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FOFOA's case for hyperinflation

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  • FOFOA's case for hyperinflation

    A long and excellent read.

    I found this an interesting perspective.

    And a false premise can skew a brilliant analysis 180 degrees in the wrong direction. Few analysts fully disclose their premises. But Karl Marx did, and in this we can find the one, key flaw that sent his analysis off in a disastrous direction.

    Marx writes, "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle." He got this part right! What he got wrong was his delineation of the classes.

    Marx's classes were:

    1. Labour (the proletariat or workers) - anyone who earns their livelihood by selling their labor and being paid a wage for their labor time. They have little choice but to work for capital, since they typically have no independent way to survive.

    2. Capital (the bourgeoisie or capitalists) - anyone who gets their income not from labor as much as from the surplus value they appropriate from the workers who create wealth. The income of the capitalists, therefore, is based on their exploitation of the workers.

    Simply put, Marx says it's the rich versus the poor. According to Marx the rich exploit the poor to get themselves a "labor-free income", which spawns a class struggle.

    This is an attractive perspective because it requires only a cursory, superficial judgment to place someone into one of the two camps, the rich or the poor. If someone is driving a Bentley we immediately know which group they are in, right?


    As I said, Marx got one thing right. History does bear out the dramatic story of centuries of class struggle. But if we eliminate his one small flawed premise, we can see it all much more clearly.

    The two classes are not the Labour and the Capital, the rich and the poor, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, or the workers and the elite. The two classes are the Debtors and the Savers. "The easy money camp" and "the hard money camp". History reveals the story of these two groups, over and over and over again. Always one is in power, and always the other one desires the power.

    1. Debtors - "The easy money camp" likes to spend (and redistribute) money it did not earn, either by borrowing it, taxing the savers for it, or printing it. They like easy money because it is always and everywhere constantly inflating, easing the repayment of their debts.

    2. Savers - "The hard money camp" likes to live within their means and save any excess for the future. They prefer hard money (or in some cases "harder" money) because it protects their savings and forces the debtors to work off their debts.

    1789, the French Revolution, "the hard money camp" had been in power since 1720 when John Law's easy money collapsed, and starting in 1789 "the easy money camp" killed "the hard money camp" and took back the power. This is the way "the easy money camp", the Debtors, usually take power... by revolting against the hard repayment of their spending habits…
    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho

  • #2
    Re: FOFOA's case for hyperinflation

    Originally posted by Master Shake View Post

    1. Debtors - "The easy money camp" likes to spend (and redistribute) money it did not earn, either by borrowing it, taxing the savers for it, or printing it. They like easy money because it is always and everywhere constantly inflating, easing the repayment of their debts.

    2. Savers - "The hard money camp" likes to live within their means and save any excess for the future. They prefer hard money (or in some cases "harder" money) because it protects their savings and forces the debtors to work off their debts.
    I found this to be one of FOFOA's best explanations of his position. It was damn-near inspiring! We have a spectrum of characters (presentation-wise) out there from FOFOA to Turd, and they have all been very gracious to share their views free of charge. If any of you saw the latest XN cartoon from TFMetals, you know how good it was vis a vis today's action (BTFD). We are very fortunate to have those folks out there "fighting the good fight".

    Many of us in this financial morass are spiritual folks who pray everday for guidance and protection. I see people like FOFOA and Turd as answers to prayer. I wonder if any of them see it the same way?


    • #3
      Re: FOFOA's case for hyperinflation

      This guy forgets the lumpenproletariat


      • #4
        Re: FOFOA's case for hyperinflation

        I don't know who this guy is, but he don't know jack about Marx, or economics for that matter.

        His example of the French Revolution is as confused as his commentary on Labor vs. Capital:

        In France before the revolution, aristocratic privilege covered everything. The aristocracy owned all the land (at least that not owned by the Church) and had most of the typical national sovereign powers in the lands under their titles. The kings of France, in an attempt to get more control over this shambolic mess, then added bureaucracy into this mix via their regional governments and 'intendants'.

        The people who got screwed in this mess were those who didn't have either the royal connection or weren't part of the previous ancien regime: basically the middle class of tradesmen.

        Thus to lump these vastly disparate groups together: the King and his client bureaucracy as well as immediate feudal supporters, the various large and small local non-royal affiliated feudal groupings, the multinationals of that era (Rothschilds as well as Catholic/Huguenot Churches, etc) as 'savers' is ludicrous.

        Similarly to lump the tradesmen as 'spenders' despite this class' prominent role in the French Revolution is equally ridiculous.

        FOFOA hopefully does better analysis elsewhere, but even his completely off-base definition of Marx's Labor vs. Capital is very badly done.

        You can save money, and be Labor. To conflate having some hard cash as removing you from the Labor class is stupid and a sign of complete lack of comprehension.

        You can have Capital, but not Save. Capital doesn't just consist of hard cash, it also consists of things like tax free land, monopolies of all stripes, control of cash generating industries, etc etc. The main criticism of Marx - besides the difficulty of identifying/valuing the labor unit - is his color blindness with respect to differentiation of various forms of Capital. Part of this is due to his era: he lived in the latter stages of Progressive economics and very possibly had assumed that the existing trends of government disassociating privileges from rentiers would continue leaving only the industrial capitalists as Capital.

