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BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

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  • BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

    BP's Macondo Oil Well is spewing anew in the Gulf of Mexico, causing massive slicks:

    Oil from the Macondo Well site is fouling the Gulf anew – and BP is scrambling to contain both the crude and the PR nightmare that waits in the wings. Reliable sources tell us that BP has hired 40 boats from Venice to Grand Isle to lay boom around the Deepwater Horizon site – located just 50 miles off the Louisiana coast. The fleet rushed to the scene late last week and worked through the weekend to contain what was becoming a massive slick at the site of the Macondo wellhead, which was officially “killed” back in September 2010.

    The truly frightening part of this development, as reported in a previous post (see below), is the oil may be coming from cracks and fissures in the seafloor caused by the work BP did during its failed attempts to cap the runaway Macondo Well – and that type of leakage can’t be stopped, ever. (More...)

    Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

  • #2
    Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

    who could have known?


    • #3
      Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

      Note how little coverage there has been of the North Sea leaks.

      Environmental concerns are a good times 1st world luxury.

      A luxury that is closing . . . fast.


      • #4
        Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

        Originally posted by don View Post
        Note how little coverage there has been of the North Sea leaks.

        Environmental concerns are a good times 1st world luxury.

        A luxury that is closing . . . fast.
        I wonder about this sort of stuff sometimes...

        Back 50 years ago when we in North America were apparently spewing all sorts of toxic stuff in the air, like lead in our gasoline, we didn't seem to have anywhere near the cancer rates we do today. Back in those bad old days before the environment became a prominent topic, I don't recall anybody in my class ever having a peanut allergy; now peanut butter is being banned from schools because some children are so allergic to it.

        Are we just better at detecting and diagnosing these sorts of things now? Or has the environment become more toxic and hazardous to us despite decades of increasing environmental regulations?


        • #5
          Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

          Originally posted by shiny! View Post
          BP's Macondo Oil Well is spewing anew in the Gulf of Mexico, causing massive slicks:

          I know some here are going to think this is sacrilege, but if indeed the oil is not coming from the original wellhead, or the wellheads on one of the two relief wells, and is seeping from "cracks and fissures" in the seafloor, then the best way to stop it is to put the reservoir on production and deplete the primary drive pressure as fast as possible.


          • #6
            Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

            Why don't the eco-frauds go and get a real job and do something productive for the economy? Maybe work on a drilling team somewhere?

            Rachael Madeau on MSNBC says it all: "Our parents built the Hoover Dam and much of the infrastructure in America that we have inherited to-day...... What have we done?"

            LEAN FORWARD


            • #7
              Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

              Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
              I wonder about this sort of stuff sometimes...

              Back 50 years ago when we in North America were apparently spewing all sorts of toxic stuff in the air, like lead in our gasoline, we didn't seem to have anywhere near the cancer rates we do today. Back in those bad old days before the environment became a prominent topic, I don't recall anybody in my class ever having a peanut allergy; now peanut butter is being banned from schools because some children are so allergic to it.

              Are we just better at detecting and diagnosing these sorts of things now? Or has the environment become more toxic and hazardous to us despite decades of increasing environmental regulations?
              Yes to both.

              Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


              • #8
                Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

                Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                I know some here are going to think this is sacrilege, but if indeed the oil is not coming from the original wellhead, or the wellheads on one of the two relief wells, and is seeping from "cracks and fissures" in the seafloor, then the best way to stop it is to put the reservoir on production and deplete the primary drive pressure as fast as possible.
                I absolutely agree. What odds do you give for that happening?

                Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


                • #9
                  Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

                  Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                  I wonder about this sort of stuff sometimes...

                  Back 50 years ago when we in North America were apparently spewing all sorts of toxic stuff in the air, like lead in our gasoline, we didn't seem to have anywhere near the cancer rates we do today. Back in those bad old days before the environment became a prominent topic, I don't recall anybody in my class ever having a peanut allergy; now peanut butter is being banned from schools because some children are so allergic to it.

                  Are we just better at detecting and diagnosing these sorts of things now? Or has the environment become more toxic and hazardous to us despite decades of increasing environmental regulations?
                  A large part of the increase in environmental toxicity is in diet...especially the introduction of high fructose corn syrup into literally just about anything you could eat.

                  some native american Canadians had lower cancer levels until they started adopting more of a sugar-driven US styled diet.


                  • #10
                    Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

                    Actually cancer mortality rates peaked in the late 90s, primarily because of a reduction in smoking but also with improved treatments. You know of more people with cancer because cancer tends to be a late in life disease and people simply are living longer because so many infectious diseases have been eliminated or greatly reduced.


                    • #11
                      Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

                      Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                      I wonder about this sort of stuff sometimes...

                      Back 50 years ago when we in North America were apparently spewing all sorts of toxic stuff in the air, like lead in our gasoline, we didn't seem to have anywhere near the cancer rates we do today. Back in those bad old days before the environment became a prominent topic, I don't recall anybody in my class ever having a peanut allergy; now peanut butter is being banned from schools because some children are so allergic to it.

                      Are we just better at detecting and diagnosing these sorts of things now? Or has the environment become more toxic and hazardous to us despite decades of increasing environmental regulations?
                      IMHO, the biggest increase in cancer is directly attributable to the domination of the world's food supply by agribusiness. There is an old saying "More important than the food you eat is the food that your food eats." Agribusinesses are there to maximize profit, and the food supply quality has dropped as a result.

                      Here is a link to grass fed vs. grain fed (feedlot) beef:


                      Here are the combined experiences of a lot of American farmers that are getting crushed by Agribusiness:


                      Of course, now I have to delve into conspiracy theory and wonder if the decrease in food quality causing an increase in cancer, whose symptoms are treated by big pharma, was planned or merely fortuitous for the largest non-financial political donation groups.


                      • #12
                        Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

                        Originally posted by seobook View Post
                        A large part of the increase in environmental toxicity is in diet...especially the introduction of high fructose corn syrup into literally just about anything you could eat.
                        That, and xenoestrogens (hormone disruptors) in the food and water, from pesticides, plastic food and water containers, and cooking in plastic.

                        Microwave ovens that destroy the B-vitamins and antioxidants in food.

                        Pharmaceutical drugs in the water supply.

                        Over-vaccination of children, and the misguided attempts by their parents to protect their children by creating a super clean, germ-free environment at home. It is only by fending off infections, by being challenged, that a child's immune system can grow strong.

                        Indoor air pollution that is worse than outdoor air pollution, from toxic building materials and fragrance chemicals. Most of these have never been tested for their safety in the human body.

                        Soil depletion which causes nutritional deficiency. Eg: most Americans are deficient in magnesium. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are depression, anxiety, insomnia, muscle cramps and nerve pain, menstrual cramps, edema, and congestive heart failure. How many people are prescribed drugs for these diseases? How much money would Big Pharma stand to lose if simple, cheap magnesium supplements cured say, 75% of these people?

                        Fluoridated water. Fluoride causes hypothyroidism, as does soy, which is now in almost everything. Millions of Americans (mostly women) are hypothyroid, but misdiagnosed and untreated. Instead they are constantly tired and overweight, and take drugs for depression.

                        Look at all the money in plastics (oil), pharmaceuticals, pesticides, fragrances, construction materials... There are companies (*cough*Bayer*cough*) that make carcinogenic pesticides and lawn chemicals, and also make chemotherapy drugs to profit from the people who have cancer. Nobody is going to make these companies clean up their act.

                        Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


                        • #13
                          Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

                          Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                          I know some here are going to think this is sacrilege, but if indeed the oil is not coming from the original wellhead, or the wellheads on one of the two relief wells, and is seeping from "cracks and fissures" in the seafloor, then the best way to stop it is to put the reservoir on production and deplete the primary drive pressure as fast as possible.
                          If that is the best way to stop it them I'm for it, but I wouldn't trust BP to do a good job of it. Give that work to someone else. Hell nationalize the wells' production and areas near it where they fuck up as punishment so the country sees a bigger chunk of that wealth. The money can be used to further clean up the messes that we all know that corporations won't pay to fix or will half ass and then flee with the profits leaving the state to pick up the bill.


                          • #14
                            Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

                            Just where do you plan to buy the oil that BP would have been able to drill and to provide for you? Iran? Syria? From Al Qaide?


                            • #15
                              Re: BP's Macondo Well Still Spewing Oil in Gulf

                              Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                              I know some here are going to think this is sacrilege, but if indeed the oil is not coming from the original wellhead, or the wellheads on one of the two relief wells, and is seeping from "cracks and fissures" in the seafloor, then the best way to stop it is to put the reservoir on production and deplete the primary drive pressure as fast as possible.
                              One other observation...the assumptions of leakage from the reservoir appear to be based on visual sightings of oil sheen on the surface at the location. There was a rather large quantity of diesel fuel on board the Deepwater Horizon when it capsized, and it is possible that may be the source of the slicks.

