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Fukushima damage primarily due to quake, not tsunami

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  • Fukushima damage primarily due to quake, not tsunami

    Until now, the story has been that the reactors and the plant survived the quake, but then the tsunami caused so much damage that there was complete loss of control.

    However, the following says that it is possible that it was the quake itself that broke so many pipes carrying coolant, etc., that the plant would have turned into more or less the same disaster without the tsunami coming.

    The distinction is important because it would mean that all the nuclear power plants in Japan... not just the ones vulnerable to tsunami... are vulnerable to similar damage from quakes.

  • #2
    Re: Fukushima damage primarily due to quake, not tsunami

    This story, or a closely related one, was posted by don.

    And the same criticism of these meme still applies: if the earthquake was the primary cause of failure, why then did Reactors 5 & 6 not have problems?

    The tsunami struck hardest starting from Reactor 1 with Reactors 2 and 3 with varying but lesser amounts of vessel damage. Reactor 4 was temporarily offline before the earthquake and tsunami.

