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Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t Find You

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  • Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t Find You

    Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t Find You


    On Tuesday afternoon, as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke in Washington about the Internet and human liberty, a Columbia law professor in Manhattan, Eben Moglen, was putting together a shopping list to rebuild the Internet — this time, without governments and big companies able to watch every twitch of our fingers.

    The list begins with “cheap, small, low-power plug servers,” Mr. Moglen said. “A small device the size of a cellphone charger, running on a low-power chip. You plug it into the wall and forget about it.”

    Almost anyone could have one of these tiny servers, which are now produced for limited purposes but could be adapted to a full range of Internet applications, he said.
    “They will get very cheap, very quick,” Mr. Moglen said. “They’re $99; they will go to $69. Once everyone is getting them, they will cost $29.”

    The missing ingredients are software packages, which are available at no cost but have to be made easy to use. “You would have a whole system with privacy and security built in for the civil world we are living in,” he said. “It stores everything you care about.”

    Put free software into the little plug server in the wall, and you would have a Freedom Box that would decentralize information and power, Mr. Moglen said. This month, he created the Freedom Box Foundation to organize the software.

    “We have to aim our engineering more directly at politics now,” he said. “What has happened in Egypt is enormously inspiring, but the Egyptian state was late to the attempt to control the Net and not ready to be as remorseless as it could have been.”

    Not many law professors have Mr. Moglen’s credentials as lawyer and geek, or, for that matter, his record as an early advocate for what looked like very long shots.

  • #2
    Re: Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t Find You

    Very exciting. I assume that at least for now these would have to use much of the existing infrastructure. It's nice to know that there are people out there with these goals.

    It would be satisfying if some of the large internet companies that sold out their customer's privacy paid the price in the future through ideas like this.


    • #3
      Re: Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t Find You
      Marvell Semi has been making these for a couple years.


      • #4
        Re: Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t Find You

        Clinton's hypocrisy astounds me.

        There is a very good guide to steps you can take to anonymise your internet usage here
        It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


        • #5
          Re: Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t Find You

          Even now the equipment to bypass existing infrastructure is available. Imagine one or two of these little servers with a wireless router functionality enabled in every neighborhood. There would be a blanket of 2.5GHz links that could reroute traffic themselves. The model has already been pioneered by Skype - make every machine a router. You could always turn off your repeater function if you needed full bandwidth.

          There are lots of ISM bands where routers could work without licensing. Using CDMA broadband signals would make your router very hard to find with traditional direction finding equipment.


          • #6
            Re: Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t Find You

            This will not work with services such as Facebook, Twitter, Gmail etc. As long as the handful of content servers are centralized, Big Brother can always monitor those regardless of which network path is used to reach them. Even though Skype uses P2P to reduce their traffic, I'm sure they can log every call on their network.

            Also, since the majority of content and service providers are in the US, most of the world has to go through state owned international links to connect to the outside world.


            • #7
              Re: Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t Find You

              Somthing like what you suggest is being done with
              It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.

