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McDonald's Supersizes With 50,000 New Jobs

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  • McDonald's Supersizes With 50,000 New Jobs

    To get an idea how bad things can get, look at what passes for good news these days. In other "good" news, jobs trying to deal with chronic disease induced from SAD(Standard American Diet) also look promising.

  • #2
    Re: McDonald's Supersizes With 50,000 New Jobs

    The few times I watch commercial television - usually a live sporting event - I'm amazed at how low the price is for the amount of "food" being promoted. I know it's ersatz and deceptively staged but it's also no mystery why America's increasing squeezed overworked minions buy the stuff.


    • #3
      Re: McDonald's Supersizes With 50,000 New Jobs

      Heres some good news

      Heres a great documentary on mcdonalds and the whole food issue in the US.


      • #4
        Re: McDonald's Supersizes With 50,000 New Jobs

        Just-In-Time for McDonald's proves more resilient than Toyota.

        ``This is a temporary shutdown, which will affect about 25,000 workers. The length of the shutdown is unknown and depends on how fast Japanese parts factories can get back in operation, spokesman Mike Gross told the AP.''

        For those Americanos indefinitely laid-off, make it a Happy Meal.


        • #5
          Re: McDonald's Supersizes With 50,000 New Jobs

          Originally posted by don View Post
          Just-In-Time for McDonald's proves more resilient than Toyota.

          ``This is a temporary shutdown, which will affect about 25,000 workers. The length of the shutdown is unknown and depends on how fast Japanese parts factories can get back in operation, spokesman Mike Gross told the AP.''

          For those Americanos indefinitely laid-off, make it a Happy Meal.
          "...With the Sendai region -- where McDonald's previously sourced some of its milk, eggs and lettuce -- devastated by the tsunami, McDonald's has air-freighted in extra supplies from the U.S. and elsewhere in Asia..."

          Wonder if they are going to install geiger counters in the kitchens over there once they start sourcing milk, eggs and lettuce locally once again...


          • #6
            Re: McDonald's Supersizes With 50,000 New Jobs

            Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
            "...With the Sendai region -- where McDonald's previously sourced some of its milk, eggs and lettuce -- devastated by the tsunami, McDonald's has air-freighted in extra supplies from the U.S. and elsewhere in Asia..."

            Wonder if they are going to install geiger counters in the kitchens over there once they start sourcing milk, eggs and lettuce locally once again...
            For people who are eating McMystery Meat, what difference is a little radiation going to make to their health?
            I'm mostly kidding. And anyway Japan's diabetes rate is lower than the US. By the way... veering even further off the original topic... why is the diabetes percentage on the arabian peninsula so high? How could anyone eat worse than we do?



            • #7
              Re: McDonald's Supersizes With 50,000 New Jobs

              This story should have come out on April 1.


              • #8
                Re: McDonald's Supersizes With 50,000 New Jobs

                Originally posted by Shakespear View Post
                This story should have come out on April 1.
                That's the trouble with our world. Reality continues to trump fiction.


                • #9
                  Re: McDonald's Supersizes With 50,000 New Jobs

                  Originally posted by don View Post
                  That's the trouble with our world. Reality continues to trump fiction.
                  Full marks for that one don!


                  • #10
                    World-wide Epidemics of Obesity & Diabetes

                    Saudi Arabia and its people are highly susceptible to the dangers from Westernization of their traditional diets. Look at Yemen next door, mostly a poor rural country that has somewhat maintained its traditional ways and diets. Yeman has 1/3 of the diabetes rate of Saudi Arabia.

                    More than 2,500 years ago, India first reported the new "rich man's disease" (ie. diabetes) a few decades after when flour and sugar were first imported to their country.

                    North American First Nations people have up to 5 times the diabetes rate (as high as 25% of the population on average, with each year of age the probability you have it goes up), as compared to mainstream society in N. America (~5%).

                    We have had to add 4 new categories to the BMI (Body Mass Index) statistical categories (ie. fatter, really fat, Oh MY God that's fat), as people keep getting fatter and fatter over the past 30 years. This has occurred in every State (Louisana being the worst), except for Colorado (the high elevation & lower oxygen levels tends to shift everybody's metabolism into high gear).

                    World-wide, we have an epidemic of 6 month old babies who are morbidly obese.

                    Is this because their parents haven't bought the 6 month old babies a gym membership?

                    I don't think so. This fat baby epidemic is due to the poor diet of the mother before conception, and during the pregnancy, as well as feeding the baby factory-made baby formula, and/or apple juice during their first 6 months.

                    Type II diabetes results from excessive carbohydrates in the diet (eg. fruit juices, sugar, starches). Big food and pharma has captured government regulation & mis-directed and mis-interpreted diet research, forcing us down an unhealthy but very profitable road for big food & big pharma.

                    Sugar in our diet is now 5 times higher than what it was in 1900's.

                    High serum insulin levels and excess dietary carbohydrates have been linked as the probable cause of high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff), low HDL cholesterol (the good stuff), metabolic disease, cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease, insulin resistance, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and Alzheimer's Disease.

                    For more info, see:

                    Low Carb Man

                    Dr. Gardner at Stanford did a 1 year randomized, double blind study on best diet and found low carb (ie. Atkin's Diet) beat all the other diets in every category

                    Dr. Lustig's Sugar: The Bitter Truth

                    Dr. Jay Wortman's My Big Fat Diet

                    Gary Taubes

                    and his two books Good Calories, Bad Calories and Why We Get Fat
                    Last edited by Glenn Black; April 06, 2011, 11:20 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: World-wide Epidemics of Obesity & Diabetes

                      Originally posted by Glenn Black View Post
                      Saudi Arabia and its people are highly susceptible to the Westernization of diets. Look at Yeman next door, mostly a poor rural country that has maintained its traditional ways and diets. Yeman has 1/3 of the diabetes rate.

                      World-wide, we have an epidemic of 6 month old babies who are morbidly obese.

                      Is this because their parents haven't bought the baby a gym membership?

                      I don't think so. This fat baby epidemic is due to the poor diet of the mother before conception, and during the pregnancy, as well as feeding the baby factory-made baby formula, and/or apple juice during their first 6 months.

                      Type II diabetes results from excessive carbohydrates in the diet (eg. fruit juices, sugar, starches). Big food and pharma has captured government regulation & research diet, forcing us down an unhealthy but very profitable road. Sugar in our diet is now 5 times higher than what it was in 1900's. High serum insulin levels has been linked as the probable cause of high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff), low HDL cholesterol (the good stuff), metabolic disease, cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease, insulin resistance, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and Alzheimer's Disease.

                      For more info, see:

                      Low Carb Man

                      Dr. Gardner at Stanford did a 1 year randomized, double blind study on best diet and found low carb (ie. Atkin's Diet) beat all the other diets in every category

                      Dr. Lustig's Sugar: The Bitter Truth

                      Dr. Jay Wortman's My Big Fat Diet

                      Gary Taubes

                      and his two books Good Calories, Bad Calories and Why We Get Fat
                      There is a massive agricultural industrial complex which is also a strategic tool that the government uses/subsidizes/controls. There is also the commodities exchanges in chicago/new york/world/etc. who are key players. I would also reference the food pyramid the USDA promotes.


                      Yup, the bottom section of the pyramid shows the government promoting the intake of sugars/starches through grains. Enjoy .

