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Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

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  • Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

    Nine-Month Plan Is Set for Crippled Japan Nuclear Plant


    drawing inspiration from her ongoing Libyan triumph, Sec. of State Clinton shared the it's-all-good with . . . .

    TOKYO — Tokyo Electric Power Company said Sunday that it hopes to bring the reactors at its hobbled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into a stable state known as cold shutdown within the next nine months, during which the three damaged reactor buildings at the facility will be covered.

    The goals are part of a two-part plan that represents Tokyo Electric’s most concrete timetable yet for controlling the reactors and improving safety conditions at the plant, which was damaged by 15-meter-high tsunami waves on March 11.

    At least on paper, the program marks a turning point in the company’s struggles to shut down the reactors. For weeks, workers have fought to cool the reactors and spent fuel pools by pouring water on them. The deluge has created other problems, including a flood of contaminated water that seeped into the site and into the ocean.

    But conditions have stabilized in recent days, giving the utility, widely known as Tepco, the confidence to unveil its schedule for shutting the reactors.

    The first part of the plan would take about three months and include installing a cooling system to lower the temperature in the reactors and spent fuel pools, as well as reducing radiation in the surrounding area, said Tsunehisa Katsumata, the chairman of Tokyo Electric.

    The second part, which would take up to six more months, would include more pumping of water, the introduction of a heat removal system and reducing the amount of contaminated water. The wreckage from the three damaged buildings would then be removed and the buildings covered.

    “The company has been doing its utmost to prevent a worsening of the situation,” Mr. Katsumata told reporters. “We have put together a roadmap,” he said, adding, “We will put our full efforts into achieving these goals.”

    Mr. Katsumata said that he and the company’s president, Masataka Shimizu, would consider what’s best for the company before deciding whether to resign to take the blame for the crisis. The company said Friday that it plans to distribute $600 million in initial payments to 50,000 people forced to evacuate because of the accident.

    On Sunday, Banri Kaieda, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, said that the evacuees who left their homes near the Daiichi plant will be able to return in six to nine months.

    Conditions have steadied to the point where the United States and other foreign governments have lowered their warnings for travel in Japan. In a show of support, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton flew to Japan on Sunday from Seoul, becoming the most senior American official to visit since the disaster.

    She expressed support for the relief and reconstruction effort, telling Japan’s foreign minister, Takeaki Matsumoto, that her visit reflected “our very strong bonds of friendship that go very deep into the hearts of our people.”

    Mrs. Clinton called the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident “a multi-dimensional crisis of unprecedented scope” and said that the United States is “doing everything we can to support Japan and we have very good cooperation.”

    Experts from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission have been in Japan advising Tokyo Electric and the government. In the days after the crisis began, the N.R.C. said that radiation levels at the Daiichi plant were higher than those reported by the Japanese. The American government also declared a wider evacuation zone than the Japanese.

    Asked if the Japanese government had acted transparently enough, Mrs. Clinton said: “We have been very supportive of what Japan is doing to take the appropriate steps.”

    Mrs. Clinton also met with Emperor Akihito and his wife, Michiko, at the Imperial Palace. The emperor shook her hand, and Mrs. Clinton kissed Michiko on both cheeks. “I’m so, so sorry for everything your country is going through,” she told them, before they entered the palace for tea. She added, “if there was anything we can do...”

    A short walk from the Imperial Palace, executives at Tokyo Electric’s headquarters offered details of their strategy. To prevent radioactive materials from escaping, the company said it plans to put a temporary cover with an air filter over the buildings. Engineers will also start designing a structure with a concrete roofs and sides.

    But officials declined to identify the material that they would use to cover the damaged reactor buildings, saying only that it would be similar to the tough fabric used to wrap buildings under construction and would not be comparable to the heavy concrete shell that entombed the damaged reactor at Chernobyl. The company warned that the temporary cover could be damaged in a typhoon.

    To keep contaminated water from escaping, the company intends to set up a water processing unit that removes radioactive particles and salt, and store it in tanks. But in a sign of how much improvisation has gone into the plan, company officials said that they will turn a concrete-walled waste treatment building into a large storage tank to hold up to 30,000 tons of contaminated water.

    The longer-term goal, they said, was to establish a closed circuit in which radioactive water from the reactors is cooled and pumped back into them.

    Michael Friedlander, a former senior operator at three nuclear power plants in the United States, said that waste treatment buildings are specially designed to hold very large volumes of water even if the equipment inside is broken during an earthquake.

    During routine operations at a nuclear power plant, the waste treatment building removes low levels of radioactivity from the water and also handles solid waste.
    Similar equipment will now have to be installed at the site designated today.

    “The normal equipment must have been damaged very severely” for the Japanese to have decided to scrap it, Mr. Friedlander said.

    Goshi Hosono, a special adviser to the prime minister, identified two risks to the plan. One is that Tokyo Electric could have trouble setting up new equipment to condense steam from the reactors into cool water.

    The other, he said, is a serious aftershock or tsunami that could lead to further damage at the site.

    Despite its flaws, Tokyo Electric’s plan should work, said Hironobu Unesaki, a professor at the Research Reactor Institute at Kyoto University. But the company should try to achieve cold shutdown of the reactors sooner than six to nine months to reduce the risk of radiation being released. He added that “there is no clear scientific explanation” why the plan is divided into two phases.

    In the meantime, Tokyo Electric continues to face many tradeoffs. For example, the water being poured to cool the reactors has kept temperatures from rising but not enough to achieve cold shutdown.

    To improve cooling, the company would like to restore a closed loop cooling system that recirculates water. But it is hard for workers to enter the plant to install a new system because of the radioactive water in the buildings, basements and trenches.

    And while efforts are being made to pump out that water and put it into storage, new cooling water has to be poured into the reactors, leading to new radioactive water in the buildings.

    “It’s kind of a dilemma,” Mr. Unesaki said.

  • #2
    Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

    Being the slow learner here, as usual, I am lost. May I ask a question: What is so difficult about loading a few thousand gallons of contaminated water from the reactor cores into a tank and then to helicopter the tank of contaminated water out over the Pacific Ocean, maybe 150 miles or so, and then to dump the tank into the Pacific?

    Let's go over Starving Steve's plan once again: We dump the contaminated waste into the Pacific away from fishing beds and then the problem is solved, forever......... Amen.

    When our parents ran the world, the solution to atomic waste was to dump the waste into the sea. And then came the eco-frauds who wanted to destroy the atomic power industry by creating a problem that never existed before: "atomic waste".

    What really irritates me is that the Earth itself buries atomic waste from its countless nuclear reactions that occur within the Earth. We now have discovered scores of radio-nuclides within the Earth, even plutonium. Would the ecologists dare complain to Mother Nature about the unknown number of natural fission and natural fusion reactions that occur, and have always occured, within the Earth itself? So the burial or dilution of so-called, "atomic waste" is really a form of re-cycling, either into the sea or into the Earth's crust itself.

    Why is this so difficult for environmentalists to understand? And meanwhile, the world's population keeps growing. We need cheap electrical energy; otherwise, our standard of living declines, and we starve.

    Yes, the people of the world need to reduce their fertility rate, but this realization has to come by raising the standard of living of the world's population, educating the world's people, and by modifying the teachings of the world's faiths. This has to be done now.


    • #3
      Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

      Nuclear Cleanup Plans Hinge on Unknowns


      TOKYO — Even before the troubled Fukushima nuclear plant has been brought under control, two conglomerates vying for contracts in an eventual cleanup are estimating that the effort could take 10 years — or 30.

      The widely divergent outlooks underscore the basic uncertainties clouding any forecast for Fukushima: when cooling stems will be restored and radiation emission halted; how soon workers can access some parts of the plant; and how bad the damage to the reactors, their fuel, and nearby stored fuel turns out to be. The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has warned that at least one reactor’s fuel may even have leaked out of the reactor pressure vessel, something that has never before happened in a nuclear accident.

      A global team led by Hitachi said Thursday that it would take at least three decades to return the site to what engineers refer to as a “green field” state, meaning within legal limits of radiation for any residents.


      • #4
        Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

        Originally posted by don View Post
        Nuclear Cleanup Plans Hinge on Unknowns


        TOKYO — Even before the troubled Fukushima nuclear plant has been brought under control, two conglomerates vying for contracts in an eventual cleanup are estimating that the effort could take 10 years — or 30.

        The widely divergent outlooks underscore the basic uncertainties clouding any forecast for Fukushima: when cooling stems will be restored and radiation emission halted; how soon workers can access some parts of the plant; and how bad the damage to the reactors, their fuel, and nearby stored fuel turns out to be. The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has warned that at least one reactor’s fuel may even have leaked out of the reactor pressure vessel, something that has never before happened in a nuclear accident.

        A global team led by Hitachi said Thursday that it would take at least three decades to return the site to what engineers refer to as a “green field” state, meaning within legal limits of radiation for any residents.
        If I were running Tokyo Electric Company, the clean-up would take a few hours, about the time it would take to load a tank with waste-water and then to carry that tank out over the Pacific for 150 miles or so, and dump the tank. If I were running Japan, I would investigate Greenpeace and the other trouble-makers blocking and complicating the clean-up effort. The reactors could be rebuilt or repaired within a few weeks (at most) and the people of Japan would have surplus electric power once again.

        It really boils-down to the WWASD question again: "What would a Stalin do?" WWASD to trouble-makers and propagandists who are delaying and complicating the clean-up effort, not to mention causing great misery for the people of Japan?
        Last edited by Starving Steve; April 17, 2011, 07:42 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

          Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
          If I were running Tokyo Electric Company, the clean-up would take a few hours, about the time it would take to load a tank with waste-water and then to carry that tank out over the Pacific for 150 miles or so, and dump the tank. If I were running Japan, I would investigate Greenpeace and the other trouble-makers blocking and complicating the clean-up effort. The reactors could be rebuilt or repaired within a few weeks (at most) and the people of Japan would have surplus electric power once again.

          It really boils-down to the WWASD question again: "What would a Stalin do?" WWASD to trouble-makers and propagandists who are delaying and complicating the clean-up effort, not to mention causing great misery for the people of Japan?
          The clean-up of the fuel rods inside the cores, if they are bent, could be done by robots. At worst, the core(s) could be filled by concrete, something that would take one day, or less in time.

          The process would be to nationalize TEPCO, and the Japanese military would be called-in and instructed to drop cement to harden into the cores with one-day maximum in time. The logistics would be calling in a cement company and having a tank filled with cement to drop into the core(s). A military helicopter would be used to do the drop. Once the drop is completed and the cement is hard, a finishing team would smooth-out the cement and check for radiation leaks. Then, just hours later, the rebuilding of new reactor cores would begin adjacent to the old reactor core(s).

          On atomic-powered submarines, sailors sleep just inches from the submarine's reactor core. So don't tell me or anyone else that this can not be done in a matter of days, if not hours.


          • #6
            Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

            The New York Times continues its ignoble record of reporting on Fukushima.

            If the NYT's definition of cold shutdown is used, then none of the nuclear power plants in Japan - whether Fukushima #1, Fukushima #2, or Onagawa, or for that matter the 9 German nuclear plants 'shut down' - are going to be 'cold shutdown' for months irregardless of accident status.

            Following up with NRC ridiculous statements: "The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has warned that at least one reactor’s fuel may even have leaked out of the reactor pressure vessel, something that has never before happened in a nuclear accident."

            Ummm, so what do you call a fission explosion at Chernobyl? Was that not a nuclear accident? Did Chernobyl's single layer of containment - basically the reactor's walls - not get breached?


            • #7
              Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

              How about bottling the water for sale and calling it "Becquerel".

              Also the Japanese and everyone else that fish the waters off the cost of Japan have some fish to sell, these fish only have 3500 becquerels per kilogram of cesium and go well with a nice white wine from BC. -->

              Fishing extends beyond 150 miles from the Japanese coast for sure since many of the fish eaten daily are migratory the do end up in Alaska, Canada, US and South American waters.

              There is also the wonderful rice from Japan "Japonic" now planted in soil with up to 5,000 becquerels of Cesium per kilogram.

              At the sushi restaurants in New York, the latest fad is to show off the newly acquired Geiger counters to prove the fish is safe.

              So how many clicks before I send back the dish of fish?


              • #8
                Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

                I officially declare the Fukushima disaster has reached peak confusion. It's all down hill from here.


                • #9
                  Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

                  Originally posted by seanm123
                  Also the Japanese and everyone else that fish the waters off the cost of Japan have some fish to sell, these fish only have 3500 becquerels per kilogram of cesium and go well with a nice white wine from BC. -->
                  Yes, label the fish as you note above then label the bananas as having 3100 becquerels of Potassium 40 per kilogram in bananas:

                  Maybe this will finally get all those 'save the environment' folks to stop eating wild caught tuna...and bananas.

                  While you're at it, let's label all houses as containing on average 37,803 becquerels of radon (average square footage in 2009 of 2135 x 10 feet x 1.3 pCi average amount of radon/liter inside a house x 28.3168 liters/cubic foot x 0.0481 becquerels/pCi of radon).

                  Let's also label granite as containing 1255 becquerels per kilogram of radiation, and cement as containing 304 becquerels of radiation per kilogram. That's gotta be hundreds of thousands of becquerels between the foundation and the kitchen table.

                  We shouldn't forget the dangers of air. According to the EPA, outside air on average contains 0.7 pCi of radon (vs. 1.3 pCi indoors) - this translates to 176969 becquerels per year from breathing (1 breath = 1 liter, 10 breaths/minute). But since most people spend most of their time indoors, likely 300,000 becquerels per year of breathing radioactive air.

                  Labels are important.
                  Last edited by c1ue; April 18, 2011, 09:23 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

                    Just keying off of Steve's linked research that we may actually be immune to the effects of Radium and Radon. We have had billions of years to adapt to it.

                    Not so with caesium-137 it has not occurred on Earth for billions of years until created by controlled and uncontrolled fission reactions. I would argue that based upon testing we have yet to become immune to it's ill effects. So how many micrograms are needed to cause an ill effect?

                    Results from our last great experiment in the Ukraine show that once you injest 4.1 μg (micrograms) of caesium-137 per kilogram it is lethal within three weeks, and if you are dosed less you may just become infertile or have to have surgery to deal with the cancerous tumors that form.

                    Nothing to worry about right?


                    • #11
                      Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

                      Originally posted by seanm123
                      Not so with caesium-137 it has not occurred on Earth for billions of years until created by controlled and uncontrolled fission reactions.
                      Um, sorry, your facts are still wrong.

                      Cesium 137 occurs when uranium decays. Wiki article notwithstanding, uranium 235 occurs in nature and decays spontaneously, one of the byproducts eventually being Cesium 137.

                      Enriching uranium is specifically the process of refining U235 from the far more common U238.

                      However, it is not actually necessary to refine U235 in order to get a reactor - it is documented that a natural nuclear reactor existed in Oklo and ran for about a million years:

                      I guarantee there was cesium 137 there, though of course it was long enough ago that this cesium has since decayed into other products.

                      Originally posted by seanm123
                      I would argue that based upon testing we have yet to become immune to it's ill effects. So how many micrograms are needed to cause an ill effect?
                      As far as I know, the cesium itself isn't the issue. It is the radioactivity.

                      So how many micrograms of Cesium 137 is 3500 becquerels due to Cesium 137 equal to? At an activity level of 3.215 x 10 exp 12 becquerels per gram = 3.215 x 10 exp 6 becquerels per microgram divided into 3500 becquerels = 0.00109 micrograms.

                      So if you eat the equivalent of a full sized bluefin tuna every day for for 3 days (1000 pounds), then you'll have ingested 1 microgram of cesium 137. At more normal levels - say 6 ounces a day - it would take 6.7 years to accumulate 1 microgram. And that, of course, assumes every fish you eat is at the maximum level of cesium 137 found by all of the Fukushima sampling monitors that are within a kilometer of the Fukushima water discharge. You'd get an equal dose living 2 miles downwind of a coal fired electricity generating plant for the same time period.

                      Originally posted by seanm123
                      Results from our last great experiment in the Ukraine show that once you injest 4.1 μg (micrograms) of caesium-137 per kilogram it is lethal within three weeks, and if you are dosed less you may just become infertile or have to have surgery to deal with the cancerous tumors that form.
                      I'm interested in where you found these numbers - please post a link.

                      However, as noted above, 4.1 micrograms of Cesium 137 per kilogram is approximately 3,760 times more cesium than what was found at the worst case in the Fukushima monitoring.


                      • #12
                        Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

                        Steve has a good point. Why can't "nuclear waste" be disposed of in subduction zones? (

                        This is presuming, of course, that we've gotten the maximum energy possible from it. My understanding is that, at least in the US, most "nuclear waste" is really valuable nuclear fuel that we just refuse to use properly and instead of using it we just leave it lying around while we debate the particulars of disposal.

                        Since proliferation treaties have done very little good, the banning of breeder reactors seems senseless - especially since it's pretty easy to "denature" nuclear fuel just like we do with denatured alcohol.

                        I still don't see the end of nuclear power. The challenges are easily solved by decent engineering and compared to other power sources it's still "safe". Even wind power is going to claim a lot of lives over the years. Whether it's maintenance people falling off of towers or getting crushed in gear boxes or whether it's motorists killed by trucks transporting rotor blades on the highway.

                        I think that once the initial builds are completed we're going to find that both solar and wind will have "climate" and ecological implications that no one wants to discuss right now.


                        • #13
                          Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

                          I was using the EPA not Wikipedia, they do not mention "natural" trace Caesium-137 only man made from controlled and uncontrolled fissions.

                          So far estimates coming from Japan are 370 petabecquerels of radiation released into the wild. Estimates so far are probably on the short side, with all of the earthquake damage and electrical equipment being offline and people fleeing the area for miles around.

                          In this confusing Nuclear world of the measuring radioactivity, which also features grays, sieverts and curies one becquerel represents one nuclear decay per second and a petabecquerel is a thousand trillion becquerels of nuclear decay per second.

                          Quite a big number don't you think?

                          A small fish was caught with 3500 becquerels (of alpha and/or beta and/or gamma) releases per second, and you don't think that fish will cause any harm? Do I really need to eat tons of fish to die? Would the Mercury kill me first?

                          This Caesium-137 apparently works it's way up the food chain so we may see much higher numbers in the future. They haven't measured the Pacific Tuna yet to determine how many nuclear decays per second they are emitting. Once I get a piece of Tuna at my next visit to a New York Sushi restaurant I will ask the chef for a measurement. Luckily for me I only eat a few pieces at each sitting.

                          There are lots of studies out there from the radioactive boars in Germany to the radioactive Reindeer up further north. Long term accumulation does occur apparently in the food chain. If I get bit by a radioactive Wolf from the Chernobyl exclusion zone will I die?

                          I don't have a billion years to adapt and neither do you so perhaps you will at least agree that this stuff needs more controls and perhaps we should stop making man made Caesium-137 in such large quantities altogether?


                          • #14
                            Re: Fukushima Gestation Set at 9 Months

                            Originally posted by seanm123
                            So far estimates coming from Japan are 370 petabecquerels of radiation released into the wild. Estimates so far are probably on the short side, with all of the earthquake damage and electrical equipment being offline and people fleeing the area for miles around.
                            Well, if 100% of the radiation release were Cesium 137, then we're talking 115 kilograms of cesium 137.

                            If 100% of the radiation release were Iodine 131 - which has an activity factor of at least 1GigBq/microgram = 1 petaBq/gram (1 x 10 exp 15), then the total radiation release is 370 grams.

                            There are also a host of other radioactive substances which have even shorter half lives than I131

                            Of course in reality it is a mix, though unclear what precise proportions. You can easily see, however, that the Iodine 131 skews the mix heavily as it is just about 300 times more 'active' than cesium 137.

                            The other interesting part of this mix is how much I131 came from pumping seawater into the reactors. While iodine is only 0.05 ppm, we're talking thousands of tons of seawater - and a little I131 goes a really long way towards pumping up total radioactivity release.

                            The point is - the gigantic numbers being bandied about obscure just how much (i.e. how little) radiation was actually released.

                            It ain't good, but it is hardly anything like the catastrophe being touted by MSM.

                            Originally posted by seanm123
                            A small fish was caught with 3500 becquerels (of alpha and/or beta and/or gamma) releases per second, and you don't think that fish will cause any harm? Do I really need to eat tons of fish to die? Would the Mercury kill me first?
                            Yes, in fact even that glowing little fish would not kill you in that it wouldn't increase your chances of cancer any more than taking a long airplane flight.
                            Last edited by c1ue; April 18, 2011, 04:22 PM.

