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The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

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  • The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

    From Niall Ferguson.

    1.Competition: In the 15th century, China was the most advanced civilisation in the world, while Europe was a backwater. But then things changed and by the late 18th century Adam Smith could observe that China had been "long stationary". What happened? Ferguson argues that Europe's fragmented political structure led to competition and encouraged Europeans to seek opportunities in distant lands. The increasingly insular China, by contrast, stagnated.

    2. Science: The 16th and 17th centuries were the age of science, with an extraordinary number of breakthroughs occurring. This revolution was, Ferguson writes, "by any scientific measure, wholly European". In the Muslim world, clericism curtailed the spread of knowledge, while in Europe, aided by the printing press, the scope of scholarship dramatically widened. Ultimately, breakthroughs in science led to improvements in weaponry, further cementing the west's advantage.

    3. Property: Why did the empire established by the English in north America in the 17th century ultimately prove so much more successful than that established by the Spanish in south America a century earlier? It was, Ferguson contends, because the English settlers brought with them a particular conception of widely distributed property rights and democracy, inherited from John Locke. This proved a far better recipe for success than the Spanish model of concentrated wealth and authoritarianism.

    4. Modern science: According to Ferguson, modern medicine was the west's "most remarkable killer application". Western medical advances in the 19th and 20th centuries increased life expectancies across the world, including in the colonies. The French in particular, largely thanks to a lofty conception of their imperial mission, brought significant improvements to public health in western Africa, developing effective vaccinations for diseases such as smallpox and yellow fever.

    5. Consumption: The west's dominance of the rest of the world was not only achieved by force; it was also, as Ferguson shows, achieved through the market. The industrial revolution in 18th and 19th century Britain created a model of consumerist society that has proved irresistible, as shown, for example, by the way that the western style of dressing has swept the globe. Yet there's a paradox: how was it that an economic system designed to offer infinite choice has ended up homogenising humanity?

    6. Work ethic: As Max Weber noted a century ago, Protestantism was a form of Christianity that encouraged hard work (and just as importantly, Ferguson adds, reading and saving). It isn't a coincidence, he says, that the decline of religion in Europe has led to Europeans becoming the "idlers of the world" (while the more religious US has remained hard-working). Interestingly, Ferguson also argues that China's embrace of hard work is partly because of the spread there of Protestantism.
    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho

  • #2
    Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

    Originally posted by NF
    Why did the empire established by the English in north America in the 17th century ultimately prove so much more successful than that established by the Spanish in south America a century earlier?
    This is a very weak point.

    For one thing, the Spanish pulled so much gold and silver out of South America that they bought themselves a short lived empire. Secondly you cannot compare the entire North American continent to the Central American and west coast of South America - it would be like saying Indiana is so much more successful than Rhode Island.

    Lastly a lot of what Nial notes above is revisionism. I especially like the China stagnation meme: if China was so monolithic and 'not progressing' then, is China less monolithic now? And equally 'not progressing'?

    Is the US 'progressing' despite its clearly fragmented political nature?


    • #3
      Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

      Originally posted by c1ue View Post
      This is a very weak point.

      For one thing, the Spanish pulled so much gold and silver out of South America that they bought themselves a short lived empire. Secondly you cannot compare the entire North American continent to the Central American and west coast of South America - it would be like saying Indiana is so much more successful than Rhode Island.

      Lastly a lot of what Nial notes above is revisionism. I especially like the China stagnation meme: if China was so monolithic and 'not progressing' then, is China less monolithic now? And equally 'not progressing'?

      Is the US 'progressing' despite its clearly fragmented political nature?
      Couldn't disagree more. When you look at the Colonial Powers, why have the "Seeds of Albion" been so sucessful compared to the colonies of the other European Powers? I think you can trace it back to the concept of individual liberty, the Rule of Law, and a committment to property rights. When you compare English culture to Spain, you also can't overlook the role of the Church in Spanish culture. It's a model which features obedience to authority, dogma, and strong leaders (caudillos). Not a successful long-term model.

      China had closed itself off to the West and to progress. The Chi-Coms understood their history and have adjusted.

      We in the US tend to work things out over time. The process of getting there can drive authoritarian types crazy, though.
      Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


      • #4
        Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

        Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
        Couldn't disagree more. When you look at the Colonial Powers, why have the "Seeds of Albion" been so sucessful compared to the colonies of the other European Powers? I think you can trace it back to the concept of individual liberty, the Rule of Law, and a committment to property rights.
        You've touched on a key point that Ferguson missed entirely: the common feature underlying all of those "killer apps" is increasing support for individual rights. That, in turn, was fueled by a revolution in philosophy more than anything else. It was a rediscovery of Aristotle that fueled the Renaissance and later people like John Locke, Voltaire and Adam Smith, leading eventually to The Enlightenment and the creation of America itself.

        Ferguson neglects mentioning capitalism -- also driven by individual rights -- which was another key driver of the West's success.


        • #5
          Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

          Originally posted by Master Shake
          Couldn't disagree more. When you look at the Colonial Powers, why have the "Seeds of Albion" been so sucessful compared to the colonies of the other European Powers?
          It could be due to what you say. Or it could be due to the gigantic, poorly populated land area rich in resources known as the United States of America. Once those pesky native Americans were booted out/exterminated, a vast rich land full of natural resources to exploit. Unlike say, Mexico or Brazil where the natives still comprise a large percentage of the population.

          Or it could be that the United States, with the singular exception of the Civil War, was untroubled by the destruction and waste of the Napoleonic Wars, the Wars of German Unification, the Lithuanian/Scandinavia/Russian conflicts, the Russian/Ottoman conflicts, World War I (mostly fought in Europe), World War II (mostly fought in Europe and the Pacific Ocean).

          It is absolutely a fact that the United States was an economic and political non-entity prior to World War I. So the first 140 years of individual liberty and what not apparently didn't matter.

          Originally posted by Master Shake
          I think you can trace it back to the concept of individual liberty, the Rule of Law, and a committment to property rights. When you compare English culture to Spain, you also can't overlook the role of the Church in Spanish culture. It's a model which features obedience to authority, dogma, and strong leaders (caudillos). Not a successful long-term model.

          China had closed itself off to the West and to progress. The Chi-Coms understood their history and have adjusted.

          We in the US tend to work things out over time. The process of getting there can drive authoritarian types crazy, though.
          Hmm, so China today is a beacon of liberality and individualism?

          It will be interesting to see how things 'work out' this time - the last time it required a World War to fix.


          • #6
            Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

            I recently watched Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel and would really recommend it. He starts with a very concrete, personal experience - encountering the people who produced the "cargo cult" in Papua New-guinea and being asked (roughly) "why do you have so much and we so little?" His explanation is both ingenious and powerful in explanatory terms while also, I think, defusing some of the bombs that cause needless casualties in this ever-shrinking world.

            Here's an example (from memory, so I might, you know, mess it up): he talks about the number of animals that can be effectively domesticated. It's actually remarkably small. About 5 as I recall. Their natural incidence maps very well on to the developed economies. Likewise grains. The result is a suddenly quite reasonable view of the world's development that has both explanatory rigour and sidesteps so much of the, to my mind, unproductive cultural heat around this stuff. And the best part is: I really think it's an intellectually honest appraisal.
            Last edited by oddlots; March 01, 2011, 11:56 PM.


            • #7
              Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

              Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
              Couldn't disagree more. When you look at the Colonial Powers, why have the "Seeds of Albion" been so sucessful compared to the colonies of the other European Powers?
              Limited companies. From Buckminster Fuller's book 'Critical Path' (which addresses this subject, and contains many more ideas/thoughts that people today market as 'new'):

              In 1600 Queen Elizabeth I and a few intimates founded the East India Company. Exercising her crown privileges, the queen granted the company limited liability for losses on the part of the enterprise backers. They could lose their money if the ship were lost, but they could not be held liable for the lives of the sailors who were drowned. While the owners could insure and very greatly limit the magnitude of their losses, the sailors and their families could not. "Ltd." – limited, in England – and "Inc." – incorporated, in the USA – and other similar legal definitions in all capitalist countries constitute "for ages uncontested" – ergo, custom-validated and legal-judgments-upheld – royal decrees greatly favoring big-money capitalism over the mortal breadwinner-loss-taking vast majority of the poor.

              Elizabeth's East India Company scheme was to have her national navy (and armies) first win mastery of the world's sea-lanes. This advantage would thereafter be exploited by her privately owned enterprise. This scheme became one of the first of such national power structure bids for establishing and maintaining world-trade supremacy through dominance of the world's high seas', ocean currents', trade winds', critical straits', and only-seasonably-favorable passages' world-around line of vital and desirable supplies. All the other world-power-stature individuals who vied for supreme mastery of the world's high seas lines of supply also operated invisibly through monarchs and nations over whom they had sufficient influence. Through such behind-the-throne influence the influenced nation's resources could be politically maneuvered into paying for the building and operation of the navies and armies that would seek to establish and protect their respective privately owned enterprises.


              • #8
                Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

                Originally posted by Sharky View Post
                You've touched on a key point that Ferguson missed entirely: the common feature underlying all of those "killer apps" is increasing support for individual rights. That, in turn, was fueled by a revolution in philosophy more than anything else. It was a rediscovery of Aristotle that fueled the Renaissance and later people like John Locke, Voltaire and Adam Smith, leading eventually to The Enlightenment and the creation of America itself.

                Ferguson neglects mentioning capitalism -- also driven by individual rights -- which was another key driver of the West's success.
                A similar thread in several of his points is freedom of speech....which of course are in that bundle of individual rights.

                To me, the main advantage we have on China right now is our property rights and free speech. Given that they are not likely to truly go over to free speech in that country without significant political change, I'd say that edge will remain for the time being.


                • #9
                  Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

                  Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                  It could be due to what you say. Or it could be due to the gigantic, poorly populated land area rich in resources known as the United States of America. Once those pesky native Americans were booted out/exterminated, a vast rich land full of natural resources to exploit. Unlike say, Mexico or Brazil where the natives still comprise a large percentage of the population.

                  Or it could be that the United States, with the singular exception of the Civil War, was untroubled by the destruction and waste of the Napoleonic Wars, the Wars of German Unification, the Lithuanian/Scandinavia/Russian conflicts, the Russian/Ottoman conflicts, World War I (mostly fought in Europe), World War II (mostly fought in Europe and the Pacific Ocean).

                  It is absolutely a fact that the United States was an economic and political non-entity prior to World War I. So the first 140 years of individual liberty and what not apparently didn't matter.

                  Hmm, so China today is a beacon of liberality and individualism?

                  It will be interesting to see how things 'work out' this time - the last time it required a World War to fix.
                  Argentina is blessed with abundant natural resources as well, and they pretty much killed off all their indigenous population. Around the turn of the 20th century, they were more economically developed than Australia. We know where they are now.

                  It's not all about natural resources, geography, and luck/divine providence. Culture is very important and history has shown that some cultures are superior to others, however politically incorrect that may be to state.

                  China is not a beacon of either liberty or individualism. The point is they are no longer closed off and have embraced a mercantilist model to accelerate their development. That'll work for a time but it has its limits.
                  Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


                  • #10
                    Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

                    It is absolutely a fact that the United States was an economic and political non-entity prior to World War I.
                    Oh really?


                    With half the world's production of cotton in 1831?( more than a few years before WWI)

                    25% of world wheat production in 1900, still well before WWI.

                    About the same steel production as Germany and Britain combined in 1900.

                    Ranked 3rd in per capita GDP in 1900 behind Australia and NZ.


                    The USA had unprecedented prosperity and growth( for the time) in the period after the American Revolution. There was a reason its population boomed. People wanted to live there so bad they came from around the world. Something previously almost unheard of. People scraped up their last pennies to afford the trip to America. Because that was the one of the few places in the world where any poor sap could rise above his present condition. Spain could never get enough Europeans to move to their America because the prospects for the average Jose there were just not that good. If you were not part of the elite, you would have a much harder time there vs the USA trying to improve your lot in life.

                    The US was already a economic powerhouse by WWI. The fact the world was more regional back then meant they did lack "political power" in Europe of course. Just as Europe lacked it in the West.( see Spanish-American war) But calling the US a "non-entity" pre WWI is pure hyperbole. It wasn't the superpower it is today, but hardly a non-entity.
                    Last edited by flintlock; March 02, 2011, 05:16 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

                      Originally posted by oddlots View Post
                      I recently watched Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel and would really recommend it. He starts with a very concrete, personal experience - encountering the people who produced the "cargo cult" in Papua New-guinea and being asked (roughly) "why do you have so much and we so little?" His explanation is both ingenious and powerful in explanatory terms while also, I think, defusing some of the bombs that cause needless casualties in this ever-shrinking world.

                      Here's an example (from memory, so I might, you know, mess it up): he talks about the number of animals that can be effectively domesticated. It's actually remarkably small. About 5 as I recall. Their natural incidence maps very well on to the developed economies. Likewise grains. The result is a suddenly quite reasonable view of the world's development that has both explanatory rigour and sidesteps so much of the, to my mind, unproductive cultural heat around this stuff. And the best part is: I really think it's an intellectually honest appraisal.
                      That documentary, "Guns, Germs, and Steel", is on my Netflix list to watch.

                      I think there are a lot of complicated reasons for the economic success of the USA. Yes, they did escape a lot of Europe's constant warfare. But Europe also used their military to gain an empire for profit. Yes, the US was blessed with natural resources. But then so are many other poor nations. And yes, probably some luck as well. As much as it pisses off the lefties, individual freedom and property rights, and even capitalism( gasp!) DID have a lot to do with the success of America. I'm not saying that it the only reason, but rather it worked in combination with the others. As for a comparison with South America, well that is where the differences really stand out. Also blessed with natural resources and plenty of land, SA is a perfect example how not to run an economy. Centralized planning via Spain in the beginning, with individuals seen merely as something to exploit rather than as a resource. Modern America is slipping into the same thing and most don't even see it.


                      • #12
                        Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

                        Originally posted by Master Shake
                        Argentina is blessed with abundant natural resources as well, and they pretty much killed off all their indigenous population. Around the turn of the 20th century, they were more economically developed than Australia. We know where they are now.
                        Indeed. And how did Argentina fail to develop?

                        Originally posted by Master Shake
                        It's not all about natural resources, geography, and luck/divine providence. Culture is very important and history has shown that some cultures are superior to others, however politically incorrect that may be to state.
                        Certainly there is some effect, but it is quite difficult to tease out the difference culture makes from all of the other effects.

                        Certainly it is easy to look back now and say that the American culture is superior.

                        Equally it will be interesting to see what is said 20 years from now.

                        Originally posted by Master Shake
                        China is not a beacon of either liberty or individualism. The point is they are no longer closed off and have embraced a mercantilist model to accelerate their development. That'll work for a time but it has its limits.
                        Certainly time will tell.

                        Originally posted by flintlock
                        With half the world's production of cotton in 1831?( more than a few years before WWI)

                        25% of world wheat production in 1900, still well before WWI.

                        About the same steel production as Germany and Britain combined in 1900.

                        Ranked 3rd in per capita GDP in 1900 behind Australia and NZ.


                        The USA had unprecedented prosperity and growth( for the time) in the period after the American Revolution. There was a reason its population boomed. People wanted to live there so bad they came from around the world. Something previously almost unheard of. People scraped up their last pennies to afford the trip to America. Because that was the one of the few places in the world where any poor sap could rise above his present condition. Spain could never get enough Europeans to move to their America because the prospects for the average Jose there were just not that good. If you were not part of the elite, you would have a much harder time there vs the USA trying to improve your lot in life.

                        The US was already a economic powerhouse by WWI. The fact the world was more regional back then meant they did lack "political power" in Europe of course. Just as Europe lacked it in the West.( see Spanish-American war) But calling the US a "non-entity" pre WWI is pure hyperbole. It wasn't the superpower it is today, but hardly a non-entity.
                        Let's see - the presentation you refer from only looks at Germany, the UK and the US.

                        From these 3, you pick out the US having a dominant role in several commodities.

                        Cotton: No argument here. The development of the cotton gin, plus availability of land and slave labor, led to the US leading the world in cotton production. Much as China leads the world in cheap labor manufactured goods today.

                        Wheat: The US outproduces the UK in percentage of world wheat production by 11% to 10%.

                        The UK has never been a credible wheat producer, so this statistic is considerably less than useful or believable.

                        For one thing, what about Russia?

                        Steel: The numbers here are more believable.

                        Then again, who leads the world in steel and iron production today? And in any number of other things?

                        The US was China in the pre-World War I period, and the European nations considered the United States a similar threat then as China is considered today: i.e. huge and potentially dangerous if it every grew into a modern economy.


                        • #13
                          Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

                          Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
                          I think you can trace it back to the concept of individual liberty, the Rule of Law, and a committment to property rights.
                          Not necessary at all. Conquest, conquest, and more conquest. Civilization growth has proceeded despite the lack of individual liberty, law, and commitment to property rights, just ask the disenfranchised.


                          • #14
                            Re: The Six Killer Apps of Western Civilization

                            The argument has also been made that the wealth of the New World in the form of silver and other commodities, and the slave trade, and massive drug dealing flowed into Europe and allowed the huge investment necessary in engineering and research that powered the scientific revolution. After World War II, the US had a huge proportion of the world GDP and was able to plow the greatest amount of money into research ever. Now, US research budgets are being cut drastically. I hear from friends who are university researchers that their budgets are being slashed. This is the modern equivalent of eating our seed corn. Copy and paste this into your calendar so it comes up in 2020 and you will be able to see whether or not this is accurate.

