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Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

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  • Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

  • #2
    Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

    Thanks for the pics.

    Again, note how the reactor buildings are pretty much all that was left standing after the tsunami.


    • #3
      Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

      Originally posted by c1ue View Post
      Thanks for the pics.

      Again, note how the reactor buildings are pretty much all that was left standing after the tsunami.
      "Please pay no attention to the massive destruction and steam, all is well here."


      • #4
        Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

        Originally posted by Jay View Post
        "Please pay no attention to the massive destruction and steam, all is well here."


        • #5
          Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

          Can an explosion of hydrogen at air pressure make all that disaster?
          The damages of reactor n.3 building look excessive to me. Pictures of the explosion shot at very large distance show a column of smoke basically vertical, going several hundreds meter high.


          • #6
            Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

            If you look at the 'before' pics, then you'll understand what I mean by the impact of the tsunami.

            Note there's steam here as well.


            • #7
              Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

              Looks like a case of S.N.A.F.U......


              • #8
                Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

                Originally posted by KGW View Post
                Looks like a case of S.N.A.F.U......
                Or F.U.B.A.R.


                • #9
                  Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

                  Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                  If you look at the 'before' pics, then you'll understand what I mean by the impact of the tsunami.
                  Like some others, I too am having a hard time seeing what you mean, c1ue. Mostly, in the "after" pics, I see reactor buildings blown to bits by explosions, with debris that would appear consistent with such explosions. I see little or no evidence of direct tsunami damage. In particular, most of the structures on the seaward side of the reactor buildings appear largely intact.

                  Can you be a bit more specific? Maybe draw in some arrows?


                  • #10
                    Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

                    Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                    If you look at the 'before' pics, then you'll understand what I mean by the impact of the tsunami.

                    Note there's steam here as well.
                    I remember hearing something about the Japanese having the highest rates of stomach cancer, with a diet high in salt as the culprit. I wonder if the high rate is not due to previous, unannounced accidents, and contaminated food. When I lived in Japan in 1999, during the nuclear accident at Tokaimura, I believe that there was nuclear fission for 48 hours before anyone was notified.


                    • #11
                      Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

                      This picture better shows what Fukushima looked like before the earthquake/tsunami.

                      Note the line of blue buildings; half were destroyed by the tsunami. Behind the blue buildings, as well as the line of grey buildings to the right of the blue, were lines of storage tanks. The ones behind the blue line are almost all gone.

                      For scale, you can see the square building behind the row of tanks behind the row of gray buildings on the shoreline - the blue/gray buildings are around 1 story tall, with the tanks being 1 1/2 to 2 stories tall.

                      To the right of the line of gray buildings and the line of tanks behind, there was a large low white building which was destroyed.

                      Also note that the outside state of the buildings doesn't speak to what happened inside. As those in Louisiana found out after Katrina, even a structurally sound building which survived a relatively slow flood resulted in total losses of contents.

                      I think the above picture I posted is actually after the earthquake/tsunami but before the hydrogen explosions. Certainly the missing blue buildings would indicate that.

                      EDIT: It should also be noted that there is a very long triangular breakwater in front of the plant; the edge of one side can be seen just below the blue buildings in the pictures don put up.

                      It seems likely that the tsunami was at least partially blocked by the breakwater, but the portions of the tsunami coming in from the sides of the breakwater was more than enough to destroy the buildings not fully protected by the breakwater. A Google Earth view shows better the impact of the tsunami: the south side of Fukushima #1 shows a huge swath of shoreline scraped clean:

                      fukushima side view.jpg

                      You can see from this that the destructive force of the tsunami - without the breakwater - was enough to scour trees and earth away well back of where the nuclear reactors are.
                      Last edited by c1ue; April 08, 2011, 01:56 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

                        Originally posted by big67 View Post
                        Can an explosion of hydrogen at air pressure make all that disaster?
                        The damages of reactor n.3 building look excessive to me. Pictures of the explosion shot at very large distance show a column of smoke basically vertical, going several hundreds meter high.
                        This guy seems to think the same: Gundersen Postulates Unit 3 Explosion May Have Been Prompt Criticality in Fuel Pool


                        • #13
                          Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

                          Posted on an earlier iTulip thread, on 3/14/11
                          That event had an odd dynamic.
                          First, a bright flash and debris in all directions, as one would expect of a room full of hydrogen exploding. Fast and unidirectional; bang and done.
                          But then a brief delay, and a straight vertical shot of heavy dark vapor, like tons of water flashing into steam as if the top came off a vertical pressure vessel.
                          The lower plume that comes last is white and goes in all directions, but that first big central plume goes straight up and is a dark color.


                          • #14
                            Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

                            Now Starving Steve's mushroom reference makes sense.


                            • #15
                              Re: Unmanned Drone Shots of Fukushima

                              Not to let the subject go cold.


                              I think the story says everything. A look at Japan's arts will also have this theme periodically included in their composition.

                              I like this one,

                              The 'ancestors' have not gone anywhere, they are still here and they are watching us. The only problem is people today cannot see them or don't want to see them. People on Earth today are seriously disconnected from reality.

