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George Soros : SDR II - No alternative to a new world architecture

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  • #16
    Re: George Soros : SDR II - No alternative to a new world architecture

    I remember as kids in our neighbourhood in California, we used to wonder about proposals for SDRs to someday back the dollar. And we came up with an idea: SDRs would someday be backed by monkey-stix.

    And nothing has changed. The year was 1964.

    Nothing has changed because international finance is a big confidence-game. Money does not grow on trees anymore than money can be elastic or faith-based or faith-backed or interest rates can be set at zero by fiat.

    Eva Adams ran the U.S. Mint in those years. In November of 1965, she introduced her Eva Adams quarters to solve the coin shortage. The date on these quarters was a frozen and forever 1965, and they were called, "sandwich quarters". These quarters nicely paid for the Vietnam War deficits and LBJ's fantasies.

    As kids, we would connect monkey-stix together to create whatever we could imagine. Monkey-stix were our first lesson in elastic currency and inflation economics.

    The dollar will be backed someday by SDRs, and the SDRs will be backed by monkey-stix. Without gold and without oil backing the SDRs, they are worthless..... It all is a con-game.
    Last edited by Starving Steve; March 26, 2011, 02:59 PM.


    • #17
      Re: George Soros : SDR II - No alternative to a new world architecture

      Originally posted by flintlock View Post
      You left out Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffet. Those guys have some pretty strange accents too. Brezezinski and Kissinger "most influential" in USA? Maybe in 1975, but today?

      As for Soros, its funny how people can have such wildly different opinions of the same person.
      I pasted a comment about the Influence of Kissinger in policies which trickle down to National Security Advisor James Jones of the Obama administration. His wording meant that Kissinger ( a republican admin personnel) still advising Obama Admin - trickle down. These wording suggest Kissinger's influence is huge even in this present day.

      Originally posted by "James L Jones"
      As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger


      • #18
        Re: George Soros : SDR II - No alternative to a new world architecture

        Soros' institute is open about what it funds:

        And initiatives:

        The programmes don't sound as is they align with the wishes of TBTB, e.g.


        • #19
          Re: George Soros : SDR II - No alternative to a new world architecture

          Originally posted by renewable View Post
          Soros' institute is open about what it funds:

          And initiatives:

          The programmes don't sound as is they align with the wishes of TBTB, e.g.
          soros is part of the solution not the problem... one of the good guys.


          • #20
            Re: George Soros : SDR II - No alternative to a new world architecture



            "assualt weapons"
            "junk guns"

            The guy funds "junk" studies and promotes "junk" laws. And now he wants to make a junk currency on a world wide basis.


            • #21
              Re: George Soros : SDR II - No alternative to a new world architecture

              Originally posted by sishya View Post
              This is an article dated Nov 2009 and I have seen the youtube video of Soros
              Interview dated Oct 2009 explaining the same, which I found intriguing and it looks
              I hope you realize that Soros was "sold", since a young man, on Sir Karl Popper's 3-World and "Open Society" Epistemology. Given this, is it any wonder that Soros is trying to sell this future?
              The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


              • #22
                Re: George Soros : SDR II - No alternative to a new world architecture

                Originally posted by reggie View Post
                I hope you realize that Soros was "sold", since a young man, on Sir Karl Popper's 3-World and "Open Society" Epistemology. Given this, is it any wonder that Soros is trying to sell this future?
                Didn't Soros conclude that Popper's Open Society couldn't work, since it was too easy to influence the information that reached the masses; allowing the PTB to steer the actions of the masses by proxy?

                Seems to me he's applying Karl Popper's ideas al right... in a very cynical way though.
                engineer with little (or even no) economic insight


                • #23
                  Re: George Soros : SDR II - No alternative to a new world architecture

                  Originally posted by LorenS View Post


                  "assualt weapons"
                  "junk guns"

                  The guy funds "junk" studies and promotes "junk" laws. And now he wants to make a junk currency on a world wide basis.
                  Soros wants to have me disarmed. Since I will not disarm myself voluntarily, he would have me disarmed involuntarily. I take that personally. Anyone who wants to do that is evil in my book.

                  His gun report grades states by how draconian their gun laws are, regardless of how effective those laws are for reducing violent crime. He calls for mandatory registration of all gun owners, which as history shows is the required step to gun confiscation and banning the legal ownership of firearms.

                  For a cogent argument against Soros' gun report and similar calls for gun control, read Jeffrey Snyder's A Nation of Cowards.
                  Last edited by shiny!; April 03, 2011, 12:37 PM. Reason: clarity

                  Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

