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Living the dream of student debt

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  • Living the dream of student debt

    The product nearly markets itself.

    College Students Don't View Debt as Burden

    Debt has become a way of life for American college students. The average student loan debt among graduating college seniors was more than $23,000 in 2008, according to In addition, the student lender Sallie Mae says the average graduating senior with at least one credit card had $4,138 in debt on the card.
    Yet, instead of feeling stressed about owing all that money, many students actually feel “empowered,” says a new study from Ohio State University, based on an data collected for the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. The study, published in the journal Social Science Research, surveyed 3,079 students, the majority of whom were in their early- to mid-20s.

    That’s right. The more college loans and credit card debt that young adults age 18 to 27 have, the higher their self esteem — and the more control they feel they have over their lives. They tend to view debt positively, rather than as a burden.

    Come again?

    Rachel Dwyer, an assistant professor of sociology at Ohio State and the study’s lead author, says it’s not entirely clear why debt seems to have that effect. But the finding is consistent with earlier research suggesting that student loans, in particular, represent the cost of opportunity for some students, and so can be seen in a positive light. “Educational debt can represent an investment in the future,” she said.

    That seems to hold true for credit card debt, too. It may be because students use credit cards for educational purposes, she said. Some students, for instance, may use cards to buy books or even “that nice interview suit.”

    “In spite of many cautionary signposts,” the study concluded, “young people appear to be more likely to see debt as an investment rather than a burden as they begin their transition to adulthood."

    There are signs, though, that the glow wears off as the students put more distance between themselves and their college days — perhaps because they are starting to make payments on the loans and may be beginning to realize that their salary doesn’t go as far as they may have thought. The oldest of those studied — ages 28 to 34 — began showing signs of stress about the money they owed.

    “They’re experiencing the burden of repayment,” Professor Dwyer said, “versus the pleasure of going to college.”

    Even if students are optimistic about their debt, there’s reason for caution, the authors said. Students may consider the easy availability of debt as a positive signal about their potential future earnings, “leading to circular reasoning in which the only guaranteed winner is the lender,” the authors said.

  • #2
    Re: Living the dream of student debt

    Ignorance is bliss.

    Think of the life experience the current Graduating College Student has today:
    They've seen their parents go into Debt to buy a home - and for most it was the best investment of their lives even with the pull back in prices.
    They live in a world where Private Companies celebrate when they are able to get More Investors.
    Paying for things with a Credit Card is the typical way to pay for an item.
    People dream about qualifying for a Gold, Platinum, or Black super-duper Credit Card.

    If you don't believe in the beneficial powers of debt - I would imagine the 'average' College student thinks you are a fool.

    Our children are learning more by what we do than what we say.......I'd say the average College has learned a great dal from their Parents.


    • #3
      Re: Living the dream of student debt

      Originally posted by mmreilly View Post
      The product nearly markets itself.

      College Students Don't View Debt as Burden

      "....instead of feeling stressed about owing all that money, many students actually feel “empowered,”.....

      a tribute to the creditcard industry and their 'brilliant' advertising strategy....

      once upon a time in america, being debt free was a virtue and something that one strived for - now? in the minds of the student population, its somehow a status symbol?

      and the education-industrial complex wonders why theres a perception that perhaps they are failing to deliver, for a REASONABLE PRICE, a marketable product, that is, graduates that are actually 'educated' in something that an employer wants to pay for?

      but hey - why would the tenured class give a damn - the .gov keeps dumping more and more money on em, no matter what happens and the universities simply keep jackin up the price and the current occupant wants to spend even more to krank out ever more millions of useless degrees - meanwhile the industrial base, the only TRUE creator of wealth - has been shipped out of the country by the FIREmen



      • #4
        Re: Living the dream of student debt

        Originally posted by lektrode View Post
        The 'liberals' in DC are better termed neo-liberals. In fact, so are the 'conservatives.' FIREmen come dressed in red, white and blue.


        • #5
          Re: Living the dream of student debt

          Baaad Sheeple . . . Baaad


          • #6
            Re: Living the dream of student debt

            Its sad that debt has become so normalized that young people see it as a given. " You'll always have credit card debt, always have college debt, always have a car payment, etc". As if its mandatory. I've seen first hand the lives that it has ruined. Absolutely ruined. Try getting a good job with bad credit these days. Or affordable insurance.

            College is looking more and more like it should be added to the FIRE culprits. You could call it FIRECO. I was doing some work for a remedial English college teacher today. She said only 5 out of 25 will be able to pass her class. Yet govt funds pour into programs to send people to college who have no business in college. To this they add their personal debt, then scratch out some worthless degree from a community college. bleh.


            • #7
              Re: Living the dream of student debt

              Originally posted by flintlock View Post
              Its sad that debt has become so normalized that young people see it as a given. " You'll always have credit card debt, always have college debt, always have a car payment, etc". As if its mandatory. I've seen first hand the lives that it has ruined. Absolutely ruined. Try getting a good job with bad credit these days. Or affordable insurance.

              College is looking more and more like it should be added to the FIRE culprits. You could call it FIRECO. I was doing some work for a remedial English college teacher today. She said only 5 out of 25 will be able to pass her class. Yet govt funds pour into programs to send people to college who have no business in college. To this they add their personal debt, then scratch out some worthless degree from a community college. bleh.
              For most of us it started with mortgage debt:

              "You won't be really paying any of this off for a number of years but that's the way the bank likes it. What are you goin' do."


              • #8
                Re: Living the dream of student debt

                Don my Dad was a home builder, and had the fortune of being able to pay cash for the house we lived in when I was a teen. People told him he was crazy. (His brother the stock broker for one). That he could build a much bigger house for just a little more a month, and live like a King. All I can say is I am damn glad I don't have to worry about my parents like so many of my friends do. Parents are facing foreclosure in their 70s and 80s. Its ridiculous. One or two people living in 5000 sq ft homes on a golf course, homes they couldn't afford even when they were working, much less in retirement. Taking out 30 year mortgages in their late 50s! I consider myself very lucky that at least a little of what my parents taught me about money crept into my thick skull or I'd be in the same boat.

                I've done some stupid things financially, and I am lucky I survived them. But the mentality of the younger adults these days is pretty amazing. I've noticed the neighborhoods with the younger families always seem to have two new cars, tvs, motorcycles, toys, etc. People still load themselves up with debt today, even after the shock of 2008. Will the next generation's parents still be able to bail them out of a jam? Because I have several friends who'd be in the street today if not for generous loans from their parents. I just wonder if my generation will be able to do the same someday if need be. Those older generations tended to be more conservative with money. Most had known hard times. Not so the baby boomers.


                • #9
                  Re: Living the dream of student debt

                  Parents are facing foreclosure in their 70s and 80s. Its ridiculous.
                  While the Gov. is burning money like hell chasing turban heads all over the world.


                  • #10
                    Re: Living the dream of student debt

                    Well you'd spend like crazy too if you could just print money!


                    • #11
                      Re: Living the dream of student debt

                      A couple of years ago, I was talking to some college kids (semi-distant relatives) who were already worried about their credit rating. They thought it was important to carry a balance to establish that you can pay regularly. That would give them a good credit rating and so they could get a house someday.

                      I tried to get them to focus on making a good income and living within their means. But they couldn't understand my angle.


                      • #12
                        Re: Living the dream of student debt

                        It is the b.s. that they feed college students. The credit card companies prey on college students. They actually make students think it is a good idea to carry a balance.

                        The "responsible" use of credit is now a right of adulthood. You are not grown up until you have credit cards. Because, you "need" it in the future.


                        • #13
                          Re: Living the dream of student debt

                          Originally posted by LazyBoy View Post
                          A couple of years ago, I was talking to some college kids (semi-distant relatives) who were already worried about their credit rating. They thought it was important to carry a balance to establish that you can pay regularly. That would give them a good credit rating and so they could get a house someday.

                          I tried to get them to focus on making a good income and living within their means. But they couldn't understand my angle.
                          About a decade ago, a childhood buddy of mine was asking me the same sort of question, about "maintaining" a certain level of credit card debt in order to have a good credit rating, and I looked at him like he had two heads - obviously somebody is selling that line to the sheeple - or simply setting up the system to ensure people come to that conclusion no matter how they were raised.


                          • #14
                            Re: Living the dream of student debt

                            When I was in my late 20's I walked into a Ford dealership ready to buy an F150 with cash. After we settled on the price, the salesman asked me how much of a down payment I could make. I said I would write him a check for the whole thing or go to the bank and bring back cash or a certified check. I had never had a credit card and was a “ghost” in his credit check. After about an hour of dickering, they refused to sell me the vehicle. Maybe they thought I was a drug dealer or that eventually I'd give in and take out a loan. At the time I was a public school teacher. They wouldn't really explain why I couldn't buy the truck, but it turned out people trying to buy new cars with cash were often turned down. It made no sense and seemed like Kafka. Eventually I bought the truck at another dealership. This was 27 years ago.

                            Last year my brother traded that truck for 200 dollars worth of fresh pasta.

