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TEPCO has another big problem

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  • TEPCO has another big problem

    TEPCO has another big problem: Everyone hates them and is doing everything possible to lower their electrical use and what they pay to TEPCO. This is not difficult because LEDs have dropped to $10 to $15 on sale, top of the line air conditioners and refrigerators use half the electricity of models 10 years ago, and even computers have gone from 100 watts to 16 watts. The Wifi unit used 15 watts but now is down to 4 watts. There wasn't one thing that was causing the problems, it was death by a thousand thoughtless vampire load suckings that were really simple to solve.

    I cut my electric use by 30% by changing to LEDs and unplugging all the rarely used DVD players and other electronic equipment, and switched from a desktop computer that used over 100 watts to a Macbook that uses 20 watts, etc. I haven't even gotten to replacing the TV, which used 250 watts, with a 46 inch that uses 130 watts, or replacing the old air conditioner/heat pump that used 10 kwh on extremely hot/cold days with a top of the line Panasonic that uses 5 kwh. So, I think a 40% to 50% reduction, without any change in standard of living, is easy.

    Also, note that if you first reduce the electricity you use for lighting, TV, refrigerator, computer etc., you avoid producing a lot of nonsense heat which the air conditioner would then have to remove, and if you can reduce your heat load, you can buy a smaller air conditioner, which will save you money and make the LEDs and some of the improvements free. So not only will my new air conditioner be twice as efficient, but I will be able to buy one that is smaller and costs about $700 less because it will have less heat to remove. So the order of the improvements matters.

    NHK was showing people who have cut their electricity use dramatically. Once they had replaced all the electrical items they were going to replace, they went through their house and recalculated what the peak load would be. Since they had cut use so much, they could CUT THEIR AMPERAGE. In Japan, the higher the amperage, the higher the electrical rate. When I first moved into my apartment, it was 30 amps, but since the circuit breaker switch flipped from time to time, I had it upgraded to 40 amps. Now, after replacing the appliances, etc., I think I can go back to 30 amps with no problem, further cutting my electricity rate.

    So, the rate payers are not sitting by doing nothing. Of course they will eventually pay through taxes.

    This is a one-time permanent change that doesn't cost anything if appliances are replaced when they really need to be replaced. My Sharp air conditioner/heat pump was top of the line energy efficient, but that was 17 years ago, and it is starting to rattle, so I think I can replace it without being wasteful. My total annual heating cost should then drop from $300 to $150, and my total annual cooling cost should also drop from $300 to $150 without any change in standard of living. $300 a year for heating and cooling seems reasonable.

    Another disruptive technology that is being rolled out now is Panasonic-Sanyo's whole house battery that stores at least 50 kwh, enough to run a house for a few days. The prototype testing and field testing are over, and actual manufacturing is starting. The battery automatically charges late at night when the rate is 10 cents a kwh, and allows you to run the house at that rate. The rate during the day is 30 cents a kwh. The cost of the battery should be under $5,000, with a 2015 target of $3,000. If I were to do that, my electric bill would drop by about half again, so maybe down from $100 a month to about $30 a month, with no change in standard of living.

    There really are ways, low-tech ways, around the oil and energy shocks that are coming by 2013 at the latest. We don't need more power; we need to do simple things like this.

    Block unwanted heat from entering your house.
    Switch the 5 or 10 lights you leave on for hours every day to LEDs.
    Replace older inefficient TVs, refrigerators, etc.
    Install a more energy efficient air conditioner, and you may need a much smaller cheaper one now that your energy efficient lights and appliances produce less nonsense heat.
    Look at your new peak electrical load and consider whether it might be worthwhile to lower your amperage.

    A perfect example of why five years ago I stopped trying to make more money and tried instead to invest in cutting future expenses. It pays a higher guaranteed return, untaxed.

    Although Kansai (western Japan) was not damaged directly by the March 11 earthquake, their nuclear plants are also shut down for inspection and upgrading, so they are also looking at an electricity shortage.

    KEPCO to seek 15% electricity cut / Prospects dim of restarting some reactors
    The Yomiuri Shimbun

    Kansai Electric Power Co. announced Friday that it will ask all its users to cut their electricity consumption by 15 percent between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. on weekdays from July 1 through Sept. 22, as it is unlikely that it will be able to resume operations at nuclear power reactors that are currently shut down for regular inspections, or are scheduled to be.

    Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, many companies have been moving their production sites to western Japan from the service area of Tokyo Electric Power Co., where an electricity shortage is expected this summer.

    However, Kansai Electric's announcement will likely force them to revise their plans, observers said.


    This means the utility might not be able to operate a total of six nuclear power reactors by August.

    Kansai Electric's power supply will drop to 29.38 million kilowatts if operations at those nuclear reactors are not resumed. This means a potential shortfall of 2 million kilowatts if the weather becomes as hot as last summer and many people turn on their air conditioners.


    "We've just implemented measures [to move corporate facilities to the Kansai region], in response to the electricity shortfall expected in TEPCO's service area," an official at a major electric-appliance manufacturer said.

    And then there is SUPER COOL BIZ in Japan

    This has actually been going on for more than a decade.

    Aloha shirts are standard business attire in Hawaii. Why should you copy the dress of people who live near the arctic circle when you are in the tropics and it is 90F?
    Last edited by mooncliff; June 11, 2011, 05:45 PM.

  • #2
    Re: TEPCO has another big problem

    at least in the U.S., oil is a nonfactor in generating electricity.


    • #3
      Re: TEPCO has another big problem

      In most places yes, but in Hawaii, 80% of the electricity is from burning oil.

      In Japan, because of the loss of generating capacity, at least some of the shortfall is going to be made up by burning more oil in oil fired generators.

      Anyway, the US could cut our electricity use in half without really noticing, but nobody can be bothered to do that, drive 55, etc.
      Last edited by mooncliff; June 11, 2011, 06:13 PM.


      • #4
        Re: TEPCO has another big problem

        In cold climates, in winter especially, waste heat from inefficient appliances and lights is a big advantage because the waste heat heats your structure. The waste heat cuts your heating requirement. In Manitoba as an example, the hydro-electric generation from the Nelson River Project is at an annual minimum in winter, so waste heat in Winnipeg, Manitoba's only big city, negates the need to build additional power plants. And Winnipeg is not the exception, there are dozens of cold cities in world where waste heat can be useful.

        When I was in Minneapolis-St.Paul in the early 1970s, the Northern States Power Building was heated entirely by waste heat, especially from its bright lighting in winter. There was no central heating in that building because no such heating was required, and quite an achievement in a Minnesota winter!

        So the savings made by more efficient electrical appliances and more efficient lighting are an illusion. This reminds me of the illusion of savings thought to exist in passive solar homes. The heat received from the Sun during the day in such structures is reversed into a net loss during twilight hours and during the night, not just in winter but in all seasons of the year.

        When I worked with an infra-red radiometre at night in St. Paul, Minnesota during high summer, at night I discovered a net loss of heat from an air-conditioned building to the clear sky at night, even when the temperature at night outside in the Twin Cities was 86 degrees F. (30 degrees C.) or more. The reason for this net loss of heat during twilight and during the night is that the Earth's upper atmosphere and space is near absolute zero in degrees Kelvin--- like about -400F.

        So, one has to be careful and suspect when environmentalists make claims about achievements in energy savings, "being good to the Earth", "eco-friendly", "being green", etc. Whether they are "being green," depends on small details like the season of the year, the time of the day, the weather outside, where they are on Earth, etc.
        Last edited by Starving Steve; June 11, 2011, 12:04 PM.


        • #5
          Re: TEPCO has another big problem

          Originally posted by mooncliff View Post
          In most places yes, but in Hawaii, 80% of the electricity is from burning oil.

          In Japan, because of the loss of generating capacity, at least some of the shortfall is going to be made up by burning more oil in oil fired generators.

          Anyway, we could cut our electricity use in half without really noticing, but nobody can be bothered to do that, drive 55, etc.
          I take the opposite point-of-view:

          I think most of the savings possible in energy consumption by more efficient use of energy have already been achieved. We are well into diminishing returns in terms of capital cost per energy savings achieved. From here on in, our standard of living drops, and we return to the Dark Ages. LED lights to replace incandescent lights are an odd exception, but for the most part, much of the savings from better energy efficiency have already been achieved. Improving insulation in homes is well worth the expense of doing so, but this is one of the few exceptions.

          I also think driving 55 MPH (88 KPH) wastes energy because it increases the amount of time that you have to travel on the road. It also increases traffic congestion and that increases the use of braking (which wastes energy). One has to brake because of speed-traps to enforce this 55 MPH, and one has to brake more often because of the increased traffic congestion.... A better speed limit on the Interstate Highways in the U.S. might be 85 MPH ( 137 KPH ).

          In British Columbia because of the absurdly low speed-limits, cars sit in congestion, with their motors idling; braking is required everywhere, and cops with radar-guns lurk behind every bush. The slow speed-limits in British Columbia cause fuel to be wasted, not saved. And British Columbia's slow speed limits are, at most, 60 KPH on highways ( at most, 37 MPH ), and maybe as high as 90 KPH ( 55 MPH ) on the odd and very short stretch of freeway. One has to drive in BC in order believe how f*ck-up and backward the province is.

          Energy saved by reducing speed-limits? No way! Reducing speed-limits causes a net-waste of energy, as outlined above.
          Last edited by Starving Steve; June 11, 2011, 02:16 PM.


          • #6
            Re: TEPCO has another big problem

            Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
            When I was in Minneapolis-St.Paul in the early 1970s, the Northern States Power Building was heated entirely by waste heat, especially from its bright lighting in winter.
            uhh... mr steve?

            wouldnt that be from co-generation-sourced 'waste' heat?

            highly unlikely it was from lightbulbs and appliances...


            • #7
              Re: TEPCO has another big problem

              Originally posted by lektrode View Post
              uhh... mr steve?

              wouldnt that be from co-generation-sourced 'waste' heat?

              highly unlikely it was from lightbulbs and appliances...
              As I posted, the NSP Building in downtown Minneapolis was heated entirely by heat wasted from its office machinery (type-writers and very large dinosaur computers in the early 1970s) and its very bright ceiling lights. There was no co-generation, per se, although to use a very "sexy" and modern term, this is what it actually was. Also, heat from human bodies heated the NSP Building, and we would call this "anthropogenic heat for co-generation" in to-day's new-speak or modern language.
              Last edited by Starving Steve; June 11, 2011, 02:09 PM.


              • #8
                Re: TEPCO has another big problem

                Originally posted by mooncliff View Post
                In most places yes, but in Hawaii, 80% of the electricity is from burning oil.

                In Japan, because of the loss of generating capacity, at least some of the shortfall is going to be made up by burning more oil in oil fired generators.

                Anyway, we could cut our electricity use in half without really noticing, but nobody can be bothered to do that, drive 55, etc.
                quite likely so - i did it, by switching from an electric waterheater, clothesdryer & stove to propane-fired (tankless), replaced all the lightbulbs with CFL's (which use appx same watts/lumen as LED's but cost 2bux vs 50bux for an equiv LED)
                and since we are paying upwards of .44/kwh here, the savings adds up VERY quickly... on waterheating alone, am fairly certain that the savings has paid for the cost of the tankless/propane in the 6years i've been using it...


                • #9
                  Re: TEPCO has another big problem

                  Originally posted by lektrode View Post
                  quite likely so - i did it, by switching from an electric waterheater, clothesdryer & stove to propane-fired (tankless), replaced all the lightbulbs with CFL's (which use appx same watts/lumen as LED's but cost 2bux vs 50bux for an equiv LED)
                  and since we are paying upwards of .44/kwh here, the savings adds up VERY quickly... on waterheating alone, am fairly certain that the savings has paid for the cost of the tankless/propane in the 6years i've been using it...
                  What I did with my water-heater was wrap that sucker with thick foam. I even wrapped the top of the water-heater. Now, I waste almost no heat at all.

                  I like simple-Simon-solutions, and such solutions are also cheap to implement. The foam cost me $3. The duct tape cost about $1. Being a moron, I still did the labour myself. It took about five-minutes of my time.


                  • #10
                    Re: TEPCO has another big problem

                    Although Kansai (western Japan) was not damaged directly by the March 11 earthquake, their nuclear plants are also shut down for inspection and upgrading, so they are also looking at an electricity shortage.

                    KEPCO to seek 15% electricity cut / Prospects dim of restarting some reactors
                    The Yomiuri Shimbun

                    Kansai Electric Power Co. announced Friday that it will ask all its users to cut their electricity consumption by 15 percent between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. on weekdays from July 1 through Sept. 22, as it is unlikely that it will be able to resume operations at nuclear power reactors that are currently shut down for regular inspections, or are scheduled to be.

                    Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, many companies have been moving their production sites to western Japan from the service area of Tokyo Electric Power Co., where an electricity shortage is expected this summer.

                    However, Kansai Electric's announcement will likely force them to revise their plans, observers said.


                    This means the utility might not be able to operate a total of six nuclear power reactors by August.

                    Kansai Electric's power supply will drop to 29.38 million kilowatts if operations at those nuclear reactors are not resumed. This means a potential shortfall of 2 million kilowatts if the weather becomes as hot as last summer and many people turn on their air conditioners.


                    "We've just implemented measures [to move corporate facilities to the Kansai region], in response to the electricity shortfall expected in TEPCO's service area," an official at a major electric-appliance manufacturer said.



                    • #11
                      Re: TEPCO has another big problem

                      Originally posted by mooncliff View Post
             Hawaii, 80% of the electricity is from burning oil...

                      You'd think Hawaii could make steam for electricity from Kilauea, the world's most active volcano right there on the big island.

                      There's a stable lava lake with surface temps above 300 C, and frequent lava flows with core temps over 1,000 C


                      • #12
                        Re: TEPCO has another big problem

                        Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                        I take the opposite point-of-view:

                        I think most of the savings possible in energy consumption by more efficient use of energy have already been achieved. We are well into diminishing returns in terms of capital cost per energy savings achieved. From here on in, our standard of living drops, and we return to the Dark Ages. LED lights to replace incandescent lights are an odd exception, but for the most part, much of the savings from better energy efficiency have already been achieved. Improving insulation in homes is well worth the expense of doing so, but this is one of the few exceptions.
                        What I see happening in server farms is that improvements in efficiency are being used to increase density. A typical Xeon CPU now uses about the same wattage as previous generations , but the number of cores has gone up. theoretically this should lead to lower power usage as companies consolidate servers and remove redundant machines. Instead what I see happening is the number of machines is exploding. For reasons that elude me, the racks in big data centers are filling up with more and more machines even as the available CPU cycles skyrockets. As of 2005 the total power usage for data centers in the US hovered in the ~1-2% range as a percentage of total US electrical consumption I would guess that it has gone up considerably.

                        Something similar is going on in car efficiency. The cars use less gas and so people drive more. This effect has a name "Jevon's paradox"


                        • #13
                          Re: TEPCO has another big problem

                          And then there is SUPER COOL BIZ in Japan


                          This has actually been going on for more than a decade.

                          Aloha shirts are standard business attire in Hawaii. Why should you copy the dress of people who live near the arctic circle when you are in the tropics and it is 90F?


                          • #14
                            Re: TEPCO has another big problem

                            What I mean by "can't be bothered to drive 55" is not literal. I mean so many people cannot be bothered to do a single fricking thing and then just complain.

                            My dad's house uses net zero energy. My mom's house uses 7% of the US average and 20% of the neighborhood average ($50 a month for electricity, we dont have gas), so you can't just say "well, that is Hawaii". And it didn't cost anything. I made money doing it from the start. The savings from not having to pay for unnecessary energy is gravy.

                            Of course if people think there is nothing they can do about it, they never will.

                            The energy problems are not new. They have been going on for 30 years. But no one can be bothered to do anything about it until the US is importing 70% of its energy and now we run into a brick wall.
                            Last edited by mooncliff; June 11, 2011, 06:00 PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: TEPCO has another big problem

                              Yes, there is geothermal, but there is currently no cable to get the electricity from the big island to honolulu. there would need to be a 200 mile undersea cable, which i think would cost around 4 billion dollars. it is easier to put photovoltaics on your roof. the transmission distance is zero. and more important, you get the money from the feed in tariff, not the electric company.

