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Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

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  • Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

    I saw a video on this comet called Niburu which they say rotates around Sun once every 3600 years and is going to be near Earth in a few months. Is this Hype ? I saw the following video and don't want to believe it. The poster in the video seem to be a Silver hawker.

    I went to the Nasa Jet propulsion website[ then click Orbit diagram] or google search "JPL C 2010 X1" and tried moving the co-ordinates and they seem to indicate it is going to come closest to the Earth - may be this was only their hypothetical calculation or this comet may be of less mass.

    Any one heard of this and have any comments on this ?

    It says closest point will be at 2011-Oct-16

    Close-Approach Data ...sorted by Date/Time (TDB)
    Date/Time (TDB) Time Uncertainty
    Body Nominal Distance (AU) Minimum Distance (AU) Maximum Distance (AU) V-relative (km/s) V-infinity (km/s) JD (TDB) Time Uncertainty (minutes) Semi-major axis (km) Semi-minor axis (km) range-LOV angle (deg) N-sigma Imp. Prob. BP Orbit Ref. Reference Modified
    2011-Oct-16 19:55 00:10 Earth 0.233824982011373 0.23352165490423 0.234128362739512 23.9101784134544 23.9097018256159 2455851.330206003 10.3012770983427 13261.6288971329 335.440297115234 7.93846569322507 13248.3825280966 0 T 19 CATAB v2.0c-linF95 2011-Mar-25 09:59:20 2011-Mar-25 09:59
    [ Ephemeris | Orbit Diagram | Orbital Elements | Physical Parameters | Close-Approach Data ]

  • #2
    Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

    Ummm... closest approach is about .23 au, which is about 21 million miles, or 34 million km. Not even close.


    • #3
      Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?
      Search for nibiru.

      Also try Bad Astronomy.


      • #4
        Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

        This is a hoax.

        Besides 0.23 AU is really far, like 1/4 the distance from Earth to the Sun.

        There are thousands of comets detected and tracked, but all except one or two each decade get bright enough to become easily visible to the naked eye.

        Here is a list of comets reaching telescopic visibility over the next few years.

        Something like this did happen about 30,000 years ago. A giant comet came into the inner solar system and broke up. There would have been many very bright comets in the sky for thousands of years.

        Comets West, Bennet, Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake were all really beautiful. The next time a bright one appears, it is worth going somewhere with dark skies... and the Milky Way is glorious almost any night.


        • #5
          Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

          Originally posted by Guinnesstime View Post
          This "" has a bad track record.
          See below. link:

          Originally posted by

          So what the deal with comet elenin, there does not seem to be too much credible information. Everyone seems to be freaking out about it, but no one even knows how big it is. Does this comet pose a threat and what is its size and nature? AND I have read about comet Elenin and how some nasa people want to keep it a secret. what are the chances of it coming to earth and what threat does it bring with it, and has this comet got anything to do with 2012 hoax? AND Elinin is only .117 au from earth on mar 11,2011. From march 8 to mar 15, 2011, what are the chances that Elinin either impacts us, or gets close enough to cause a major catastrophy. Please be honest.

          One of the worst examples is a video that someone posted on the NASAbuzzroom website that claims that the magnetic field of the comet will cause a large shift in the rotation axis of the Earth and produce mega-earthquakes on March 15, 2011. It is hard to imagine anyone would take this seriously.

          David Morrison
          Astrobiology Senior Scientist

          March 1, 2011
          And look what happened on March 11th 2011. Yes, it did not produce many mega-earthquakes, but it did make a Big One in Japan. I heard it also caused a shift in rotation axis of the Earth. "The calculations also show the Japan quake should have shifted the position of Earth's figure axis (the axis about which Earth's mass is balanced) by about 17 centimeters (6.5 inches)". The Track record of these Q&A in NASA is not good.


          • #6
            Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

            WTF? No link has been shown between a comet and an earthquake. Also the quote you copied says it was the earthquake not the comet responsible for shifting the earth's axis slightly. Yes, that is right your own quote contradicts you.

            I have no clue what levels of a magnetic field would be required to cause an earthquake or to shift the earth's axis but I know no comet could do that. The field requirements would have to be utterly massive, astronomical. The only things that exist that could have a magnetic field that strong are another star, a black hole, or a very young neutron star (magnatar). If anyone of those came close enough to the earth for the magnetic field to cause those effects you'd probably have bigger problems to worry about.


            • #7
              Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

              More "out there" theories -


              • #8
                Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

                A simple comparison shows a comet is extremely unlikely to have any significant impact on earth.

                Even excluding the distance issue - which is a huge one - comets range up to 20 km in diameter.

                Well, we have a far larger object in the sky: the moon.

                The moon has a diameter of 3476 km. It swings around the earth in a slightly irregular orbit and is only 380,000 km away (on average) with closest distance about 360,000 km

                If indeed gravitational effects account for earthquakes, there should be a clear relationship between the Moon's orbits and earthquakes - and I've never seen anything speaking to that.

                Taking into account much greater distances combined with the inverse squared law, plus the mass differences, any comet would have literally infinitesimal gravitational effect on earth as compared to the moon.


                • #9
                  Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

                  That's a good explanation - that the mass of this Comet is small and if this is really coming, I hope the size is also small because looking at the trajectory,
                  there is a possibility of long duration Solar Eclipse (say a week from Oct 1st to Oct 7th ) ? But if this is "really" coming, we should know this pretty soon, including it's size/mass.

                  I am anyway buying some Candles/Hand Cranked LED lantern/torch/some fuel total around $100. It is a small investment which I can use in any case.


                  • #10
                    Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

                    Originally posted by sishya View Post
                    This "" has a bad track record.
                    See below. link:

                    And look what happened on March 11th 2011. Yes, it did not produce many mega-earthquakes, but it did make a Big One in Japan. I heard it also caused a shift in rotation axis of the Earth. "The calculations also show the Japan quake should have shifted the position of Earth's figure axis (the axis about which Earth's mass is balanced) by about 17 centimeters (6.5 inches)". The Track record of these Q&A in NASA is not good.

                    Yeah about that..... NO.

                    I trust a NASA scientist over all the junk conspiracy/2012 crap on the web.


                    • #11
                      Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

                      Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                      A simple comparison shows a comet is extremely unlikely to have any significant impact on earth.

                      Even excluding the distance issue - which is a huge one - comets range up to 20 km in diameter.

                      Well, we have a far larger object in the sky: the moon.

                      The moon has a diameter of 3476 km. It swings around the earth in a slightly irregular orbit and is only 380,000 km away (on average) with closest distance about 360,000 km

                      If indeed gravitational effects account for earthquakes, there should be a clear relationship between the Moon's orbits and earthquakes - and I've never seen anything speaking to that.

                      Taking into account much greater distances combined with the inverse squared law, plus the mass differences, any comet would have literally infinitesimal gravitational effect on earth as compared to the moon.
                      Here the summary..... Scientists A and B assert there is a correlation between the moon and earthquakes.... another Scientist, we will call Scientist Smart, says that past research could find no correlation so A is wrong and B is an idiot because his research methods are garbage.

                      Oh and to strengthen clue's argument
                      Last edited by Guinnesstime; April 06, 2011, 06:01 PM. Reason: Add links


                      • #12
                        Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

                        Apparently "Niburu" sounds very like an ancient Mayan term that translates approximately as "Quantitive Easing". The last known inscriptions from the central Mayan temple prior to collapse of their civilization, consisted of "Niburu Niburu Niburu Niburu Niburu ..."


                        • #13
                          Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

                          I have no idea if this is a hoax, but hope that it is. But the web site is absolutely a NASA site and ELE stands for Extinction Level Event, so what does NIN stand for? The only sensible thing to do is keep a quiet eye on this and see what happens.


                          • #14
                            Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

                            Originally posted by Chris Coles View Post
                            I have no idea if this is a hoax, but hope that it is. But the web site is absolutely a NASA site and ELE stands for Extinction Level Event, so what does NIN stand for? The only sensible thing to do is keep a quiet eye on this and see what happens.
                            The comet was discovered by Leonid ELENIN, a Russian astronomer.

                            I've observed the comet with my own telescope. My orbit computations are pretty close to those of NASA and the Minor Planet Center; there is obviously no conspiracy.

                            Here's a 2-D animation of the comet's flyby. Not shown is that in 3-D, the comet and Earth are not in the same plane.

                            If you're looking for objects that will be close to Earth, the asteroid 2005 YU55 is much more interesting. It will closer to Earth than the Moon, late this year.


                            • #15
                              Re: Niburu - comet : Is this Hype or Real ?

                              Originally posted by Sharky View Post
                              The comet was discovered by Leonid ELENIN, a Russian astronomer.

                              I've observed the comet with my own telescope. My orbit computations are pretty close to those of NASA and the Minor Planet Center; there is obviously no conspiracy.
                              OK, point taken, and happly so, but then in which case, what are we to make of the debate centred upon the idea that we are going to pass through a debris trail after the comet passes by, particularly the period highlighted between November 5th and 23rd?

