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Are the conspiracy theorists right?

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  • Are the conspiracy theorists right?

    147 entities control 40% of all Trans-national-wealth...

    What's amusing is 2 of the lead names in the picture below are defunct.

    They Control The World.png

    ( -- For many years conventional wisdom has said that the whole world is controlled by the monied elite, or more recently by the huge multi-national corporations that seem to sometime control the very air we breathe. Now, new research by a team based in ETH-Zurich, Switzerland, has shown that what we’ve suspected all along, is apparently true. The team has uploaded their results onto the preprint server arXiv.

    Using data obtained (circa 2007) from the Orbis database (a global database containing financial information on public and private companies) the team, in what is being heralded as the first of its kind, analyzed data from over 43,000 corporations, looking at both upstream and downstream connections between them all and found that when graphed, the data represented a bowtie of sorts, with the knot, or core representing just 147 entities who control nearly 40 percent of all of monetary value of transnational corporations (TNCs).

    In this analysis the focus was on corporations that have ownership in their own assets as well as those of other institutions and who exert influence via ownership in second, third, fourth, etc. tier entities that hold influence over others in the web, as they call it; the interconnecting network of TNCs that together make up the whole of the largest corporations in the world. In analyzing the data they found, and then in building the network maps, the authors of the report sought to uncover the structure and control mechanisms that make up the murky world of corporate finance and ownership.

    To zero in on the significant controlling corporations, the team started with a list of 43,060 TNCs taken from a sample of 30 million economic “actors” in the Orbis database. They then applied a recursive algorithm designed to find and point out all of the ownership pathways between them all. The resulting TNC network produced a graph with 600,508 nodes and 1,006,987 ownership connections. The team then graphed the results in several different ways to show the different ways that corporate ownership is held; the main theme in each, showing that just a very few corporations through direct and indirect ownership (via stocks, bonds, etc.) exert tremendous influence over the actions of those corporations, which in turn exert a huge impact on the rest of us.

    The authors conclude their report by asking, perhaps rhetorically, what are the implications of having so few exert so much influence, and perhaps more importantly, in an economic sense, what the implications are of such a structure on market competitiveness.

    More information: The network of global corporate control, Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, Stefano Battiston, arXiv:1107.5728v1 [q-fin.GN]


    The structure of the control network of transnational corporations affects global market competition and financial stability. So far, only small national samples were studied and there was no appropriate methodology to assess control globally. We present the first investigation of the architecture of the international ownership network, along with the computation of the control held by each global player. We find that transnational corporations form a giant bow-tie structure and that a large portion of control flows to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions. This core can be seen as an economic "super-entity" that raises new important issues both for researchers and policy makers.

  • #2
    Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

    Saw that and wondered if I should've posted it here...

    Seems like common sense to me but its nice to have an actual peer reviewed paper to point to so you don't sound like a loon when you claim that corporations have huge amounts of control over everything.


    • #3
      Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

      Originally posted by c1ue View Post
      147 entities control 40% of all Trans-national-wealth...
      Now we know: the vampire squid has 147 tentacles.


      • #4
        Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

        Originally posted by Jam
        Now we know: the vampire squid has 147 tentacles.
        Apparently only 145 now...


        • #5
          Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

          Originally posted by c1ue View Post
          Apparently only 145 now...
          Will BAC be the next sacrificial 'lamb' on the altar? I remain doubtful that they'll let any big bank fail like they let Lehman Brothers go, but there probably are other ways to kill them off.
          engineer with little (or even no) economic insight


          • #6
            Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

            Bank of America serves the government better as an "independent" entity. They will not kill it off.


            • #7
              Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

              11 of the top 20 entities in 2007 were NY FED Primary Dealers

              That's what TBTF means.

              From the comments section:

              Aug 19, 2011

              Rank: 1.9 / 5 (12)

              Missing from the network, are government entities that control significant assets of listed entities.


              Lacking this, the study's authors paint a misleading picture of the world controlled by "147 companies who control nearly 40 percent of all of monetary value of transnational corporations (TNCs)" Instead, it's government controlling these and most other corporations.
              Joe Six Pack footsoldiers for FIRE and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


              • #8
                Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

                The fact that wealth is concentrated in so few institutions is another reason those who think the Fed and the Treasury can't print fast enough to prevent a deflationary collapse are wrong. They only need to communicate among a very small number of very powerful people in order to spread trillions of dollars around.


                • #9
                  Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

                  Forgive me for throwing my hat in the ring but:

                  ETH Zurich = Eidgenosse Technische Hochschule

                  Literal translation : Confederation Technical Highschool/College.

                  A better explanation would be, this is like a technical university (but officially is not a university) that is located in Zurich with a focus on either Arts or Science degrees. It doesn't really say much about who is in the team, but it could be a group of undergraduates analyzing cashflows, or PhD candidates.

                  It would be more like a Community College than a university. although it would be of decent standard because obviously it is Schweizer Qualitat.

                  Would be better to see what type of methodology they followed and what framework they used to develop these results.
                  Last edited by yourfather; August 22, 2011, 06:05 PM. Reason: Better explanation


                  • #10
                    Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

                    Originally posted by yourfather View Post
                    ETH Zurich = Eidgenosse Technische Hochschule

                    Literal translation : Confederation Technical Highschool/College.
                    While your translation from the German is correct, you leave out the fact that the connotation of "High School" is very different in Switzerland. The ETH system is actually a well-respected, Ph.D. granting institution which generally does outstanding technical research. Furthermore, it would be extremely unusual for a team not lead by a professor to publish work under the university's name. In this case the last author (usually the team lead) is actually the Chair of System Design. So no, probably not just a few undergraduates.
                    Last edited by astonas; August 24, 2011, 10:54 PM. Reason: grammar


                    • #11
                      Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

                      I thought I covered that "High School" point when I said:

                      "A better explanation would be, this is like a technical university (but officially is not a university) that is located in Zurich with a focus on either Arts or Science degrees."

                      and then

                      although it would be of decent standard because obviously it is Schweizer Qualitat.

                      I stated a possibility not a fact when I said: it could be a group of undergraduates analyzing cashflows, or PhD candidates.

                      Maybe you could explain how they got to this outcome from their model ? Thats really what I was driving at.


                      • #12
                        Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

                        Originally posted by yourfather View Post
                        Maybe you could explain how they got to this outcome from their model ? Thats really what I was driving at.
                        Unfortunately, I'm not on campus at the moment, so I can't download the original paper.

                        I suppose what I was trying to correct was the implication that the work was in some way diminished by its source, which is actually far superior to many U.S. universities, and certainly not like a community college. I suppose I did not understand why one would bring up the subject of the source if one were not questioning it.

                        If I misunderstood the connotation of your post, then I apologize for doing so.


                        • #13
                          Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

                          Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                          Apparently only 145 now...
                          If I remember correctly, the book "The Eighty Minute Hour" by Brian Aldiss, has all the corporations of the world swallowed up into one giant Mega Corp. The title comes from a reduction in the workweek to just 30 or 32 hours by union pressure on politicians. In response, the one remaining corporation which now owns everything just redefines the hour as having eighty minutes instead of sixty.
                          "I love a dog, he does nothing for political reasons." --Will Rogers


                          • #14
                            Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

                            Originally posted by astonas View Post
                            Unfortunately, I'm not on campus at the moment, so I can't download the original paper.
                            I was, however, able to find the following brief description of the research program, in case that should help:



                            • #15
                              Re: Are the conspiracy theorists right?

                              Merci vilmal. Seems to be of good standard.

                              I hate being away from ch.

