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Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

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  • Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

    As i drift though my late 40's, watching my hair thinning & greying....i have started to ask myself a few questions. I have pently of time on my hands, very little work in at present & its only going to get worse!

    The question is this, why is no one (apart from alex Jones) kicking off about the latest invasion...Libya. I discussed this with my Mum whom still has bomb fragments in her from WW2 when the Germans bombed Liverpool.

    She is almost 80 & PISSED BIG TIME!

    She sees the people getting bombed & feels for them.........she sez that My generation can't feel because we didn't go though it. But i feel pissed & i didn't get bombed.

    I also remeber the demo/riots in Washington/London/Paris etc during the vietham war................people were pissed...........but not now.

    So, my question is a simple one (with a complex answer?)
    Where are the demo's?.....what happened to the people????

  • #2
    Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

    Come on Mega, you know the answer to that one. I am certain.

    But to humor you I will say, because it has been decided that now "It is not news".

    Why? Because it is turning out to not go according to the wishes of those who "want to help overthrow the Tyrant"


    • #3
      Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

      There are no demonstrations or calls to stop it because, "this time it's different." How is it different? That is a good question...


      • #4
        Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

        Originally posted by Ghent12 View Post
        There are no demonstrations or calls to stop it because, "this time it's different." How is it different? That is a good question...

        OH COME ON!
        surely you must be joking, facetious, sarcastic, eh?

        "this time it's different." = because its The Messiah's war and for 'humanitarian' concerns, as opposed to say something as 'controversial' as.... uh.... oh i dunno, stuff as silly as.. like... maybe keeping a madman from being able to invade his neighbor (twice) using chemical weapons on his own citizens (from an opposition tribe), thumbing his nose at dozens of UN Resolutions - after the entire free world's intelligence apparatus had determined that his weapons WERE REAL AND AN IMMINENT THREAT - this after nearly _all_ of the 535 members of congress gave the OK, after waiting nearly 2 WHOLE YEARS to see if 'diplomacy' would convince the tyrant to change his ways - OR, HEY! even maybe something 'outrageous' like MAKING SURE THE LIFEBLOOD OF THE US ECONOMY CANT BE HELD HOSTAGE (as in a 'war over oil' which isnt nearly as appealing a reason for the PC/diversity-worshippers as 'protecting rebels and civilians' would be, esp when the current occupant needs to 'look presidential' ;)

        nears i can tell, the only thing thats different this time, is that congress wasnt even advised, and even tho they hadnt come up with a budget in the prev 2 years, that HELL YES, we can afford to open up A NEW FRONT, without so much as a discussion on WHY or HOW we can afford it?

        you must be joking, right? when the only thing that _really_ matters is that the 'waffler-in-chief' now needs to start campaigning again....

        as i've mentioned a time or 2: THE HYPOCRISY IS BREATHTAKING AND THE SILENCE FROM THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA IS ****deafening****
        Last edited by lektrode; April 23, 2011, 04:36 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

          One big difference: There was a draft during the Vietnam War.

          I think you hit on another big difference and that is the last time the Anglo-American/Western Europeans had a war on their home turf was 1945. Your mother got a taste of war up close and personal. Now, except for the poor guys coming home on stretchers or in body bags, it's just a video game


          • #6
            Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

            The war it is illegal. The president overstepped his bounds. Congress has completely failed to preform it's duties as have the press.


            • #7
              Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

              no draft, no justice.


              • #8
                Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

                Originally posted by Mega
                So, my question is a simple one (with a complex answer?)
                Where are the demo's?.....what happened to the people????
                Because Obama is a Democrat.

                The same people protesting war in the Bush era have been (for the most part) conspicuously silent since the end of 2008.

                Examination of say, Cindy Sheehan, before and after Obama took office reveals the breathtaking double standard. She's still doing her thing - only now no one is listening.


                • #9
                  Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

                  Originally posted by BigBagel View Post
                  The war it is illegal. The president overstepped his bounds. Congress has completely failed to preform it's duties as have the press.
                  When it comes to economic policy and most social issues
                  I am 100% opposed to the agenda of Denis Kucinich.
                  But I do have respect for him because he doesn't seem to be a political whore
                  and has called for the impeachment of President Obama.
                  It just might be that Kucinich, Ron Paul and a few dozen others are all that's left of integrity in the U. S. CONgress.


                  • #10
                    Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

                    Originally posted by Mega View Post
                    So, my question is a simple one (with a complex answer?)
                    Where are the demo's?.....what happened to the people????
                    Maybe people won't protest a war out of fear they'll be labeled a long-haired, wierdo, hippie, non-patriotic, pinko-commie type.

                    Cause we all know only those types can be against US military operations.


                    • #11
                      Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

                      Originally posted by BigBagel View Post
                      One big difference: There was a draft during the Vietnam War.

                      I think you hit on another big difference and that is the last time the Anglo-American/Western Europeans had a war on their home turf was 1945. Your mother got a taste of war up close and personal. Now, except for the poor guys coming home on stretchers or in body bags, it's just a video game
                      yup. there's no draft and therefore no college campuses going up in flames. And the body count is down, though the casualty count (badly injured, but not dead) is probably high enough. Middle class America is largely unaffected, though possibly poorer America surely is since most recruits come from there. Of course, they probably don't have as much of a voice as they should.


                      • #12
                        Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

                        There are protests but they are in blogs like this one. Before the internet no one could speak their voice except in the streets. Perhaps the effect of the internet is more or less but I am pretty sure that is where the energy goes. I also agree there is no draft and that is a contributor. Another point along these lines are the push button warrior and the "mercenary" nature of todays soldier. I put the word in quotes because these guys are not doing it for the money but they are doing with a heightened since of self realized satisfaction that we all know is there. We are just as sympathetic but less empathetic than times before maybe because of this. One thing I have noticed is that Obama (and maybe other world leaders I don't know?) have taken the tact that they only give barely one good speech to justify their actions no matter how grand the consequences. This gives the appearance of momentary dictitoral power that is effective but ultimately insults the electorate and erodes the moral authority of both the leaders and the electorate that validate their power.

                        One last thought, a few days after 911 I remember telling a friend that we are at war is the Muslim world and this will not stop until we occupy every country from Pakistan to Tunisia. It sounded kind of silly then but only Iran, the big enchilada, is left with out having felt the wrath of the American military. Perhaps the energy and resultant policy of 911 is still with us more than we care to admit.


                        • #13
                          Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

                          Originally posted by Raz View Post
                          When it comes to economic policy and most social issues
                          I am 100% opposed to the agenda of Denis Kucinich.
                          But I do have respect for him because he doesn't seem to be a political whore
                          and has called for the impeachment of President Obama.
                          It just might be that Kucinich, Ron Paul and a few dozen others are all that's left of integrity in the U. S. CONgress.
                          Yikes, we're getting closer!

                          As a liberal and a Kucinich supporter and voter the only other candidate I saw with any integrity in the race was Ron Paul. Both were dealt with similarly, I just happened to agree with Kucinich's arguments more than Paul's.

                          I suspected (hoped) then and still do now that Kucinich and Paul will increasingly occupy the "center" of American politics as both the left and right become more radical. It may take another two or three election cycles, and much more hurt on Main Street, but these two seem to be the only ones that have any integrity in either party, and may represent opposite poles that can work together to restore responsible governance.

                          At this point, what is needed is not far-flung ideological goals, but a return to responsible representative government. I think both of these guys understand that better than anyone else in politics today.

                          Politically speaking, nothing would make me happier than bringing together these two forces and all of their credibility (on the left and the right) to dismantle the corporate hold on our National political scene.


                          • #14
                            Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

                            There were only three networks. Eric Sevareid...

                            Dead bodies were not taboo...

                            Many comedians risked their careers...


                            • #15
                              Re: Mega is as MAD as HELL...........but no else is?

                              I agree. I WAS a strong Obama supporter. Lifelong Democrat. I am nauseated. Not just by lackluster policy decisions but also by his "don't bother me to be President attitude". He reminds be of a Professor who doesn't want to be bothered to grade tests so he gives everybody B's or the feeling I have motivating my sons to help me clean our house when they would rather be ought with their friends. If I had to decide today I would vote for Paul. Whatever has happened has ruined the function of the political garden of America. Nader, Paul, Kucinich, Buchannan, Jerry Brown, Perot ect ... have been derided the last 30 years but they were right about where the true political debate needed to take place and the fault lines where compromise needed to be struck. The common thread for these guys was the decoupling with the big money. We clearly live a in a time corrupted by big money (AKA Wall Street and Multinational Corporations) and big demographically oriented expectations. Everybody is a believer because they have to be.

