The article is a direct translation from google. It basically means that the black market bank lending bubble is close to collapse due to a slowing economy and peaking real estate bubble.
The underground banks lend at rates of 4% to 15% per month.
The underground banks lend at rates of 4% to 15% per month.
Ye Tan: The Last Carnival Wenzhou, near collapse of financial bubbles 每日经济新闻 作者:叶檀 2011/4/10 8:32:52 Daily News of: Ye Tan 2011/4/10 8:32:52 提要:高利贷无孔不入,成为民间金融的常态,并以摧枯拉朽之势,扫荡着中国的实体经济。
Abstract: usury pervasive, becoming the norm in private finance, and Cuikulaxiu trend, against the China's real economy. 一些小额贷款公司、担保公司异化为高利贷公司,成为附着在经济肌体上的吸血鬼。
Some small loan companies, the security company for the loan-sharking company alienation become attached to the body of the vampire in the economy. ” 该文内容未经证实,但以利率之高、实体经济之低迷的景象来看,可以从侧面进行佐证,同时也证明温州等地通胀 早已到达无以复加的地步。
"The message contents have not been identified but the high interest rates, the downturn in the real economy picture point of view, the evidence from the side, but also proved Wenzhou, inflation has already reached the point to be added. 高利贷无孔不入,成为民间金融的常态,并以摧枯拉朽之势,扫荡着中国的实体经济。
Usury pervasive, becoming the norm in private finance, and Cuikulaxiu trend, against the China's real economy. 据媒体披露,温州民间高利贷月息最低4分,最高1毛5,是银行贷款利率的几十倍,超过历史上任何一个疯狂的 年景,除了贩毒、洗钱、赌博和在证券市场有特殊渠道的公司,没有任何一家正常经营的企业能够承担得起这样的 资金成本,这样的利率等于在逼实体企业自杀。
According to media reports, the lowest monthly interest rate usury Wenzhou, 4 hours, up to 1 hair 5, is the bank lending rate several times, than at any year for a crazy, in addition to drug trafficking, money laundering, gambling and a special channel in the stock market company, not the normal operation of any enterprise can afford this cost of capital, so that the interest rate is equal to the force of corporate entities to commit suicide. 根据笔者了解的情况,不只是温州,其他各地的情况大同小异。
According to the author learned, not only in Wenzhou, and other parts of much the same. 高利贷并非民间个体借贷者们的专利,散兵游勇的时代已经过去,取而代之的是集团军作战。
Usury is not a private individual borrowers, their patents, lone warriors days are over, replaced by Army operations. 其中穿针引线的是担保公司、投资公司、地下钱庄等,这些公司或者通过与银行的关系,使银行既成为融资来源, 也成为项目接盘者。
Which is the go-between security companies, investment companies, such as underground banking, the company or the relationship with the bank, so that both become a source of financing for banks, who then set the project has become. 担保公司离开银行基本独木难支。
Basic themselves they left the bank guarantee. 按照规定,担保公司必须和银行合作,向银行打入保证金获得银行认证后,才可以通过银行将保证金放大5倍,给 相关方进行担保。
According to regulations, banks must guarantee to the banks to obtain bank certificate into the margin after the margin can be enlarged by 5 times the bank, to be secured to the relevant parties. 业内人士介绍,“相对于正规担保公司行业而言,'黑担保'的利润能多出起码30倍。”
According to industry insiders, "compared with regular security company industry, 'the black security' of the profits to be at least 30 times more." 一些小额贷款公司与融资租赁公司发放高利贷,笔者曾经担心小额贷款公司只贷不存,难以为继,遭到了地方企业 家的嘲笑。
Some small loan companies and finance leasing companies usury, small loan company I was worried that credit does not exist only to sustain, the local entrepreneurs have been laughed at. 如今,小额贷款公司的牌照就是进入高利贷市场的掩护,谁还会用4倍的利率规规矩矩地向实体企业 贷款呢?
Today, the small loan company license is to enter the market cover loan sharks, who would neatly with 4 times the interest rate business loans to the entity it? 一些小额贷款公司、担保公司异化为高利贷公司,成为附着在经济肌体上的吸血鬼。
Some small loan companies, the security company for the loan-sharking company alienation become attached to the body of the vampire in the economy. 根据2008年年中的数据,温州工商注册的担保公司有近200家,但各级经贸委备案的担保公司只有40余家 ,之所以不去经贸委备案,是怕被主管部门监管,无法进行暗箱操作。
According to the data in mid-2008, Wenzhou industrial and commercial registration of the security company has nearly 200, but Economic and Trade Commission filed security at all levels, only 40 more than the company, the reason not to Economic and Trade Commission for the record, is the fear of regulatory authorities, can not be black-box operation. 在毒性土壤上,民间金融机构没有成为中国民间金融健康发展的催化剂,反而成为民间金融恶化的罪 魁。
In the toxic soil, private financial institutions did not become a catalyst for the healthy development of private finance, but as the chief culprit in the deterioration of private finance. 高利贷盛行之时,就是实体经济大规模倒闭之时。
When the prevalence of loan sharks, is a large-scale collapse of the real economy when. 以高利贷盛行的2008年为例,飞跃集团邱继宝、金乌集团董事长张政建都倒在高利贷之下。
For example in 2008 the prevalence of usury, leap Group Qiu Jibao, Group Chairman Chang Cheng Wu Jin capital fell below the usury. 当时台州市发改委紧急组织的一份民间融资情况调研显示,2008年一季度台州市规模以上企业亏损1111家 ,亏损面达到20%,亏损企业亏损额为3.09亿元,增长55.7%……
Taizhou City Development and Reform Commission was a civil emergency organization financing situation of research shows that in 2008 first quarter loss of above-scale enterprises, Taizhou City, 1111, the loss of 20%, enterprises suffered losses amounted to 309 million yuan, up 55.7% ... ... 再 看最新的数据:2010年,温州市有2000多家企业被吊销营业执照,半数为制造业及关联企业;温州制鞋企 业从2003年的4000多家下降到目前的 3000多家;温州紧固件行业近几年已消失的企业超过1000家;温州金属打火机企业从鼎盛时期的500多 家减少到100余家。
Look at the latest data: In 2010, more than 2,000 enterprises in Wenzhou City business license revoked, half the manufacturing and related enterprises; Wenzhou shoe enterprises from 4,000 in 2003 down to the current 3,000; Wenzhou tight Firmware industry has disappeared in recent years more than 1,000 enterprises; enterprises from Wenzhou lighter metal heyday of more than 500 down to 100. 浙江的实体经济空心化十分严重,或许会造成失落的十年。
Zhejiang hollow real economy is very serious, may result in the lost decade. 高利贷资金流向高赢利的特殊行业,比如地下赌场;而另一些则流向某些特殊目的公司,如一些企业要进行规模扩 张进军资本市场,通过银行掩盖了真实负债率,企图争取一朝上市之后还清所有债务。
Usury capital flow to the high profitability of the particular industry, such as underground gambling; while others flow to certain special purpose company, such as the size of some enterprises to expand into the capital market, through banks that conceals its true debt ratio, is also an attempt to win just one day after listing clear of all debt. 更有甚者,高利贷不是贷给谁的问题,不是投资到什么领域的问题,业已成为一场以较为廉价的资金追逐高价资金 的钓鱼游戏,钱本身成为唯一的标的物。
Even worse, loan sharks who lent the issue is not, not to what the field of investment issues, has become a relatively cheap capital to finance high-priced fishing chasing the game, the money itself becomes the only subject matter. 高利贷已经成为经济鸦片,让陷入者不能自拔。
Usury has become the opium economy, so that those unable to extricate themselves into. 中国人民银行温州中心支行去年的一项调查显示,89%的家庭个人和59.67%的受调查企业参与了民间借贷 。
Central Branch of the People's Bank of China Wenzhou, a survey last year showed that 89% of the families of individuals and 59.67% of the surveyed companies involved in private lending. 如果浙江富姐吴英因为非法集资被判死刑,不知道目前甚嚣尘上的高利贷风潮会使多少人身陷囹圄?
Ying Wu, Zhejiang Fujie if sentenced to death for illegally raising funds, the loan sharks do not know the current wave of rampant behind bars will make many people? 更可怕的是,黑社会化的趋势加重,笔者在一些县城看到当地人住高级宾馆,被告知是高利贷者豢养的护院家丁, 一旦高利贷无法收回,就是家丁出门之时。
Even more frightening is the trend of increasing triad, I see the local people live in the county in some luxury hotels, was told that sharks fed Jia Ding nursing homes, unable to recover once the loan sharks, that is, when the retainers out. 疯狂的民间地下金融已经有崩盘趋势。
Crazy people have been underground financial collapse trend. 在 一篇题为《温州经济出大事了,几百亿高利贷跑了》的文章中,作者披露:“随着今年金融资金的控制,在温州有 资产抵押无绝对关系是贷不到钱的,大部分的钱都 被银行信贷负责人勾结担保公司给贷走了,银行职工一年工资几十万,与担保公司合作,每年最少赚上千万。所有 在温州开设分行的各大银行,只要与信贷有关的员 工,都与高利贷的担保公司有关。在温州办企业必须保证每年30%的利润,否则利息付不出,只能跑路,所以今 年跑了已知的7个企业,但产生了连锁反应,间接 逃了70个,其中涉及多家银行的信贷负责人。”
In an article entitled "Wenzhou economy out of a major event, ran a few hundred billion in loan-sharking," the article, the authors disclose: "With this financial control of funds, in Wenzhou have absolutely no relationship between asset-backed loans than money, Most of the money has been head of bank credit to the credit guarantee companies colluded to go, hundreds of thousands of bank employees wages a year, with security companies to earn at least tens of millions each year. All the major banks to open a branch in Wenzhou, as long as credit-related staff, are concerned with the usury of the security company. In Wenzhou run enterprises must ensure that 30% of annual profits, or could not pay interest only at running, so this year, ran the 7 known companies, but produced a chain reaction, indirect evasion of 70, which involves the person in charge of a number of bank credit. " 该文内容未经证实,但以利率之高、实体经济之低迷的景象来看,可以从侧面进行佐证,同时也证明温州等地通胀 早已到达无以复加的地步。
The contents of this paper are unconfirmed, but the high interest rates, the downturn in the real economy picture point of view, the evidence from the side, but also proved Wenzhou, inflation has already reached the point to be added. 如今实体经济资金池紧缩得就像大旱期间的鳄鱼池一般,如果相关部门还不能建立公平的投资市场放宽资金投资渠 道,如果还不能建立筛选出诚信高效企业聚拢资金,金融市场的崩溃将不可避免。
Now the real economy, like the severe drought tightening pool of funds during the crocodile pool in general, if the relevant departments can not relax the investment market to establish a fair channels for capital investment, if it can not establish the integrity and efficient screening companies gather funds, financial markets will not collapse avoided.