Re: Is everyone becoming economically irrelevant?
I'll just leave this here:
I'll just leave this here:
Kiva Systems, the warehouse robot company, opened its new World Headquarters in North Reading, Massachusetts on May 24th. The company is expanding its capacity to meet the growing list of online retailers that want to give their robots a job. Singularity Hub was at the ribbon cutting ceremony, and we got a sneak peek behind Kiva’s manufacturing.

The celebration was kicked off by Kiva CEO and founder, Mick Mountz, who recounted the moment he first envisioned a robotic warehouse. At the time he was working for Webvan Group, an online grocery delivery service that eventually went under. The thought occurred to Mountz: What if the products could walk and talk on their own? He reasoned that a warehouse could vastly improve its efficiency if, rather than people going to pick the products, the products went to the people. Out of this idea was born an army of “picker” robots: short and squarish motors that retrieve merchandise racks and bring them to human pickers.
An area was setup so the guests–mostly Kiva customers, potential customers, partners, and academics–could see the robots in action. Like a colony of flattened and orange R2D2s, about 20 or 30 of their F-series robots scooted back-and-forth, constantly avoiding imminent collisions by inches. They almost seemed enthusiastic as they went about their work, picking up racks and toting them aimlessly around before realizing that no human pickers were to be found in the demonstration area. Undeterred, the robots would set the rack down and cheerfully go get another one as if to say, “C’mon, let’s get to work!”
And their robotic enthusiasm would be appropriate. In these times of tightened job markets, these blue collar bots have got the skills companies are looking for. The need for the 160,000-square foot North Reading facility speaks to Kiva’s growing success, and the growing presence of robotics inside e-commerce warehouse operations. Kiva, Mountz mentioned, has robots in 16 different US states and 4 countries worldwide. Customers are reporting that Kiva’s automated “pick, pack and ship” is increasing productivity six- to ten-fold. Next day shipping is becoming less impressive as realtime order fulfillment ships within 15 minutes. Named the 6th fastest growing company in the US by Inc. 500 two years ago, Kiva enables industry leaders such as The Gap, Staples, Saks 5th Avenue, Offce Depot, Crate and Barrel, and Walgreens to fulfill millions of orders per year. Kiva is currently in talks with the big fishes of e-commerce Amazon and Wal-Mart. It’s clear that the robotic warehouse has arrived and large e-commerce companies will no doubt suffer if they’re slow to adopt it.
Kiva robots come in two sizes. The standard F-bot in the middle can lift 1,000 lbs. The larger model lifts 3,000 lbs.

The breakthrough technology that is transforming warehouses allows a human picker to perform quickly and accurately with little or no training, all while standing in the same place. When an order is placed, a server assigns the merchandise to one of a number of pickers on the floor. A robot goes to the appropriate rack, screws itself in from underneath, then brings the rack to the picker. Upon reaching the picker a laser pointer above the picker’s head–part of the “light-to-light” system–will mark the bin that holds the merchandise. The picker grabs the merchandise, scans it, places it in another rack with a second lit up bin, and it’s off to packing. Hitting a button on the rack confirms the pick, and the robot rushes away to return the rack to storage.
As you can imagine the orders typically come pretty quickly, and the robots with them. A picker will often have a conga line of robot-driven racks feeding them merchandise. And that’s the whole idea. Without the need to walk up and down warehouse aisles the pickers can spend all of their time picking. See how easy it is in the video below.
The replenishment process works in reverse. A worker scans the product upon arrival and a robot fetches the rack. Again, the laser pointer will tell the worker which bin the product goes into, and then the drive unit’s off to return the replenished rack. The replenishment technology is smart and takes advantage of the constant mobility of the racks to squeeze even more efficiency into the warehouse. The system software tracks the frequency at which all of the products are ordered. The constant shuffling of racks allows the drive units to move the more popular products towards the outside of the storage floor and closer to the pickers. If you tracked suntan lotion, for example, you’d see it migrate outward during the summer months, and back in towards the floor center during the winter months.
I asked Scott Davis, Senior Manager of Quality Systems, if he thought the system had much room for improvement. With an emphatic yes he explained that not all Kiva customers are the same, that each has their own unique requirements for the system. As new customers present new requirements the system will be developed in unanticipated ways. Engineers are currently testing a new feature called the “hybrid highway,” where robots of different sizes will work together, crisscrossing on the same floor space. Right now the robots have to be in the same weight class to mingle.

The guidance system driving the robots is pretty smart too. An underneath camera watches for fiducias–stickers that map out the floor. Upon reaching these waypoints the server which tracks the robots tells it whether or not the road ahead is clear. The system is so precise that one robot class doesn’t have brakes–it glides to a stop. Because precision is so important, the fiducias are laser-mapped to their locations. But even then placement can be a little off. Doesn’t matter. The robots remember which fiducias are off and adjust their paths accordingly.
The Kiva system also allows customers to adjust to the terrain. “Our customers are enjoying something very novel about the Kiva solution, which is flexibility,” says Mountz. “Normally automation constrains you to some particular capacity. With Kiva everything is modular and mobile and portable.” He adds that customers “can start small and add to their Kiva systems as their business grows, thereby deferring capital investment and using their capital more efficiently.”
The mobility that Mountz mentions also allows the entire system to be moved once a business has outgrown the walls of its warehouse. “Last summer we moved an entire warehouse with a customer in a weekend. Didn’t miss a single order.”
A typical Kiva solution includes about 30 to 50 robots and will run customers $1 to $2 million depending on features. All of the Kiva robots are assembled and tested in the North Reading facility. They gave us a tour of the manufacturing floor, but because the technology is proprietary we weren’t allowed to take pictures. Like the robots, the humans that build them are working efficiently. Assembly is completed at a series of stations, each of which has a defined amount of time allotted to the task. If an assembler finishes a few minutes early he or she moves to another station to pitch in. The facility is also fully capable to test the brains that go into the bodies. A test lab area includes a simulated warehouse floor custom configured to the new customers needs. Hardware and software engineers collaborate here to test firmware, new rack designs as well as new picking and packing station designs. The real world test for the newbies is a 24-hour simulated run.
The ribbon cutting honors fell to Mountz. The stars of the show then marched like a graduating class one after the other through the cut ribbon. Their march–and the march of other robots–will continue from the manufacturing floor to warehouses across the world, with the purpose not to replace, but to help.
For now.
As time goes by our robotic co-workers are going to get smarter. And as they do, they’re going to want to update their resumes. Who knows, someday we humans may be out of the job altogether.

The celebration was kicked off by Kiva CEO and founder, Mick Mountz, who recounted the moment he first envisioned a robotic warehouse. At the time he was working for Webvan Group, an online grocery delivery service that eventually went under. The thought occurred to Mountz: What if the products could walk and talk on their own? He reasoned that a warehouse could vastly improve its efficiency if, rather than people going to pick the products, the products went to the people. Out of this idea was born an army of “picker” robots: short and squarish motors that retrieve merchandise racks and bring them to human pickers.
An area was setup so the guests–mostly Kiva customers, potential customers, partners, and academics–could see the robots in action. Like a colony of flattened and orange R2D2s, about 20 or 30 of their F-series robots scooted back-and-forth, constantly avoiding imminent collisions by inches. They almost seemed enthusiastic as they went about their work, picking up racks and toting them aimlessly around before realizing that no human pickers were to be found in the demonstration area. Undeterred, the robots would set the rack down and cheerfully go get another one as if to say, “C’mon, let’s get to work!”
And their robotic enthusiasm would be appropriate. In these times of tightened job markets, these blue collar bots have got the skills companies are looking for. The need for the 160,000-square foot North Reading facility speaks to Kiva’s growing success, and the growing presence of robotics inside e-commerce warehouse operations. Kiva, Mountz mentioned, has robots in 16 different US states and 4 countries worldwide. Customers are reporting that Kiva’s automated “pick, pack and ship” is increasing productivity six- to ten-fold. Next day shipping is becoming less impressive as realtime order fulfillment ships within 15 minutes. Named the 6th fastest growing company in the US by Inc. 500 two years ago, Kiva enables industry leaders such as The Gap, Staples, Saks 5th Avenue, Offce Depot, Crate and Barrel, and Walgreens to fulfill millions of orders per year. Kiva is currently in talks with the big fishes of e-commerce Amazon and Wal-Mart. It’s clear that the robotic warehouse has arrived and large e-commerce companies will no doubt suffer if they’re slow to adopt it.
Kiva robots come in two sizes. The standard F-bot in the middle can lift 1,000 lbs. The larger model lifts 3,000 lbs.

The breakthrough technology that is transforming warehouses allows a human picker to perform quickly and accurately with little or no training, all while standing in the same place. When an order is placed, a server assigns the merchandise to one of a number of pickers on the floor. A robot goes to the appropriate rack, screws itself in from underneath, then brings the rack to the picker. Upon reaching the picker a laser pointer above the picker’s head–part of the “light-to-light” system–will mark the bin that holds the merchandise. The picker grabs the merchandise, scans it, places it in another rack with a second lit up bin, and it’s off to packing. Hitting a button on the rack confirms the pick, and the robot rushes away to return the rack to storage.
As you can imagine the orders typically come pretty quickly, and the robots with them. A picker will often have a conga line of robot-driven racks feeding them merchandise. And that’s the whole idea. Without the need to walk up and down warehouse aisles the pickers can spend all of their time picking. See how easy it is in the video below.
The replenishment process works in reverse. A worker scans the product upon arrival and a robot fetches the rack. Again, the laser pointer will tell the worker which bin the product goes into, and then the drive unit’s off to return the replenished rack. The replenishment technology is smart and takes advantage of the constant mobility of the racks to squeeze even more efficiency into the warehouse. The system software tracks the frequency at which all of the products are ordered. The constant shuffling of racks allows the drive units to move the more popular products towards the outside of the storage floor and closer to the pickers. If you tracked suntan lotion, for example, you’d see it migrate outward during the summer months, and back in towards the floor center during the winter months.
I asked Scott Davis, Senior Manager of Quality Systems, if he thought the system had much room for improvement. With an emphatic yes he explained that not all Kiva customers are the same, that each has their own unique requirements for the system. As new customers present new requirements the system will be developed in unanticipated ways. Engineers are currently testing a new feature called the “hybrid highway,” where robots of different sizes will work together, crisscrossing on the same floor space. Right now the robots have to be in the same weight class to mingle.

The guidance system driving the robots is pretty smart too. An underneath camera watches for fiducias–stickers that map out the floor. Upon reaching these waypoints the server which tracks the robots tells it whether or not the road ahead is clear. The system is so precise that one robot class doesn’t have brakes–it glides to a stop. Because precision is so important, the fiducias are laser-mapped to their locations. But even then placement can be a little off. Doesn’t matter. The robots remember which fiducias are off and adjust their paths accordingly.
The Kiva system also allows customers to adjust to the terrain. “Our customers are enjoying something very novel about the Kiva solution, which is flexibility,” says Mountz. “Normally automation constrains you to some particular capacity. With Kiva everything is modular and mobile and portable.” He adds that customers “can start small and add to their Kiva systems as their business grows, thereby deferring capital investment and using their capital more efficiently.”
The mobility that Mountz mentions also allows the entire system to be moved once a business has outgrown the walls of its warehouse. “Last summer we moved an entire warehouse with a customer in a weekend. Didn’t miss a single order.”
A typical Kiva solution includes about 30 to 50 robots and will run customers $1 to $2 million depending on features. All of the Kiva robots are assembled and tested in the North Reading facility. They gave us a tour of the manufacturing floor, but because the technology is proprietary we weren’t allowed to take pictures. Like the robots, the humans that build them are working efficiently. Assembly is completed at a series of stations, each of which has a defined amount of time allotted to the task. If an assembler finishes a few minutes early he or she moves to another station to pitch in. The facility is also fully capable to test the brains that go into the bodies. A test lab area includes a simulated warehouse floor custom configured to the new customers needs. Hardware and software engineers collaborate here to test firmware, new rack designs as well as new picking and packing station designs. The real world test for the newbies is a 24-hour simulated run.
The ribbon cutting honors fell to Mountz. The stars of the show then marched like a graduating class one after the other through the cut ribbon. Their march–and the march of other robots–will continue from the manufacturing floor to warehouses across the world, with the purpose not to replace, but to help.
For now.
As time goes by our robotic co-workers are going to get smarter. And as they do, they’re going to want to update their resumes. Who knows, someday we humans may be out of the job altogether.