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Mega's dispatch from Blighty

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  • Mega's dispatch from Blighty

    Eveing all
    Ok, lets get to it.....Last week we had a bit of a jobs "Bloodbath". A number of well known high street names went bust. The MSM hyped it but to be honest these were old bussiness whom had had their hay day in the 60's/70's....

    Their bussiness model no longer worked either because of the WWW or better versions of them had come long. Never the less an agreeable number of BRITS got their ass's canned.

    The BIG news was Llyods & HSBCo sacking 15,000 & 700 each.....nice to see the sorry banking sector getting it. Other news is the goverment is RUNNING out of money FAST....the cuts they were planning to make have mostly never happened. Sure we had some & a few hits have been taken:-

    But the REAL cuts those that it is said to make 40,000 homeless (40,000 Buy to let Landlords would lose their BMW's they mean) are being dropped. They simply have not got the balls.....

    So, my best guess is they er...Print, & print.....until the IMF arrives (although Thacher sold all the silver wear in the 80's).

    ....Its the end of the world & i feel fine!


  • #2
    Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

    Originally posted by Mega View Post
    Eveing all
    Ok, lets get to it.....Last week we had a bit of a jobs "Bloodbath". A number of well known high street names went bust. The MSM hyped it but to be honest these were old bussiness whom had had their hay day in the 60's/70's....

    Their bussiness model no longer worked either because of the WWW or better versions of them had come long. Never the less an agreeable number of BRITS got their ass's canned.

    The BIG news was Llyods & HSBCo sacking 15,000 & 700 each.....nice to see the sorry banking sector getting it. Other news is the goverment is RUNNING out of money FAST....the cuts they were planning to make have mostly never happened. Sure we had some & a few hits have been taken:-

    But the REAL cuts those that it is said to make 40,000 homeless (40,000 Buy to let Landlords would lose their BMW's they mean) are being dropped. They simply have not got the balls.....

    So, my best guess is they er...Print, & print.....until the IMF arrives (although Thacher sold all the silver wear in the 80's).

    ....Its the end of the world & i feel fine!

    thanks for the update, Mike


    • #3
      Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

      Your Welcome Jim

      The Last goverment went on an INSANE spending suspison is that it was to Hype House prices & keep a flood of people pouring into my nation to keep the ponzi pension scam from collaspe...........both WILL fail!


      • #4
        Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

        Originally posted by Mega View Post
        Your Welcome Jim

        The Last goverment went on an INSANE spending suspison is that it was to Hype House prices & keep a flood of people pouring into my nation to keep the ponzi pension scam from collaspe...........both WILL fail!
        As a boy in California, I used to dream of moving to Britain, the land of Queen Elizabeth II, Big Ben, Sir Winston Churchill, fogs, silver six pences, silver shillings, silver florins, silver half crowns, and the giant one-pound banknote which was worth 240 copper pennies ( each penny the size of an American 50cent piece ) or about $5 U.S. (in the early 1960s, five U.S. silver dollars) for one-pound sterling from Britain. It took eight half-crowns to make one-pound sterling because a half crown was worth 2shillings and 6pence, written 2/6. Twelve giant pennies made the shilling, thus two six-pences made one shilling. Two shillings made one florin. Twenty shillings (10 florin) made the pound sterling. Each pound-sterling banknote was signed by QE II, "I promise to pay the sum of one pound...."

        And if you didn't like silver coin, you could have silverware, each piece sterling silver, and each piece ( a knife, fork, spoon, tea-pot, or whatever ) hallmarked and verified by an assay office: Sheffield, Birmingham, London, Chester, among others. So Britain was fascinating to me as a young boy. It would have been quite fun to live there.

        Apparently, things have gone to ship in the UK, and just as they have gone to ship in Canada, and in America. I read Mega's post, and I can't believe how awful life has become in Britain.

        If I lived in Britain, I would emigrate to Canada or America, maybe even Mexico so fast that your head would spin. I would not put-up with the bull-ship in Britain for one moment.

        Here are some deals right now in Detroit, Michigan, admittedly not a very nice big city to live in, but the price is right:

        19240 Burlington Drive, Detroit, Michigan if you would like to live in a castle--- and I do mean, a castle fit for the arrogant and spoiled gentry in the UK. Price $450,000.

        Or would you want a more modest but quite respectable home? Try this:

        19148 Annchester Rd, Detroit, Michigan, Built in 1947, this house is now TEN THOUSAND AND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Yes, $10,900.oo That oo means, "and no cents". Please note the lovely pictures of the home and its front-yard.

        If this latter home, the Annchester Road home were in San Francisco, it would sell for well over one-million dollars. In Vancouver, maybe it would sell for a mill, give or take. But in Detroit, it sells for $10,900, and that is for clear-title. The house is not a time-share for those rare birds who would want to vacation part of the year in Detroit. Nothing like that; you walk out of closing with clear-title....... No more rent to pay wherever you may live. You could tell your landlord to f-off.

        For that kind of money, one could enjoy Detroit's fogs and gloom. And think of this:

        "Broadcasting from high atop the golden tower of the Fisher Building in downtown Detroit, this is WJR 760, 'THE GREAT VOICE OF THE GREAT LAKES'."

        Time to move-out of the United Kingdom and let Queenie and her spoiled gentry have it all to themselves.... Vote with your feet. And give your middle finger to the BBC, as well.

        In Canada, I live in log-splendor complete with GIANT bears that roam around my home as if they owned the place--- because they do.

        Starving Steve
        Last edited by Starving Steve; July 03, 2011, 05:02 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

          I think its the same else where, i am just pissed off with the bull sh1t i had to deal with since i was a kid. I watched my people, people whom rioted to try to stand & fight, lost the fight in them. They watched the Iraq war unfold, lies followed by mass slaying of people whom had NEVER done them any harm, nor did they pose ANY threat to them..........

          did they kick off?......No
          The SOB's sat in front of their TV's & thought it was some kind of video game......they NEVER felt ANYTHING for these people. Drunk on cheap credit they went out & spent like they were movie stars or football players.....

          I get depressed & i thought about ending my life a few times, i lost a good friend last week & i don't make friends easy....i try to hang on because i want to see their faces at the end. Thats when they get told that they are ....infact NOT rich....their house is NOT worth a fortune....that money they "borrowed" from the house.....they now need to pay it back F8cker!

          The Home ATM is shut Limey pricks, Northsea oil/gas production is falling off a cliff (Note your balance of trade figs) & your debt is unservicable!

          They will of course become pompose, decide that some how it doesn't apply to them, after " We are BRITISH"......Yes & your broke arseh0le..........lets see you drive you BMW/Mer/ SUV NOW.



          • #6
            Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

            Mike I don't doubt it for a moment - Royals running about visiting all the Old relatives. Pound getting .... well Pounded.
            Its like watching Ice Art melt.
            The Irish are over here and then Pommies are are scoping out why the boat people are flooding over the ocean waves to Australia.
            Yes ...... you must be patient, enduring ,bearing pain, ect ect ect.... Rome may have not been built in a day but Nero needed lessons in both fire fighting and fiddling.
            relax old Son. Bush Cheney Blair and (Toady) Howard the Coward acted on orders. We all have a boss and when he (or she) says Jump you are wise to ask how high.
            May they rot thrice in Hell


            • #7
              Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

              happy 4th, mike, from the guys who left great britain 235 yrs ago


              • #8
                Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

                Who do you think owns your FED.............who sent it up in 1913 when its was clear that her Empire was dlying & Germany was going to better her?

                Your Free?
                I don't think so..........


                • #9
                  Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

                  Originally posted by Mega View Post
                  Who do you think owns your FED.............who sent it up in 1913 when its was clear that her Empire was dlying & Germany was going to better her?

                  Your Free?
                  I don't think so..........
                  didn't say i was free... but glad i'm not a brit sitting in a pub sucking a pint & complaining about the shite economy. back to my burgers & beer & fireworks & all the antics that pass for tradition hereabouts.


                  • #10
                    Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

                    Originally posted by metalman View Post
                    didn't say i was free... but glad i'm not a brit sitting in a pub sucking a pint & complaining about the shite economy. back to my burgers & beer & fireworks & all the antics that pass for tradition hereabouts.
                    i dunno - speaking only for myself, a self-employed person, with no debt i cant write a check to pay off, who otherwise owns everything i touch _outright_ including the means of production of my meager 'wealth', who doesnt have to suck up or ask permission or bow to anyone to _earn_ my living?

                    i am _proud_ to say YES GODAMMIT I ***AM*** a 'free' man in America, and thankful that we still have the right to express it, to!

                    and a happy 4th to y'all over there in the _still_ LIVE FREE OR DIE STATE (in spite of the best efforts of the bluehampsha crowd to remake it into a copy of your neighbor to the south... ;)


                    • #11
                      Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

                      As an ex pat Brit myself, jumped ship 13yrs back - couldn't take the growing free shit army and yobs out of control, it makes my heart heavy to read of such things. But that's what happens when TPTB run out of "brown" people (slaves) to do the work. Now i am a debt slave in the Atlanta, GA area and have more shit than i did back in Blighty. And I have seen Bill Stills' "Moneymasters" so have a good idea who is calling the shots (for now).


                      • #12
                        Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

                        Yes, had the same experances myself..............but its turning around now. The "Couldn't give a sh1t" police force is now focused like a laser. We had trouble in the town from inn-city scum getting dumped here by BTL (Buy to let) landlords. We used hidden cameras to film their drug dealering & we "You tube" right to the main station in Liverpool.

                        One bastard turned up in his BMW, did his deals & got 4 miles before he was nicked. we nailed 6 differant crews & they getting the message...."U no do bussiness here la". Indeed there are lots of disused BTL houses, but the banks don't want to repo because they have to show a loss on the books.

                        We hear that there are 80,000 BTL homes that the mortages are NOT being paid!

                        Its coming.


                        • #13
                          Re: Mega's dispatch from Blighty

                          Steve, tempting, but its still Detroit. I suspect with prices like that ($10,900) a drug house may be next door, or very close by. I would rank Detroit within the top 10 worst places to be in a currency crisis. Picking a safe location to live can be as important as not holding cash during a currency collapse.
                          Last edited by FondoFinder; July 05, 2011, 06:41 AM.

