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Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

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  • #31
    Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

    John Stossel chimes in

    The anti-war movement was all over the news before President Obama was elected. But apparently they weren’t really anti-war ... they were just anti-President Bush.

    Read more:


    • #32
      Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

      Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
      So are you saying The Bank of North Dakota and the Green Bay Packers are flukes, never to replicated?
      no, but are you saying, by posting this example and alluding to "if it works here if must work everywhere", that the politics within nd are the same as those of the country? as much as people don't want to admit it, politics drives us money supply and the amount of debt.


      • #33
        Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

        Originally posted by BigBagel View Post
        One big difference: There was a draft during the Vietnam War.
        Not only is there not a draft, but we're using mercenaries. I read somewhere that over half of the "boots on the ground" are "contractors". So they sidestep the political problem of a draft while spending 5x (?) more of our money per person.

        Originally posted by sunskyfan View Post
        Nader, Paul, Kucinich, Buchannan, Jerry Brown, Perot ect ... have been derided the last 30 years but they were right about where the true political debate needed to take place and the fault lines where compromise needed to be struck. The common thread for these guys was the decoupling with the big money.
        We need these "oddballs".

        Originally posted by Jay View Post
        There are no protests, because the model, while breaking down, isn't broken yet. Humpty is teetering but still sits on the wall, there is no exposed egg yet. The people who aren't working are still being fed and entertained.
        Bread and circuses.

        I, too, supported Obama and am sorely disappointed. But I don't think the other guy would've done any better. Again, we need the "oddballs".


        • #34
          Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

          I made mention of this when it happened. In 2009 representatives from Code Pink were invited to Afghanistan.

          What happened there no one can say for sure, but they came back with a deal to call off their pretty much non-existent national protest movement. In return? A cover story in Time Magazine. Surely you remember it. It won hearts and minds.
          Afghan Women and the Return of the Taliban

          By Aryn Baker Thursday, Jul. 29, 2010

          Read more:


          • #35
            Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

            So-called "oddballs", i.e. people that appear to buck the system, but in all of the cases mentioned are actually working to reform it (well meaning and misguidedly optimistic as they are) only exist so long as they don't stir up too much shit.


            • #36
              Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

              And honestly, are we going to do the whole wishing for Ron Paul thing again?

              He'll never win a Republican primary. The Neo-cons will destroy him for his "wimpy" foreign policy.

              And if he actually did win? The liberal operatives of the ruling class are prepared to smear him over racist newsletters or some other such nonsense. Liberals like Ron Paul because he's a GOP that talks shit about the GOP, but most, like 9 out 10 politicized liberals would never vote for him.

              You guys get to insulated in itulip forums and start to think there is a political awakening going on. There is nothing of the sort. People are more conditioned by the day.


              • #37
                Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

                Can Ron Paul win? Is it wrong to wish? Don't things start with a wish? I'm not saying he can or cannot win. Alot of people wished last time, and the results were better than many would have thought. Just wish and help if you can.


                • #38
                  Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

                  Don't get me wrong, I sent his campaign $100, voted in the primaries and wrote his name in the General, but I'm under no illusions.

                  Don't forget what you said in the other thread about Alice in Wonderland.


                  • #39
                    Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

                    Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                    Don't get me wrong, I sent his campaign $100, voted in the primaries and wrote his name in the General, but I'm under no illusions.

                    Don't forget what you said in the other thread about Alice in Wonderland.
                    I did the EXACT same things, and I never sent money to anyone before. Wish is a powerful thing.

