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Trust: Capitalism's First Requirement

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  • #16
    Re: Trust: Capitalism's First Requirement

    "Capitalism" is like everything else...subject to the perspective or lack thereof of the human population. Most ISM's are, like everything else, simply the selfish ravings of true believers. Those willing and able to use blunt objects to get their way usually get what they want. Goldman Sachs is a premier blunt instrument.


    • #17
      Re: Trust: Capitalism's First Requirement

      Originally posted by c1ue View Post
      Grass roots change needs political and economic space in order to thrive.
      This is a good point. There's always a possibility of someone with a big stick coming along and stopping any change. I suppose that's why I feel, if any change is to take place, the first step is to reduce the size of the stick any one entity has. Either the size and influence of government has to be lessened, or as c1ue hints, the change must come from above

