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Libya as a supplier to the US - it ain't. So wherefore the gasoline price increases?

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  • Libya as a supplier to the US - it ain't. So wherefore the gasoline price increases?

    Not entirely sure I agree with the premise of this article, but it is certainly true that Libya and Egypt don't supply any significant amount of oil to the US.

    Extra bonus: gas price map resembles the housing bubble map significantly, no?

    The average price for a gallon of gas rose 30% from $2.69 in July 2010 to $3.49 as of March 6. Most of that 30% has come in just the last few days. We're about to embark on another period of let the markets take care of it. The Money Party manipulators are again jerking citizens around in the old bottom-up wealth redistribution program. Their imagineers are writing the storyline right now.
    The conflict in Libya is causing the spike in oil prices over the past ten days or so according to the media script. Take a look at the chart to the right. Can you find Libya among the top fifteen nations supplying the United States with crude oil?
    Why the Current Panic Over Gas Prices?
    The general explanation points to the crisis in Libya as the proximate cause. The anti Gaddafi regime revolution began in earnest on February 17. But if the Libyan revolution were the cause, we'd have to attribute a 50% drop in a 2% share of the world's oil supply as the cause of the panic. We would also have to attribute the increase in US gas prices to a nation that doesn't impact the US crude oil supply and, as a result, should not impact the price of gas here.
    The speculators have an answer. The Libyan situation entails fears of broader unrest in oil and non-oil producing nations in North Africa and the Middle East. There is unrest, without any doubt. Citizens are insisting that their kleptocratic rulers cease and desist from looting their nation's treasuries and resources. The demonstrations across the region, revolution in Egypt, and war in Libya are all being fought under the banner of broader participation in government, greater access to essentials like food, jobs, and hope for future improvements. Notably lacking is anti-US rhetoric or religious fanaticism. (Image)

    Somehow, the opportunity for secular, democratic regimes equals a crisis for US energy prices. The embedded assumption is that the conflicts leading to new regimes will cause a disruption in the flow of oil. With the exception of Libya, none of these countries have reduced their oil production, including oil producing Egypt. In fact, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates increased oil production to compensate for the short fall due to the military conflict in Libya.
    If we don't believe that Libya is the cause, then we get the excuse of emerging democracies. If emerging democracies fail to catch on as the scapegoat, there will be other excuses.
    The Money Party bottom line is apparent. It's time to take some more money from citizens. Any plausible reason will do. When you own the media, you have no worries. Who's going to bust you?
    The Big Payday at Your Expense
    The gas price shock and awe is not evenly distributed. The Western states, New York, Illinois, and Nebraska are taking the biggest hits. There's some explanation for this but not a very good one. All that matters is taking as much in extra profits as possible while the extraordinary events in Libya and the rest of the region allow a plausible storyline. This time, democracy is the villain.
    These gas prices will have a direct impact on those least able to afford it. It will cost more to go to work or look for jobs. Commodities will go up even more than they are now. Transportation for the distribution of all products will have an impact on prices. Tourism will fall off. The feeble increases in hiring may be at risk and there will be more gloomy news about how this all impacts the prospects for any sort of economic recovery.
    What's Really Driving Gas Prices?
    In a recent Business Insider column, David Moenning noted:
    "At least part of the reason behind crude’s rude rise is the price action itself. Hedge funds and other fast-money types have begun to pile into what appears to be a burgeoning uptrend in the oil charts (take a peek at a weekly chart of USO and you’ll see what we mean). Then when you couple the price action with the news backdrop, this appears to be the new place to be for the ‘hot money.’" David Moenning, Business Insider Mar 6

    We have the usual suspects looking for hot money. The fast-money types, as Moenning calls them, smell another victory in the air. Their market activity is driving prices in a self-reinforcing cycle of increases that are highly profitable when you get in and out at the right time (and if you pull the strings for the market, that's easy). (Image: Fuel Gauge Report)
    Who is looking out for our interests?
    No one. Have you heard of any congressional investigation? The oversight committees for the Departments of Energy and Commerce are two likely starting points. Nothing. President Obama is threatening to tap the US strategic oil reserve to use market forces to push crude oil and gas prices down. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke sees commodity price increases, including crude oil, as a temporary phenomenon. They may create a problem, however.
    "Rises in the prices of oil or other commodities would represent a threat both to economic growth and to overall price stability, particularly if they were to cause inflation expectations to become less well anchored," Bernanke said before Congress last week. Ben Bernanke, March 1
    Doing nothing, like Congress, and trying to manipulate market forces, as the president says he might, are not the heavy-hitters needed to stop this latest rip off. They both buy into the belief that there is some sort of occult mystery to why prices are going up. Everyone who benefits will raise prices because they can. They have no concept of enough and there is nobody standing in their way.
    What would JFK do?
    There was a time when the president of the United States stood up to big business. President John F. Kennedy put his prestige and word on the line when he helped the steel industry and labor unions negotiate a contract that the president thought was fair to all, a deal he hailed as "non inflationary." Just days after the settlement, US Steel turned around and issued a major price increase. This would have hurt the economy due to the central role of steel at the time.
    Kennedy felt betrayed by US Steel and the others that raised prices. He wasted no time in his response. The Department of defense said it would buy steel from the lowest bidder. This would have excluded US Steel and their fellow price gougers. The Justice Department began investigations and issued antitrust indictments by the big steel producers. Kennedy also went to the public to gain support for his efforts.
    Big steel backed down. The broader business community complained. The Kennedy administration and others reminded everyone that the government acts in the public interest when business threatens the interests of the people. What a novel concept.

  • #2
    Re: Libya as a supplier to the US - it ain't. So wherefore the gasoline price increases?

    Oil is a world wide commodity. It does not matter where our oil comes from.


    • #3
      Re: Libya as a supplier to the US - it ain't. So wherefore the gasoline price increases?

      The map correlates even more closely to the gas tax rate - CA and NY are in the lead at ~66 cents per gallon, vs. 33 cents (with the added "benefit" of someone pumping your gas for you) in NJ.


      • #4
        Re: Libya as a supplier to the US - it ain't. So wherefore the gasoline price increases?

        Originally posted by jiimbergin View Post
        Oil is a world wide commodity. It does not matter where our oil comes from.
        Right. This explanation could only make sense if Libya did not buy or sell oil in the global market and simply consumed what it produced.

        There are certainly other factors such as fear and speculation, but lines like this simply show a lack of global economics understanding:

        We would also have to attribute the increase in US gas prices to a nation that doesn't impact the US crude oil supply and, as a result, should not impact the price of gas here.


        • #5
          Re: Libya as a supplier to the US - it ain't. So wherefore the gasoline price increases?

          Jiimbergen is correct. It's not about the oil they are purchasing today. It's about what they think they'll be paying in the future. Any sudden cut in Libyan production means whoever DOES buy Libya's oil will have to search elsewhere. Bidding up that oil. It's more complex than that but that's the simplistic explanation. And it's not just Libya.

          "The Economic Populist"? Michael Collins? "Speculators?" Sounds like another FILL IN THE BLANK who can't understand how markets work and that investors aren't in it for the public good!
          Last edited by flintlock; March 07, 2011, 05:05 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Libya as a supplier to the US - it ain't. So wherefore the gasoline price increases?

            who does Libya sell their oil to? Europe? If so, Europe has to find another source for oil, Brent? Thus prices in britian rise, and they have to find another source see how it works?

            As an anecdote, high gas prices are not necessarily bad.

            Remember hurricane Katrina pushng up gas prices to $4.00+. In my area the cheapest gas stations were out of gas at 4.30 on my 14 mile trip home I pass a dozen stations probably 10 were our of gas. I had to cancel a trip to madison WI. because I did not know if I could find gas to get there and back reliably. Stores that had gas over $4.50 (the price gaugers) had gas. Now what would you rather have no gas at 4.30 or some gas at $4.50.
            And what if you run a gas station, buy your 5000 gallons at 4.50, then watch the price crater. I'm not supporting high gas prices etc. but the pendulum swings both ways. What if you are some other "evil" player in the production to pump supply line. You need to make a healthy profit because at any time you may be the one holding the bag if prices crater.

            This ties into the price fixing and rationing concepts.


            • #7
              Re: Libya as a supplier to the US - it ain't. So wherefore the gasoline price increases?

              Originally posted by c1ue View Post
              Not entirely sure I agree with the premise of this article, but it is certainly true that Libya and Egypt don't supply any significant amount of oil to the US.
              Extra bonus: gas price map resembles the housing bubble map significantly, no?
              yeah huh = mostly the 'blue states' (which are 'conveniently' displayed in RED:

              (and i cant seem to get the html quite right to display the map)

              i'd guess thats because they tax the hell out of motor fuels, mostly.
              still wondren why the feds arent doing same....
              out here, we pay some of the highest road-fuel taxes, get little actual road work done with the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS COLLECTED and now that the roads are crumbling 3rd-whirled style?
              they jackin up the annual registration fees (rather than simply jacking up the gas tax) so instead of raising the cost of OPERATION of a motor vehicle, they jack up the cost of merely having one sit in yer driveway!??

              so instead of simply charging more to DRIVE MORE, they tax those who just _own_ a (paid for) car , vs drive it (only dems can come up with schemes like this....) - methinks they underestimate the propensity of some of us to simply drive our existing pieces of junk until they rust/rot/die and leave em right there on the roadside when they do with a sign on it that sez "taxed to death, take me away, the keys are in the ignition, gave up, took the bus with the last few bux i had and will now simply stop working and collect food stamps, since we cant afford to go anywhere anymore, there aint any jobs to go to and we'll all just sing kumbyah to the end" - said the turnip, after being squeezed to pulp, just before being turned into roadkill on the highway of good intentions....

              but i guess that "saves something for next year" whereupon after they've screwed us for owning a car, next year they screw us again for driving it too!

              Last edited by lektrode; March 07, 2011, 10:42 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Libya as a supplier to the US - it ain't. So wherefore the gasoline price increases?

                From mid-June 2009 to mid-November of 2010 the average price for gasoline in the U.S. was virtually unchanged. This was unprecedented in recent history.

                In the same time span the price of oil didn't move much either, but in the past that didn't matter. The price for gas always spiked in the summertime. I've mentioned this before.

                The blue line is mostly flat after the crash, everyone can see that. The mass media didn't mention it until two weeks ago, but the price for gasoline in the U.S. rose by 15% from the end of September 24th to Feb 23rd. You'll recall the most recent protests in Egypt before the government fell started on January 28th.

                What happened at end of September 2010, did Q.E. II became a foregone conclusion? It wasn't officially announced until November 5th. The Gold price started rising before oil so maybe I've attached the wrong date to that last question.

                Last edited by Slimprofits; March 07, 2011, 11:03 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Libya as a supplier to the US - it ain't. So wherefore the gasoline price increases?

                  Now what would you rather have no gas at 4.30 or some gas at $4.50.
                  And what if you run a gas station, buy your 5000 gallons at 4.50, then watch the price crater

