Re: Lest We Forget: Looking out for number one - stock option games post 9/11
thanks for the insight, mr K...
hmmm... wonder if he went to same B-school as chainsaw al dunlap (taking that same course on 'creative destruction')?
By the way, speaking of Nardelli and Home Depot: none other than Angelo Mozilo, of Countrywide Financial, was on the Home Depot board of directors during Nardelli's term as CEO. Mozilo was also on Home Depot's compensation committee.
that explains a lot, i mean dont they all think several hundred mil/year is 'appropriate' compensation? - tho nardelli is apparently a 'pub (worked for geedubya)?
wonder if he was also on the list of FOA's - like the former senator from CT - he get a sweet mortgage deal too or maybe he'll get a 'bi-partisan' consulting gig with fan/freddie?
(sorry - dont mean to sound polarized.. us NH types, gen'ly mistrust the bunch of them, on both sides, recently)
Originally posted by Milton Kuo
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hmmm... wonder if he went to same B-school as chainsaw al dunlap (taking that same course on 'creative destruction')?
By the way, speaking of Nardelli and Home Depot: none other than Angelo Mozilo, of Countrywide Financial, was on the Home Depot board of directors during Nardelli's term as CEO. Mozilo was also on Home Depot's compensation committee.
wonder if he was also on the list of FOA's - like the former senator from CT - he get a sweet mortgage deal too or maybe he'll get a 'bi-partisan' consulting gig with fan/freddie?
(sorry - dont mean to sound polarized.. us NH types, gen'ly mistrust the bunch of them, on both sides, recently)