Last edited by dcarrigg; October 02, 2011, 10:55 AM.


                    • #25
                      Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

                      Originally posted by gnk View Post
                      I saw this in a comment on ZeroHedge - it's not dated, but it's right from JP Morgan's website. I googled it, and sure enough, it's very recent:



                      Nooooo!!!! Why didn't we pay more taxes?????


                      • #26
                        Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

                        Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
                        Respectfully, I'd suggest that the WB & IMF protests were about (anti) free trade and other people's lives. I think that these are not. That difference alone is big - the difference between college kids protesting someone else's lot in life and their own. More specifically, of the two dozen arrested in Boston, most looked to be 50-somethings that blocked the doorways to BoA because they'd been foreclosed on.
                        Yes I was going to mention that yesterday. The college kids protesting someone else's lot in life are at Dewey Square. The long-term residents of Boston were at BoA. Why you continue to conflate the two events is not clear to me. I'd like to be proven wrong on this, but simply cannot see the people that marched on BoA joining the kids @ Dewey Square en masse.

                        And I apologize, this is where my memory fails. It wasn't the DNC in 2004 that I was thinking of, it was the march on the 2000 debate at UMass Boston between Gore and Bush that went through Dorchester and Roxbury.

                        Of course that evening the "communist party" had 15 people being led through the streets of Cambridge by an attractive woman with a bullhorn (literally) yelling "Kerry and Bush are not the solution, fight for our communist revolution!"

                        Those 15 people had deeper numbers than the fundamentalist/anti-abortionists in the designated, legal "protest-cage" that I had seen earlier that afternoon. The number of people in the "protest cage" was larger than the number of people watching the RATM cover-band playing in the common across from the Goethe Instituet. Nothing was remotely spontaneous or deliberate or cohesive.

                        This was different
                        My anticipation is that this description above is exactly what the Dewey Square protest is going to turn into if it hasn't already. How long until they break out the Mumia-Jamal signs?
                        Last edited by Slimprofits; October 02, 2011, 11:48 AM.


                        • #27
                          Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

                          Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                          Yes I was going to mention that yesterday. The college kids protesting someone else's lot in life are at Dewey Square. The long-term residents of Boston were at BoA. Why you continue to conflate the two events is not clear to me. I'd like to be proven wrong on this, but simply cannot see the people that marched on BoA joining the kids @ Dewey Square en masse.

                          And I apologize, this is where my memory fails. It wasn't the DNC in 2004 that I was thinking of, it was the march on the 2000 debate at UMass Boston between Gore and Bush that went through Dorchester and Roxbury.

                          My anticipation is that this description above is exactly what the Dewey Square protest is going to turn into if it hasn't already. How long until they break out the Mumia-Jamal signs?
                          I know that they were two different events, but the were the same day - linked on purpose. The march at UMass in Dorchester didn't make the front page of the USA Today. This is something different.


                          • #28
                            Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

                            Originally posted by pwcmba View Post
                            NYT changing the truth(blame)!
                            Wow, that's priceless!
                            Warning: Network Engineer talking economics!


                            • #29
                              Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

                              Originally posted by Adeptus View Post
                              Wow, that's priceless!
                              Shamelessly stolen from elsewhere but oh so relevant:

                              Originally posted by Jesto
                              Original article by: Colin Moynihan.

                              20 minutes later, article by: Al Baker, Colin Moynihan.

                              Who is Al Baker?

                              Al Baker, police bureau chief for The New York Times — and the son of a police lieutenant — brings you inside the nation’s largest police force every Thursday. Mr. Baker can be reached at source

                              He seems pretty impartial, guys.
                              Older thread about riots and meme management that should be kept in mind when reading about stuff like this. They haven't gone all out on the protestors yet but if this keeps building they will.
                              Last edited by mesyn191; October 02, 2011, 04:07 PM.


                              • #30
                                Re: Wall St protest gaining strengh?

                                Looks to me like this #OccupyWallstreet is growing at an exponential rate... Now it has morphed into #GlobalChange
                                Is your city on the map yet? Global Protests start October 15th.
                                Warning: Network Engineer talking economics!

