Mega's thoughts:-
BOE is flagging it, but the sad simple fact is we don't even have a FIRE econermy any more. The Fraud that is the city of London is failing & while there are a few bright spots (Jag/Landrover or Rolls royce aero engines) it go's NO where near enough to stop the side.
After 2 years, there be another 3 years etc...."They" try to kick the can down the street but not forever.
DRink deeply from the Well of nothingless !
Mega's thoughts:-
BOE is flagging it, but the sad simple fact is we don't even have a FIRE econermy any more. The Fraud that is the city of London is failing & while there are a few bright spots (Jag/Landrover or Rolls royce aero engines) it go's NO where near enough to stop the side.
After 2 years, there be another 3 years etc...."They" try to kick the can down the street but not forever.
DRink deeply from the Well of nothingless !