Good stuff, what Bob is hinting at is that the Greek goverment will try to force the unfocerable on the Greek people. The "trigger" will be the Greeks being forced to sell off an island or 2.....then suddenly the Goverment of Turkey will rase a flag over it & ...POW!
The British/Us pigs think that this will force Greeks from the euro & its the end of the ECB. Their other early attempts failed badly when CHINA stepped in & bought "Piigs" debt.
A fight to the death is going on, Anglo-scum V...the rest of the World.
Good stuff, what Bob is hinting at is that the Greek goverment will try to force the unfocerable on the Greek people. The "trigger" will be the Greeks being forced to sell off an island or 2.....then suddenly the Goverment of Turkey will rase a flag over it & ...POW!
The British/Us pigs think that this will force Greeks from the euro & its the end of the ECB. Their other early attempts failed badly when CHINA stepped in & bought "Piigs" debt.
A fight to the death is going on, Anglo-scum V...the rest of the World.