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Burnin', Burnin' - Heat Wave Animation

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  • Burnin', Burnin' - Heat Wave Animation

  • #2
    Re: Burnin', Burnin' - Heat Wave Animation

    While it has been hot in the eastern and central U.S recently, the weather on the West Coast has been cool and wet. A couple interesting tid-bits: a.) There was skiing above Lake Tahoe on July 4th because of the exceptionally deep snow-pack left over from winter. While not unprecedented, this is a rare occurrence; b.) San Francisco experience the wettest June since 1884; about an inch and a half of rainfall fell in June. Even the last week of June had rain. SF in most years receives no rainfall in June.

    The bottom-line is that the more weather changes, the more it duplicates past weather patterns. Nothing really changes over a lifetime. Weather patterns seem to have a memory and re-appear, sometimes decades later. Extreme events recorded now will re-appear in future.

    Will the Earth's Ice Age that ended 10,000 years ago return in future? And climatology would suggest that almost certainly, the Ice Age will return in future, anytime.
    Last edited by Starving Steve; July 21, 2011, 03:28 PM.

