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Michael Kreiger ; Oil S&D

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  • #16
    Re: Michael Kreiger ; Oil S&D

    Originally posted by Raz View Post
    If the United States launches an unprovoked invasion of Canada (as in you didn't allow the Chinese to place nuclear missiles in Saskatchewan AND target our cities)
    I will oppose my government - with armed force if necessary.
    LOL and Bless your soul Raz

    I understand everything everybody said, and frankly agree with almost all of it.

    Personally I saw what was coming in the mid-1990s and prepared well for it. However, it doesn't mean that don't I cringe a little when I think of the world we are leaving for my children.

    I try to do my part to institute positive change (as I grow tired of analyzing and debating) but I admit it is hard to feel like you are "besting" such a wickedly large geo-orgy of malfeasance.

    Peace be with you.
    Last edited by Fiat Currency; June 21, 2011, 09:50 AM.


    • #17
      Re: Michael Kreiger ; Oil S&D

      Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
      I pains me to say that if the SHTF in a big way, I will NOt stay to defend a kleptocratic system, I will leave for Uruguay, or Argentina, or Brasil, or somewhere else. As we have seen other governments around the world use whatever force is necessary to suppress their people, I would fully expect our Homeland "security" apparatutus to roll en force against our own citizens. Like you say, things you would have never imagined years ago have now already happened.
      Ok then, I have to ask. Where is there a place on planet earth that you think will be "safe" from the oligarchs in a SHTF scenario where the Kleptocracy openly takes over the American government?

      My personal best guess is that countires lowest on the Gini index would be the least likely to be involved, however, there are no limits to human greed, and in the end, the kleptocrats want control (if not ownership) of all resources, including human resources.


      • #18
        Re: Michael Kreiger ; Oil S&D

        Originally posted by brent217 View Post
        Ok then, I have to ask. Where is there a place on planet earth that you think will be "safe" from the oligarchs in a SHTF scenario where the Kleptocracy openly takes over the American government?

        My personal best guess is that countires lowest on the Gini index would be the least likely to be involved, however, there are no limits to human greed, and in the end, the kleptocrats want control (if not ownership) of all resources, including human resources.
        "safe"is a relative word. Let's look at Uruguay for a moment. No real military to speak of, Argentina too stupid to be able to take over, and a Brasil takeover might actually be an improvement. However there would then be no "safe" little Switzerland on their border anymore for elites and pols to stash their cash. Thus, I actually consider it "safer" than Canada with all it's natural resource riches and marginal military.

        Who really wants to invade,say, Costa Rica or Honduras? Not much to gain there. Panama has a nice strategic canal though so I would see Panama as less "safe" in comparison.

        Michael Klare wrote a whole book about resource wars. The targets first up will always have strategic energy, water, and mineral deposits. So a place like Ireland or Iceland will not be high on the priority list.

        In the end, the less strategic resources you have, I see it as the "safer" you are in the end. In the case of Canada, the only threat really would be the US. I would keep an eye on our politics quite closely...

