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Ron Paul: "insulting that this authority comes from the United Nations, and not the Congress"

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  • #46
    Re: Ron Paul: "insulting that this authority comes from the United Nations, and not the Congress"

    I think the main lesson in this is that it's a joke to elect someone like Obama or McCain or Bush and think that they are different in a meaningful way. They are all clowns (although dangerous ones). The next one will most likely be a clown too. Even in their response to this news, people show their blind allegiance to whatever party they feel closest to. Like defending Stalin because he was less evil than Hitler or vice-versa.

    Originally posted by lektrode View Post
    no offense to a fellow tuliper, but...

    personally? eye find it incredably disrepectful and think it depicts our dedicated, professional military personell in a preposterously degrading/shameful fashion - and merely its existence confirms the infantile and subversive mind of its 'creator'
    and the more this kinda shit makes the rounds on the web (or hey aint this a real boss abortion to brag about on yer facebook page), the worse we as americans look to the rest of the world... it wont be long now before even our allies think of us the way obama... ooops, sorry eh - the way osama & crew think of us: The Problem to be exterminated at their first opportunity - and when they eventually find a way past our homeland "security" not only will you be sorry you ever disparaged our military professionals, YER GOLD WILL BE WORTHLESS too.

    just sayin.
    One of America's problems is that people have a blind patriotism in this country, particularly with regard to the military. If you don't support sending tomahawk missiles to a country that the VAST majority of Americans could not locate on a map, you must be some kind of anti-American terrorist sympathizer.

    Most "anti-war people" do support the actual soldiers. They don't support the decision to risk their lives killing people in far off lands who pose no threat to us. This is why people like Ron Paul get strong support from actual military personnel.

    We can't just turn a blind eye to our problems and hope that nobody notices. And I doubt that a satirical video or movie with puppets is going to drastically change world opinion about the US military.

    I personally believe that if we did not have decades of unnecessary military intervention all over the world, 9/11 would not have happened. The "War on Terror" is likely to be more successful in creating terrorists than it is fighting terrorists. It's like the Sorcerer's apprentice chopping the broom into many pieces.

    As a side note: do you purposefully misuse eye/I and yer/your etc. and if so is there a reason? I don't mean to be offensive, but it's odd because you seem to be American so I assume English is your first language and this is done intentionally.


    • #47
      Re: Ron Paul: "insulting that this authority comes from the United Nations, and not the Congress"

      Originally posted by cbr View Post
      excellent post mark,

      the fundamental problem is the inability to elect accomplished, competent individuals to lead in the US. the fractured electorate, enfranchisement of any moron to vote, whether a productive member of society or not, the lack of real debate or available information on candidates, and the abuse of information and campaign rules by highly financed interests has created this situation. the obama administration is the epitomy of the results..
      What is your definition of a "competent individual"?
      What is your definition of a "productive member of society"?
      What is your definition of a "moron"?

      Have you read, or do you understand, Adorno's dialectic of enlightenment? and/or do you understand how this area of study impacts our society, and yourself?
      The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


      • #48
        Re: Ron Paul: "insulting that this authority comes from the United Nations, and not the Congress"

        When the U.S. govn't signs a treaty, a tax treaty or any other international treaty, it will obey the treaty--- no matter whatever Ron Paul, Texas isolationists, the religious-right, or that gun-toting bunch in Arizona think.... And that is truly the bottomline.

        The U.S. has a free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, and many other countries as well, and the U.S. will obey the terms of its binding agreements with its trading partners, including taxation matters. There is a mechanism in International Law to settle trade disputes, and the U.S. will obide by the resolution of that dispute resolution process. ( The General Agreement on Tarrifs and Trade has written provisions to settle trade disputes between signatory nations, for example. )
        Last edited by Starving Steve; April 01, 2011, 08:37 PM.


        • #49
          Re: Ron Paul: "insulting that this authority comes from the United Nations, and not the Congress"

          Forgive me but I really think that the American flavour of democratic procedure is kind of running roughshod over the other forms here. Why is there simultaneously 1) no such outrage over the taking of military action on procedural grounds in countries such as Canada, Holland, France or Denmark? Does this demonstrate a lack of democracy in these lands? 2) Why is there not a visceral distrust of and animosity towards the UN in these countries when this is very much the case in the US? 3) And why, if Americans are so enamoured of legalistic procedures are they so unwilling to submit to the authority of the International Court in the Hague.

          I suppose the rest of us are "transnational progressive[s] who privately think the U.S. has no moral right to take action without the approval of the international community."

          Shame on Obama! Think of the outcome!

          Other countries might have to pull their weight, especially when it comes to their own immediate region. Arabs might have to play the policeman in their own neighbourhood.

          But wait, don't we hate the policeman role? Hold on, I'm confused.


          • #50
            Re: Ron Paul: "insulting that this authority comes from the United Nations, and not the Congress"

            Originally posted by oddlots View Post
            Why is there simultaneously 1) no such outrage over the taking of military action on procedural grounds in countries such as Canada, Holland, France or Denmark?
            I don't know about the other countries, but in Canada the action in Libya was put to a parliamentary vote ... and all 4 political parties unanimously supported it - which has been rare for them to agree on anything.

