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News flash: outsourcing not even good for parent company's finances - Boeing and 787 travails

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  • News flash: outsourcing not even good for parent company's finances - Boeing and 787 travails,442445.column

    The airliner is billions of dollars over budget and about three years late. Much of the blame belongs to the company's farming out work to suppliers around the nation and in foreign countries.

    By Michael Hiltzik February 15, 2011, 2:16 p.m.

    The biggest mistake people make when talking about the outsourcing of U.S. jobs by U.S. companies is to treat it as a moral issue.

    Sure, it's immoral to abandon your loyal American workers in search of cheap labor overseas. But the real problem with outsourcing, if you don't think it through, is that it can wreck your business and cost you a bundle.

    Case in point: Boeing Co. and its 787 Dreamliner.

    The next-generation airliner is billions of dollars over budget and about three years late; the first paying passengers won't be boarding until this fall, if then. Some of the delay stems from the plane's advances in design, engineering and material, which made it harder to build. A two-month machinists strike in 2008 didn't help.

    But much of the blame belongs tothe company's quantum leap in farming out the design and manufacture of crucial components to suppliers around the nationand in foreign countries such as Italy, Sweden, China, and South Korea. Boeing's dream was to save money. The reality is that it would have been cheaper to keep a lot of this work in-house.

    The 787 has more foreign-made content— 30% — than any other Boeing plane, according to the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace, the union representing Boeing engineers. That compares with just over 5% in the company's workhorse 747 airliner.

    Boeing's goal, it seems, was to convert its storied aircraft factory near Seattle to a mere assembly plant, bolting together modules designed and produced elsewhere as though from kits.

    The drawbacks of this approach emerged early. Some of the pieces manufactured by far-flung suppliers didn't fit together. Some subcontractors couldn't meet their output quotas, creating huge production logjams when critical parts weren't available in the necessary sequence.

    Rather than follow its old model of providing parts subcontractors with detailed blueprints created at home, Boeing gave suppliers less detailed specifications and required them to create their own blueprints.

    Some then farmed out their engineering to their own subcontractors, Mike Bair, the former head of the 787 program, said at a meeting of business leaders in Washington state in 2007. That further reduced Boeing's ability to supervise design and manufacture. At least one major supplier didn't even have an engineering department when it won its contract, according to an analysis of the 787 by the European consortium Airbus, Boeing's top global competitor.

    Boeing executives now admit that the company's aggressive outsourcing put it in partnership with suppliers that weren't up to the job. They say Boeing didn't recognize that sending so much work abroad would demand more intensive management from the home plant, not less.

    "We gave work to people that had never really done this kind of technology before, and then we didn't provide the oversight that was necessary," Jim Albaugh, the company's commercial aviation chief, told business students at Seattle University last month. "In hindsight, we spent a lot more money in trying to recover than we ever would have spent if we tried to keep many of the key technologies closer to Boeing. The pendulum swung too far."

    Some critics trace Boeing's extreme appetite for outsourcing to the regimes of Harry Stonecipher and Alan Mulally.

    Stonecipherbecame Boeing's president and later chief executive after its 1997 merger with McDonnell- Douglas, where he had been CEO. Mulally took over the commercial aviation group the following year and is now CEO of Ford. The merged company appeared to prize short-term profits over the development of its engineering expertise, and began to view outsourcing too myopically as a cost-saving process.

    That's not to say that outsourcing never makes sense — it's a good way to make use of the precision skills of specialty manufacturers, whichwould be costly to duplicate. But Boeing's experience shows that it's folly to think that every dollar spent on outsourcing means a cost savings on the finished product.

    Boeing can't say it wasn't warned. As early as 2001, L.J. Hart-Smith, a Boeing senior technical fellow, produced a prescient analysis projecting that excessive outsourcing would raise Boeing's costs and steer profits to its subcontractors.

    Among the least profitable jobs in aircraft manufacturing, he pointed out, is final assembly — the job Boeing proposed to retain. But its subcontractors would benefit from free technical assistance from Boeing if they ran into problems, and would hang on to the highly profitable business of producing spare parts over the decades-long life of the aircraft. Their work would be almost risk-free, Hart-Smith observed, because if they ran into really insuperable problems they would simply be bought out by Boeing.

    What do you know? In 2009, Boeing spent about $1 billion in cash and credit to take over the underperforming fuselage manufacturing plant of Vought Aircraft Industries, which had contributed to the years of delays.

    "I didn't dream all this up," Hart-Smith, who is retired, told me from his home in his native Australia. "I'd lived it at Douglas Aircraft."

    As an engineer at McDonnell-Douglas' Long Beach plant, he said, he sawhow extensive outsourcing of the DC-10 airliner allowed the suppliers to make all the profits but impoverished the prime manufacturer.

    "I warned Boeing not to make the same mistake. Everybody there seemed to get the message, except top management."

    The company's unions have also kept singing an anti-outsourcing chorale. "We've been raising these questions for five years," says Tom McCarty, the president of the Boeing engineers' union. "How do you control the project, and how do you justify giving these major pieces of work to relatively inexperienced suppliers? There's no track record of being able to do this."

    It would be easier to dismiss these concerns as those of unions trying to hold on to their jobs if they hadn't been validated by the words of Boeing executives themselves. A company spokeswoman told me that it's not giving up on outsourcing — "we're a global company," she says — but is hoping for a "continued refinement of that business model." Yet Albaugh and other executives acknowledge that they've blundered.

    "We didn't want to make the investment that needed to be made, and we asked our partners to make that investment," Albaugh told his Seattle University audience. The company now recognizes that "we need to know how to do every major system on the airplane better than our suppliers do."

    One would have thought that the management of the world's leading aircraft manufacturer would know that going in, before handing over millions of dollars of work to companies that couldn't turn out a Tab A that fit reliably into Slot A. On-the-job training for senior executives, it seems, can be very expensive.

  • #2
    Re: News flash: outsourcing not even good for parent company's finances - Boeing and 787 travails

    They just needed more middle management to work with their subcontractors. Once the ratio hits about 50 coordinators to 1 technical person doing the work, the productivity is optimized. The plan by upper management was brilliant. Its just that their people didn't execute. I can relate, being the former president of my now defunct company to recover methane gas from comets. There it is waiting to be harvested, but my technical staff just could not execute. It turns out that rocket scientists being rather bright is just a myth.


    • #3
      Re: News flash: outsourcing not even good for parent company's finances - Boeing and 787 travails

      Originally posted by gwynedd1 View Post
      I can relate, being the former president of my now defunct company to recover methane gas from comets. There it is waiting to be harvested, but my technical staff just could not execute. It turns out that rocket scientists being rather bright is just a myth.
      Tell me you're joking? That is a very hard task to accomplish, they must have been laughing behind your back while picking up their pay cheques.


      • #4
        Re: News flash: outsourcing not even good for parent company's finances - Boeing and 787 travails

        No Dah

        I've been in the software business for over 30 years and have worked on both in house projects and projects were major components have been out-sourced. I rellay began seeing outsourcing really take place in the early 90's.
        I have had to fix countless stuff as it comes back from the contractor riddled with bugs, some from a vague specification, others from just bad coding. One of my favorite quotes is that "We never have enough money/time to do it right, but we
        always have enough money/time to do it over"

        I have seen stuff come back that could not have been tested at all. The simplest drop dead test fails. Let's not even talk about complex issues, like computer resource management, multi-process synchornization problems, error conditions etc.

        On in-house projects, way after the spec is written and coding begins, I see the second round of software being design by the area-expert sitting in the developers cube and having a chat. Nothing it really written down, original requirements are not changed etc. This just doesn't happen when s/w development is done apart from the area expert.

        I suppose there is hope with e-mail, instant messaging and web meetings, that instant acces to the expert can be acheived, but to this day I haven't seen this done. The area expert usually thinks his spec is air tight, and the developers think they can fill in the holes. And a lot of times the specification is part of the contract, a change requires a re-negotiation, which may involve legal, finance yadda, yadda yadda. A recipe for problems.

        Now seperate project management, development and software QA by different timezones, and cultures, and you get days of delay to fix a single line of code. Bug found in QA, QA creates defect, defect reviewed by corp PM, PM talks to manager of outsourced development, out sourced development fixes the bug, but the bug is not quite fixed, rinse - repeat.
        I have seen this movie too many times.

        Most times the decision to outsource is made by the purely financial players, and engineering is not even consulted. Both sides have the bias, Management wants to save money, so they get a low bid and a giant feature sheet. Quality which is very hard to measure is never in the glossy feature sheet. Of course the engineers are trying to keep their jobs, so their opinion is biased too. If there is a disaster that manager is fired, and someone new comes in and the learnings about managing an out-sourced project are gone.

        You can tell I have my own biased opinions on this topic.
        Last edited by charliebrown; February 17, 2011, 03:57 PM. Reason: wordsmith


        • #5
          Re: News flash: outsourcing not even good for parent company's finances - Boeing and 787 travails

          Just stock options that would vest in 5 years. That is another problem. There is a shortage of technical people who subsist off the land to supplement their speculative future income that will be siphoned off into executive bonus packages.


          • #6
            Re: News flash: outsourcing not even good for parent company's finances - Boeing and 787 travails

            To add further support to Charliebrown's excellent post:

            - 1) In a project case like Boeing, you also have the hardware factor (in addition to SW) and by implication, will have a tangled web of mechanical/electro/optical components and Manufacturing shared dependencies. (In a SW only world, the challenges are very real but re-coding and re-testing can occur without those high factors in critical path, and hence convergance rate is faster).

            HW factor is huge monkey wrench especially if protoype HW designs don't work the first time: now you have to re-design, re-trigger protos, lead times, supply chain etc- nothing kills a schedule, costs and patience like huge teams waiting on the bench for effective HW.

            - 2) Communication and Coordination factor:

            - Outsourcing and managing global teams inevitably means you have to have write "rock solid" interface specifications or requirements to mitigate risk that when you put all the outsourced "components" together (SW, HW, Firmware etc), all works effectively.

            This is likely feasible in mature industries like computers, consumer electronics, other Si based industries, and maybe even automobiles.

            But in low volume, specialized industry, you will definitely have UNINTENDED interactions as you put a system together. Identifying these bugs (it's always late in the game) and inevitable reworking is a bummer.

            And so to mitigate these "interactions" and/or hidden requirements, you need the teams to COMMUNICATE.

            But when you split up the teams in all corners of the world......has anyone experienced a complex engineering problem being solved via email or on a telecon?

            I can only shudder to think what the life of the head Project Manager must be like in a highly complex scenario like Boeing - but then again, I do not know what support systems and infrastructure are at their disposal.

            As CharlieBrown said, outsourcing decisions in Boeing most likely got made by "financial players" driven by the WALL ST. Short term profit, long term disaster.

            Folks who truly "understand how things get developed and made" (i.e. a combination of Engineering and Operations/Manufacturing) with a good business sense likely take alternate paths.

            (No wonder that in Toyota/fine Japanese companies of the past, new engineers supposedly started in the Production line first.)

            The positive of all this, is that as the pendulum swings, and we steer towards TECI, the clout of the finance guys, Wall St., FIRE, lawyers should diminish....although the pace frustrates me at times...


            • #7
              Re: News flash: outsourcing not even good for parent company's finances - Boeing and 787 travails

              Agree with this point.

              In software most of the the time the individual parts "lines of code" operate flawlessly in the environment. It's just getting individual parts to correclty work together. In a physical thing like an aircraft, not only do the parts have to communicate and function correctly as a system, since each part is physical, each individual part can fail. Think bad fasteners, metal fatigue etc.


              • #8
                Re: News flash: outsourcing not even good for parent company's finances - Boeing and 787 travails

                Originally posted by gwynedd1 View Post
                Just stock options that would vest in 5 years. That is another problem. There is a shortage of technical people who subsist off the land to supplement their speculative future income that will be siphoned off into executive bonus packages.

                may i recommend the emoticon? such sophisticated & artful sarcasm as yours is not so easily picked up on by all...

