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Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

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  • Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

    Norway’s Oil Fund: Is it Realizing its Full Potential?

    March 7, 2011
    By Michael Hudson
    A speech given at the House of Literaturhus, Oslo, recently

    I have been invited to visit Oslo to provide an international perspective on the management philosophy guiding Norway’s $500+ billion Oil Fund. In particular, I’ve been asked to compare it to other sovereign wealth funds. With regard to the nation’s economic development over the long run, how does Norway’s approach compare with those of China, Singapore and other countries that have accumulated enormous amounts in financial form?

    Despite the large size of Norway’s fund (second only to that of Abu Dhabi), its managers treat it in much the same way that a Norwegian family would treat its own personal savings account. The money is consigned to fund managers to invest in a wide array of stocks and bonds so as to minimize risk. In effect, Norway has a big set of mutual funds. The aim is to avoid converting oil export proceeds into domestic currency and thus pushing up the exchange rate (the Dutch Disease), while using the revenue for future generations to use as best they can.

    To my mind, the problem is the limited scope of how to go about doing this. Mutual funds invest in minority shares of companies. Spreading their money around is a widespread strategy for families and small investors to avoid risk. Their basic question is simply one of which stocks and bonds will yield the highest rate of return or rise most quickly in price. This is basically a short-term decision, given the ebb and flow of financial markets. And because stock pickers own only marginal amounts, their actions have no effect on the existing economic and political environment, productivity, employment and economic structures.

    China and Singapore pursue a different strategy. Being concerned mainly with their national development, they start by asking what their economies will need to import over the next half-century, and how foreign investment can best serve their long-term diplomatic aims. Singapore invests heavily in Australia, partly to help political as well as economic reciprocity. China has bought up majority shares of mineral resources (including silica mines in Norway and Iceland) and bought into the partnerships of major U.S. hedge funds. Both countries use their sovereign wealth funds to upgrade their long-term economic productivity, living standards, technology and educational levels.

    So here is quite a contrast. Norway is using its savings to buy minority stock ownership abroad, without linking its purchases to its own future development – except by receiving foreign exchange returns. It also is selling off ownership of its minerals and other natural resources, bringing in more foreign exchange on top of its oil exports. Most notably, it is selling these resources to nations that are seeking to dispose of their surplus dollars like a hot potato.

    I do not mean this figure of speech as a joke. The financial climate has changed radically from when Norway’s Oil Fund was established in 1990. Norway has built up its savings since then by selling enormous quantities of oil and gas, and employing many thousands of workers. By coincidence, an even larger sum of $600 billion recently has been created overnight – electronically on computer keyboards, by the U.S. Federal Reserve Board as part of Chairman Ben Bernanke’s Quantitative Easing policy (QE2). This money has been provided to spur bank liquidity, in hope that they can earn their way out of the losses they suffer from their bad mortgage loans and other gambles.

    The aim of these banks is the same as that of Norway’s Oil Fund: to make money. As the financial press has noticed, nearly the entire $600 billion has been sent abroad – to the BRIC countries and raw materials exporters in strong balance-of-payments positions, whose economies are not as “loaned up” as those of the United States and Europe, where Norway invests most of its money. So while Norway is putting its money into these countries, their financial managers are jumping ship – sending electronic dollars and euros to the economies that use their own sovereign wealth funds in the opposite way from what Norway is doing.

    Here is the real problem: Money is not what it used to be back when it was backed by gold bullion or anything tangible, earned by labor and enterprise. Banks create credit almost freely on computer keyboards, and entail little cost in making huge gambles on derivatives based on which way foreign exchange rates, interest rates, bond prices and even defaults will move. This cost-free credit is flooding the global economy. This makes Norway’s foreign exchange savings (i.e., the Oil Fund) much less valuable in terms of how much it actually costs to buy $600 billion worth of stocks and bonds. The cost is almost zero for the U.S. banking system. And that is what Norway’s Oil Fund is competing with when it puts its money into the U.S. and European financial markets.

    Matters also have changed radically in another respect. The stock market no longer serves mainly as a vehicle to raise funds for tangible capital investment. Since the 1980s it has become a vehicle for debt-leveraged buyouts (LBOs), financed by corporate raiders or ambitious financial empire-builders using high-interest “junk” bonds to “take companies private” by debt-for-equity swaps. Corporate managers at the remaining companies have gone into debt increasingly to finance stock buy-backs simply to bid up their price (and hence, the value of stock options that managers and venture capitalists give themselves), and even just to pay out as dividends.

    This is not how textbooks describe stock markets as working. It was not what was expected half a century ago when Peter Drucker coined the term “pension-fund socialism.” He expected the stock market to mediate these inflows to finance new investment and hiring, so the economy would expand. But instead, the stock market has been loading companies down with debt for the past thirty years. Many are threatening bankruptcy – ironically, as a way to wipe out their pension obligations, so as to leave more for the large financial backers of the debt leveraging largely responsible for their insolvency.

    Asian economists view the West as entering a dead end – one of corporate as well as individual debt peonage. They see Iceland, Ireland and Greece as a normal result of current policies, not as anomalies. From their perspective – and from that of many of my economic colleagues at UMKC – the world has entered an era of “debt pollution.” Tax reform has favored debt leveraging and speculation (e.g., low capital gains taxes, and a tax shift off finance and property onto labor). The upshot is that savings and credit have not been invested in expanding the means of production or to alleviate the global economy’s debt overhead, but simply to bid up real estate and stock prices on credit.

    This is not a formula for long-term growth. It is a financial distortion of real development. I believe that it is as serious as that of the environmental pollution associated with global warming and other problems. I have spoken to Asian officials and can attest to the fact that this is their perspective. They do not see stock or bond markets offering the same promise that existed back in 1990, when the most recent takeoff got underway – and coincidentally, when Norway’s Oil Fund took its present form.

    The long stock market rise may be over. Markets are shrinking as economies buckle under their debt overhead. Families and companies, cities and states, and even national governments now find themselves obliged to divert their spending away from the purchase of goods and services to pay down debts, effectively reducing investment and growth.

    Governments of mixed economies such as China and Singapore are engaged in long-term planning to improve economic well-being. Toward this end they are investing in themselves, specifically in core resources that future generations will need to control and import in decades to come. They therefore are converting their holdings of currency and financial securities into long-term control over natural resources and technology.

    Norway’s best choice also is to invest in its own economy. That means improving domestic infrastructure such as roads, communications, health, research and education. And to elevate its international position and destiny, this calls for direct investment in Norway’s neighbors, starting with the closest, Iceland and Scandinavia.

  • #2
    Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

    I agree with Micheal Hudson. The debt pollution from the easy-money policies persued by central banks in the Western World are now destroying their economies. And the worst thing is that there is no soft-landing for these economies because their money is backed by nothing except debt, financial bubbles, and the full-faith-and-credit of their bankrupt governments.

    The people are beginning to understand what is happening. The markets are beginning to understand what is happening. But the central bankers in the Western World are still lost in the failed ideologies of Samuelson, Keynes, Marx, econometrics, and economic rubbish taught in universities to-day.

    So here we are now. Enjoy the end-game. But the worst part of this miserable experience is that the economists will still be lost in their failed dogmas when this is over. They will never admit this horrendous mistake in policy..... So this is a race to the bottom of the elevator shaft.
    Last edited by Starving Steve; March 07, 2011, 09:31 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

      Nicely put SS.


      • #4
        Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

        This is one of those Hudson pieces where I feel like one of the extras in Monty Python's Holy Grail as the learned Sir-what's-his-name-teaches us about witches...

        (Script below)

        In other words I am certain that some of my problem's understanding the piece stem from my own stupidity, but not all of them. I really think the argument's a bit confused. Not wrong, just badly laid out.

        Is the problem that the fund managers are acting like a "household" when they are in fact a behemoth, assuming that they don't move markets. As a result they end up thrashing about in a - relative to their size - tiny pond wondering where all the volatility is coming from and why they can't seem to benefit from any of it?

        Or is the problem that this diversification that is apparently available to the household is only apparent: that is the problem lies in the fact that the stock and bond markets have ceased to play a direct part in productive enterprise and have instead become the playthings of asset-price-riggers (the central banks and their TBTF clients) so that Norway's fund managers, by still thinking they are "investing" by pursuing this strategy are the ultimate mugs.

        Or is it that, as the references to Asian attitudes suggests, there is no way to play the financier's games to your advantage no matter what your size is: any gain is a mirage, any successful investment is a prelude to a looting... the only certainty is to forget about nominal anything and invest according to national interests as if the nation itself was privately held (i.e., not trading.)

        It's not that these things are necessarily contradictory, it's just that... if ultimately the size of the fund doesn't matter because, for instance, the whole enterprise of modern international finance is an asset stripping enterprise, then why bring it up? I know why here - he's taking to Norwegian fund managers - and I know why rhetorically, but on some occasions I just wish he wouldn't conflate his arguments like this. It makes my brain hurt.

        BEDEVERE: Quiet, quiet. Quiet! There are ways of telling whether she is a witch.
        CROWD: Are there? What are they?
        VILLAGER #2: Do they hurt?
        BEDEVERE: Tell me, what do you do with witches?
        VILLAGER #2: Burn!
        CROWD: Burn, burn them up!
        BEDEVERE: And what do you burn apart from witches?
        VILLAGER #1: More witches!
        VILLAGER #2: Wood!
        BEDEVERE: So, why do witches burn?
        VILLAGER #3: B--... 'cause they're made of wood...?
        BEDEVERE: Good!
        CROWD: Oh yeah, yeah...
        BEDEVERE: So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood?
        VILLAGER #1: Build a bridge out of her.
        BEDEVERE: Aah, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?
        VILLAGER #2: Oh, yeah.
        BEDEVERE: Does wood sink in water?
        VILLAGER #1: No, no.
        VILLAGER #2: It floats! It floats!
        VILLAGER #1: Throw her into the pond!
        CROWD: The pond!
        BEDEVERE: What also floats in water?
        VILLAGER #1: Bread!
        VILLAGER #2: Apples!
        VILLAGER #3: Very small rocks!
        VILLAGER #1: Cider!
        VILLAGER #2: Uhhh, gravy!
        VILLAGER #1: Cherries!
        VILLAGER #2: Mud!
        VILLAGER #3: Churches -- churches!
        VILLAGER #2: Lead -- lead!
        ARTHUR: A duck.
        CROWD: Oooh.
        BEDEVERE: Exactly! So, logically...,
        VILLAGER #1: If... she.. weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood.
        BEDEVERE: And therefore--?
        VILLAGER #1: A witch!
        CROWD: A witch! A witch! A witch!
        BEDEVERE: We shall use my largest scales!
        Last edited by oddlots; March 07, 2011, 11:31 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

          Originally posted by oddlots
          In other words I am certain that some of my problem's understanding the piece stem from my own stupidity, but not all of them. I really think the argument's a bit confused. Not wrong, just badly laid out.

          Is the problem that the fund managers are acting like a "household" when they are in fact a behemoth, assuming that they don't move markets. As a result they end up thrashing about in a - relative to their size - tiny pond wondering where all the volatility is coming from and why they can't seem to benefit from any of it?

          Or is the problem that this diversification that is apparently available to the household is only apparent: that is the problem lies in the fact that the stock and bond markets have ceased to play a direct part in productive enterprise and have instead become the playthings of asset-price-riggers (the central banks and their TBTF clients) so that Norway's fund managers, by still thinking they are "investing" by pursuing this strategy are the ultimate mugs.

          Or is it that, as the references to Asian attitudes suggests, there is no way to play the financier's games to your advantage no matter what your size is: any gain is a mirage, any successful investment is a prelude to a looting... the only certainty is to forget about nominal anything and invest according to national interests as if the nation itself was privately held (i.e., not trading.)

          It's not that these things are necessarily contradictory, it's just that... if ultimately the size of the fund doesn't matter because, for instance, the whole enterprise of modern international finance is an asset stripping enterprise, then why bring it up? I know why here - he's taking to Norwegian fund managers - and I know why rhetorically, but on some occasions I just wish he wouldn't conflate his arguments like this. It makes my brain hurt.
          What Dr. Michael Hudson is doing is contrasting what Norway's SWF is doing vs. China and Singapore.

          Norway is acting like an individual investor - trying to spread out risk as a powerless minority shareholder with no influence or control, hoping to get taken along for the ride.

          China is buying control of those things (tangibles) which will be needed for its economic growth in the future.

          The point Dr. Hudson is making is that Norway's SWF is intended to preserve the capital accumulation from its finite oil and natural gas extraction thus provide for Norway's future.

          However, by not using its large size (2nd largest in world after Abu Dhabi) to execute on those things Norway needs (food, maybe? strategic minerals? technology?), Norway's SWF is acting more like a guy with $10,000 as opposed to one with $500 million and national responsibilities.

          Dr. Hudson then contrasts Norway's multiple decade long savings of $500M vs. the $600B created at a keyboard stroke by the Fed in only one of several QE sessions - i.e. Norway trying to preserve capital and build for the future using pure financial instruments is folly when countries like the US profligately create money at whim.

          Don't be distracted by his explanation on other items - though still important. Dr. Hudson speaks at length about how the stock market (as one type of financial instrument) is supposed to help growth by providing capital for companies to develop, but in reality it has become an instrument by which companies are taking on too much debt. Not just too much debt, but debt for the purposes of financial engineering as opposed to actually creating products and services.


          • #6
            Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

            Ciue: congratulations, you really understood Hudson. And of course, Hudson is Marxist, at least in respect of Marx being a classical economist, as Ricardo, Adam Smith and others. By contraposition, modern economic policies are based upon "neoclassical" or "neoliberal" economists.
            The whole theory being based on value theory.
            Classics say value is created by work, and is measured in time required for producing something. Social necessary time, that is.
            Neo classics don´t even discuss value. For them the only important thing is "price". And price depends solely on offer and demand of goods. Price is then, described by curves with no origin......the results are nowadays economic nonsense.


            • #7
              Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?


              8:00-minute interview with Hudson in Norway about 3 weeks ago. Same points, crystal clear.


              • #8
                Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

                thanks Thai, for that link. There was an audio on Hudson's site that crashed every time I tried to listen . . . .


                • #9
                  Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

                  Originally posted by Southernguy View Post
                  Ciue: congratulations, you really understood Hudson. And of course, Hudson is Marxist, at least in respect of Marx being a classical economist, as Ricardo, Adam Smith and others. By contraposition, modern economic policies are based upon "neoclassical" or "neoliberal" economists.
                  The whole theory being based on value theory.
                  Classics say value is created by work, and is measured in time required for producing something. Social necessary time, that is.
                  Neo classics don´t even discuss value. For them the only important thing is "price". And price depends solely on offer and demand of goods. Price is then, described by curves with no origin......the results are nowadays economic nonsense.
                  Does Hudson really believe in the labor theory of value? (Not disputing, just curious). Is there something in the above analysis of Hudson that demonstrates this? Regardless of his beliefs, the above seems much more of a practical analysis than the application of his concepts of value theory. Maybe I am missing something.


                  • #10
                    Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

                    The Hudson speech was very pertinent as it highlights the simple fact that, if Norway does not change direction, it will suddenly discover that their fund has evaporated as the $US hits the bottom of that proverbial lift shaft....


                    • #11
                      Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

                      Originally posted by DSpencer View Post
                      Does Hudson really believe in the labor theory of value? (Not disputing, just curious). Is there something in the above analysis of Hudson that demonstrates this? Regardless of his beliefs, the above seems much more of a practical analysis than the application of his concepts of value theory. Maybe I am missing something.
                      I think Hudson yes believes in labor theory of value. That´s implicit in this writing, when he advises Norway to buy tangible assets, rather than paper ones.
                      And of course, he explicitly supports classic economists, Marx between them, when he writes about debt and the contradiction between a debt based eonomy and a production based one.
                      I am specifically contradicting S. Steve when he writes " But the central bankers in the Western World are still lost in the failed ideologies of Samuelson, Keynes, Marx, econometrics, and economic rubbish taught in universities to-day"
                      Of course, central bankers are NOT "lost in the failed ideologies of Keynes, Marx.."
                      Maybe yes in econometrics, which is the theoretical foundation of neoliberal economics.


                      • #12
                        Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

                        Originally posted by DSpencer
                        Does Hudson really believe in the labor theory of value? (Not disputing, just curious). Is there something in the above analysis of Hudson that demonstrates this? Regardless of his beliefs, the above seems much more of a practical analysis than the application of his concepts of value theory. Maybe I am missing something.
                        A more correct wording is that Hudson has mentioned numerous times that he is from a Marxist (economics) background. I have seen some of the exchanges between Hudson and the 'new' Marxist economists like Nitzan and Bichler.

                        His work, however, doesn't look at ideological economic units whether unit values of labor or of utils.


                        • #13
                          Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

                          Originally posted by Southernguy View Post
                          I think Hudson yes believes in labor theory of value. That´s implicit in this writing, when he advises Norway to buy tangible assets, rather than paper ones.
                          And of course, he explicitly supports classic economists, Marx between them, when he writes about debt and the contradiction between a debt based eonomy and a production based one.
                          I am specifically contradicting S. Steve when he writes " But the central bankers in the Western World are still lost in the failed ideologies of Samuelson, Keynes, Marx, econometrics, and economic rubbish taught in universities to-day"
                          Of course, central bankers are NOT "lost in the failed ideologies of Keynes, Marx.."
                          Maybe yes in econometrics, which is the theoretical foundation of neoliberal economics.
                          Personally, I think the LTV is false. I do think that the goal of labor is to create/increase value and that therefore there is a correlation. Maybe the theory is useful regardless of it's theoretical truth.

                          I don't see how advising to buy tangible assets shows a belief in the LTV. Likewise, I don't see why someone believing in the subjective theory of value could not come to the same conclusions.

                          I admit to not having studied LTV at great length. I have found that for almost every critique of it, there seems to be an explanation, but I find them convoluted and unsatisfying. Eventually I reach a point where it just doesn't seem consistent or plausible.


                          • #14
                            Re: Hudson: Wither Norway's Petro-Krones?

                            Originally posted by DSpencer
                            Personally, I think the LTV is false. I do think that the goal of labor is to create/increase value and that therefore there is a correlation. Maybe the theory is useful regardless of it's theoretical truth.

                            I don't see how advising to buy tangible assets shows a belief in the LTV. Likewise, I don't see why someone believing in the subjective theory of value could not come to the same conclusions.

                            I admit to not having studied LTV at great length. I have found that for almost every critique of it, there seems to be an explanation, but I find them convoluted and unsatisfying. Eventually I reach a point where it just doesn't seem consistent or plausible.
                            The labor theory of value is absolutely not perfect. As noted in posts in the Economics section - there are many logical issues with viewing everything through the lens of the labor required to create anything.

                            However, these same issues apply equally to pricing, to 'utils', etc etc.

                            Hudson isn't a fanatic about the labor theory of value - he clearly speaks at length about money flows and non-tangible assets, both areas which are glossed over by Marx. No doubt because they didn't really exist in his time or were poorly characterized.

                            Read some Veblen to see how Marxist theory has been evolving; the Castoriades article is also interesting.

