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Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

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  • Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

    Wisconsin Death Trip


    On Wednesday evening, in a veritable Night of the Long Knives, Wisconsin's integrity was brutally murdered on the floor of the state Capitol in Madison. On 9 March, integrity and trust built up over a century was obliterated as Wisconsin state senators quickly reversed course and cleaved its budget "repair bill" in half. Financial items require a quorum, thus, collective bargaining was split off from the budget repair bill and voted on separately so as to permit its being voted on now. Even so, this still broke the state's open meeting law requiring 24 hours' notice to ensure transparency. Instead, the Wisconsin senate Republicans pulled out this new legislation without advance notice and began voting, leaving only a stunned Democratic legislator, Peter Barca, to read the open meeting law out loud to prevent the senators from voting. The senate voted over his objections anyway.

    The Wisconsin brand has always centered on integrity. This was really about the only distinctive comparative advantage the state could lay claim to. Now, it is gone. With collective bargaining abolished, huge issues remain beyond labor. The privatization of public assets is now on the agenda, with the yet-to-be-voted-on budget repair bill.

    Wisconsin is a state that invented Progressive Era Republican rule in the 19th and early 20th centuries under such progressive populists as Robert LaFollette. Under their tenure, rent-seeking from the public domain and similar insider corruption were checked by a strong public sector anchored in integrity. The state's long history of reforms nurtured a prosperous middle class and made it a model of clean government, solid infrastructure, trade unionism and high value-added industry managed by socialists and the LaFollette Progressives.

    Fast-forward to Scott Walker today. Representing a new breed apart from Wisconsin's earlier Republicans, he is seeking to re-birth the asset-grabbing Gilded Age. A plague of rent-seekers is seeking quick gains by privatizng the public sector and erecting tollbooths to charge access fees to roads, power plants and other basic infrastructure.

    Economics textbooks, along with Fox News and shout radio commentators, spread the myth that fortunes are gained productively by investing in capital equipment and employing labor to produce goods and services that people want to buy. This may be how economies prosper, but it is not how fortunes are most easily made. One need only to turn to the 19th-century novelists such as Balzac to be reminded that behind every family fortune lies a great theft, often long-forgotten or even undiscovered.

    But who is one to steal from? Most wealth in history has been acquired either by armed conquest of the land, or by political insider dealing, such as the great US railroad land giveaways of the mid 19th century. The great American fortunes have been founded by prying land, public enterprises and monopoly rights from the public domain, because that's where the assets are to take.

    Throughout history the world's most successful economies have been those that have kept this kind of primitive accumulation in check. The US economy today is faltering largely because its past barriers against rent-seeking are being breached.

    Nowhere is this more disturbingly on display than in Wisconsin. Today, Milwaukee – Wisconsin's largest city, and once the richest in America – is ranked among the four poorest large cities in the United States. Wisconsin is just the most recent case in this great heist. The US government itself and its regulatory agencies effectively are being privatized as the "final stage" of neoliberal economic doctrine.

    A peek into Governor Walker's so-called "budget repair bill" reveals a shop of horrors that is just the opposite of actually repairing the budget. Among the items listed in the bill until Wednesday night were selloffs of state power generation facilities – in no-bid contracts notoriously prone to insider dealing.

    The 37 facilities he wants to sell off that produce heating and cooling at low cost to the state's universities and prisons. Walker's budget repair bill would have unloaded them at a low price, presumably to campaign contributors such as Koch Industries – and then stick the bill for producing this power at higher rates to Wisconsin taxpayers in perpetuity. (And this is all being sold as a "taxpayer relief" plan!) Invariably, this will make its way into new legislation once attention is diverted from the current controversy.

    The budget bill also plans to tear down the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). This is not New Jersey, where a succession of corrupt governments have underfunded (read: stolen) the state pension system in order to shift resources to pay for budget shortfalls in general revenues caused by tax breaks for the rich. The WRS is one of the nation's most stable, well-funded and best-managed pension systems. Although Wisconsin is not a big state, the WRS has amassed $75bn in reserves, and pays out handsome pensions to its public retirees, without needing new public subsidy. The Walker bill has language providing for tearing down this system, raiding its assets to pay for further tax cuts for the rich (especially property owners), and then throwing Wall Street a meaty bone as public employees would be shifted to 401k plans handled by money managers on commission.

    In a separate proposal, Governor Walker would start privatizing the University of Wisconsin's two flagship doctorate-granting campuses. Ironically, the land grant universities – of which Wisconsin has long been among the best – were created by protectionist 19th-century Republicans as an alternative approach to British free-market doctrine, which dominated the prestigious and largely anglophile Ivy League universities. These universities, like their German counterparts, taught a new economic policy of state management and public enterprise that formed the basis for subsequent US and German development.

    Walker would kill off this tradition, and return intellectual production to the highest bidder.

    Other proposals suggest selling off Wisconsin's public northwoods lands with their cornucopia of mineral and timber wealth. And much more is said to be in the works.

    So Walker's war is not only against the Democrats and labour, it is against Wisconsin's Progressive Era institutions. His policy threatens to pauperize the state and deal a coup de grace to Progressive Era institutions and impoverish the state's middle class. Contra John Maynard Keynes's gentle suggestion of "euthanasia of the rentier", it is the middle class that is being euthanized – throughout North America and Europe.

  • #2
    Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

    Scott Walker did more damage to the left than any other politician in the past 50-60 years. He DEFUNDED them. They are pissed, no more taxing the historic majority to support all the leftist .gov programs and social engineering. This is real action no more abstract discussions about freedom/liberty/constitution that doesn't exist but, concrete actions against redistribution to the left.

    Too bad its too late, the country has been destroyed culturally and ransacked financially. I despise the republican traitors of the past 40 years but, atleast they did something right for once.

    The new republican motto should be "Even a broken clock, is right twice a day."
    Last edited by chr5648; March 11, 2011, 12:37 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

      It's funny how voiding contracts made with a union is justified, fair and necessary, while voiding contracts that award bankers enormous bonuses is sacrilege. It's so freakin easy too -- just yell "BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET WE'RE BROKE!!" and the usual suspects line right up.

      How depressing.


      • #4
        Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

        Being from Wisconsin, and having lived on both coasts and in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio growing up, it is sometimes hard to explain why Wisconsin is such a wonderful state. The state's proud history, its fine institutions, and its hardworking, down-to-earth citizens all contribute.

        The ugliness that has taken charge and rammed through privitization is truly a blot on Wisconsin.

        And I believe that it will soon be clear, to anyone who cares to open his eyes and mind, that the steps taken in the name of Wisconsin taxpayers are really not going to work out for the best of most people. I expect the result to be quite the opposite to what has been represented, I am sad to say.


        • #5
          Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

          Originally posted by Stroebel View Post
          Being from Wisconsin, and having lived on both coasts and in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio growing up, it is sometimes hard to explain why Wisconsin is such a wonderful state. The state's proud history, its fine institutions, and its hardworking, down-to-earth citizens all contribute.

          The ugliness that has taken charge and rammed through privitization is truly a blot on Wisconsin.

          And I believe that it will soon be clear, to anyone who cares to open his eyes and mind, that the steps taken in the name of Wisconsin taxpayers are really not going to work out for the best of most people. I expect the result to be quite the opposite to what has been represented, I am sad to say.
          Stroebel, I'm sad to say that I think you're correct. The problem that people fundamentally misunderstand is that budget holes are created and destroyed. They are not natural phenomena that must be dealt with as they come.

          Pension funds went sour when Moody's slapped a AAA rating on a steaming pile of $*#% and banks sold it to them. Now, the banks (private risk) get bailed out, but the pension funds (public risk) do not. And nobody goes to jail. Worse, the lying, cheating ratings agencies threaten to downgrade U.S. sovereign debt. Bank execs get record bonuses; teachers, cops and firemen get fired or laid off.

          Some pension funds, like Wisconsin's, were foolish enough to borrow money to try and beat the spread with mortgage-backed garbage. The problem is that no one was reporting it then.

          Still, the general budget was solvent enough in December. By January, Walker & Fitzgerald created a hole. They used it as an excuse to steal away public property. It's kleptocracy, plain and simple, and Hudson called it. Yet it continues at all scales.

          The problem is that the politicos and talking heads are pushing the middle class to divide itself along economic lines - you make $60k, I make $50k - you have a pension, I have a 401(k) - you're a public employee, I'm a private employee - etc.

          It's an absurd dichotomy created by pollsters and spin-doctors. I promise that the small-business owner has more in common with the teacher than the hedge fund manager. I promise that the insurance bureaucrat has more in common with the state bureaucrat than the bank executive. Yet, still they turn on each other.

          I read an article yesterday in the Boston Herald entitled: "Time for Sesame Street to Feel Main Street's Pain." My face curled in disgust - a natural reaction like smelling curdled milk. Once into the article, it made a decent point or two, but it was phrased that way to be divisive.

          I have literally seen calls lately to fire all public employees. Of course this is absurd. I cannot think of an instance in history where it happened. Even in anarchy some remain. But this is where discourse is going. So let us think about it at the local level.

          There are about 3.2M teachers in the US. There's about 1M police. There's about 300k career firefighters. If you fired them all, you'd have tops $4.5T/yr. That's about $15k/capita/year. Say a little more than half of that went to offset costs related to the inevitable 20%+ official unemployment rate - there'd still be $7k/capita/year left. Now say some functions were required, but we could pay minimum wage with no benefits - so we drop it to $5k/capita/year.

          That's leaves a bit more than a cold $1.5T to play with before all hell breaks loose. I figure we'd then have a couple of choices. We could each get a used Hyundai and move up to Black Label. Or we could build walls around Weston, Greenwich, and Aspen and hire security to shoot the masses that might try to get in.

          What would you do?


          • #6
            Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

            Very proud graduate of UW and it saddens me to see state of things on State Street.

            I will tell you that I, for one, am fed up to here with these politicians selling off public assets. Especially ones that are more than economically viable. Creating another way for rent extractors to pilfer a living off the public dole doesn't seem to me a good way to bring long term prosperity. And to do so in the manner it is proposed, without competitive bidding or congressional oversight, reeks of influence peddling.

            Walker should be recalled and thrown out of office for proposing such nonsense.



            • #7
              Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

              Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
              ....budget holes are created and destroyed. They are not natural phenomena that must be dealt with as they come.
              Pension funds went sour when Moody's slapped a AAA rating on a steaming pile of $*#% and banks sold it to them. Now, the banks (private risk) get bailed out, but the pension funds (public risk) do not. And nobody goes to jail. ...

              What would you do?
              if i was some hotshot, wannabefamous barister type???




              this isnt my idea, saw it posted on one of the wsj comments


              if i had to guess - not to sound partisan or nuthin...
              and its just a hunch, but i dont really know/understand what i'm talking about...
              just to speculate, mind you...
              its hard to prove...
              tho not hard to argue...but if i had to bet, i'd hafta say...

              its cuz the culprits/perps/enablers

              ARE ALL DEMOCRATS!


              • #8
                Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

                If what you're saying is the dems are the party of choice to co-op dissent, I'm with you.


                • #9
                  Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

                  Originally posted by don View Post
                  If what you're saying is the dems are the party of choice to co-op dissent, I'm with you.
                  yeah, esp if they co-opt the outrage that some of us are feeling - talk about yer HOT BUTTON ISSUE: the bankster mob co-opting congress = sounds like it would be a great way to buy votes (of all the people who've just been screwed out of the houses, jobs, 401k's etc

                  gotta wonder why this one hasnt been filed already - (prolly cuz the tortbar types are part of the same team in DC and nyc??)


                  • #10
                    Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

                    maybe I'm neive but the government doesn't really have any money. They generate their money through borrowing and taxing. The government is a conduit from the people's money to things that the public generally wants to do as a collective. Now the people voted in politicians who promised to rein in spending. That is what the public wanted. Maybe they are neive and shooting themselves in the foot. But that is what they want now. Should the politicians say "No what you want is foolish, and we will not do it." It seems like the repubs in Wis. are being demonized like they have truck loads of money and aren't spending it. I don't hear any alternative to cut big numbers from the budget. No matter whoose ox is gored, there is going to be screaming. Should Wis cut state police, medicare, university support? I know in Illinois anyone even mentioning reducing any form of funding for education is branded as a devil. Maybe the next election cycle, the republicans will be voted out, and the dems will control things and restore all the benefits.

                    Now the selling of public assets with no bid contracts, that is probably not what the public wants.

                    In suburban Chicago, grade school salaries and benefits seem reasonable to me, but high school salaries seem high. In my district, we have a large percentage of teachers making 100K+. They have benefits that the private sector can't touch, have oodles of vacation time and have off in the summer. I would become a teacher, but the barriers to entry are quite high requiring a teaching degree which means 2 - 4 years of college. Too late for a 40+ year old to pursue that has a family to raise.


                    • #11
                      Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

                      Somehow, there are always people who are merely attempting the limitation of the use of 'Other Peoples Money'. This is a shame, would all be so much easier if an occasional politician actually tried to keep a campaign promise without being blamed for it..

                      This political silliness is about limiting what type of compensation can be used between the Tax Payers and the Union Workers with threat of force. It is merely a small legal change to limit corruption built into our system of political economy.

                      This law is about the use of 'Other Peoples Money', not about Unions, or Dems or Banksters, or the Tea Party.

                      It is about limiting the use of 'Other Peoples Money'. It is about limiting what type of compensation can be used between the Tax Payers and the Union Workers with threat of force. It is merely a small legal change to limit corruption built into our system of political economy.

                      That means that all we know…regular people… still end up being taxed the same...but the money goes somewhere else to pay the bills, not into someone’s pocket, or to pay for a blasted election campaign.

                      Of course, the Politicians, Corporations, Legal People, etc., not being regular people, will earn less money, and have a bit less influence. Heck, it might even level the playing field just a bit for those regular folks, without devastating jobs, pensions, and or "Union Workers", almost as if they were just regular folks too, and not a protected class, and the rest of us slaves.

                      After all, what really got changed was the negotiating weapons and defense that will be used in future for taxpayer paid jobs.

                      All people in America pay taxes of some kind (except some politicians, banksters, corporations and union thugs)...even the homeless pay sales tax, whether hidden as a fee or not, received by the state during someone in the raw materials, manufacturing, sales and distribution sequence so that the community can exist in relative peace, and presumably under law.

                      As for the vote being improper or illegal due to the absence of some State Senators… The vote for this law was in a 'special session', with less parliamentary regulation on procedure in Wisconsin, with only a non-financial law being passed, saying that Unions and Politicians can NOT hold a knife to the throat of the taxpayers to get all that can be squeezed out of them.

                      For those grumbling, please recall that all law is temporary, as are the jobs of Union Leaders and Politicians, and even Regular People. No one is being laid off, no one is losing their pay, or their benefits. How compensation is to be defined in future is what this is about. Sure, the State of Wisconsin wants to limit compensation to salary… but then, who doesn't? Give me my Health Insurance premium, and my retirement or pension, and I’ll use it better.

                      I'm not sorry that some Union Leaders will lose some money or influence for contracts made with the State on behalf of tax payers...but they still get to play the same lying, cheating and stealing money game the private sector is designed to be at present unless Wisconsin outlaws private sector negotiation.

                      Every money issue will still have to wait until the voting cowards come back from Illinois. If you will recall, the House Legislators, both Democrat and Republican, passed the bill to the Upper Assembly. But this portion of the law would have passed even if they had been present, and voted no.

                      Last edited by Forrest; March 12, 2011, 03:14 AM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

                        Originally posted by lektrode View Post
                        yeah, esp if they co-opt the outrage that some of us are feeling - talk about yer HOT BUTTON ISSUE: the bankster mob co-opting congress = sounds like it would be a great way to buy votes (of all the people who've just been screwed out of the houses, jobs, 401k's etc

                        gotta wonder why this one hasnt been filed already - (prolly cuz the tortbar types are part of the same team in DC and nyc??)
                        there's a lot here, some of it pretty good. With the late George Carlin contributing, what's not to like . . . .

                        Lifting the Veil from S DN on Vimeo.


                        • #13
                          Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

                          One interesting aspect of the whole Wisconsin debacle is what has been chosen as the terms of debate. The people on the side of the public unions, who support their ability to organize in order to better rape the taxpayers, obviously cannot debate on the merits of their position, as raping the taxpayer is not really a popular position if you are a taxpayer. So, they reframe the terms by bringing in an entirely unrelated issue-- the rape of the society by the bankster class. "How can you pick on the public unions when you let the banksters run wild!!" is their cry.

                          Of course, its an absolutely absurd argument, pathetic even, but a necessary one for a side that has absolutely nothing else to stand on. As my mother told me when I was 5 years old, "Two wrongs don't make a right!". Apparently the socialist f*cktards in Wisconsin--and those that support them--never listened to their mothers.


                          • #14
                            Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

                            does DeGraw nail it?


                            • #15
                              Re: Hudson: state house lost in FIRE

                              Not entirely...he's far too ready to 'socialize' or 'nationalize' a single being's bank account...this would be nice if God were saying who the bad guys are, but I don't trust anyone to confiscate anyone's money without due process.

                              Yes, due process takes forever, and is disingenuous to say the least, but at least no one is just reaching and grabbing at the point of a sword. People always forget about that part of the equation.

