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Secret plan to cut troop numbers in Afghanistan

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  • Secret plan to cut troop numbers in Afghanistan
    THE Defence Force has drawn up secret plans to cut troop numbers in Afghanistan, potentially driving a wedge between Australia and its American allies.

    Defence sources have told The Age that the draw-down will almost certainly begin this year, and will be achieved at least partly by sending a smaller force to replace the mentoring taskforce now in Oruzgan province.

    The move would be a significant shift in Australia's commitment to the 10-year-old war, which has become increasingly unpopular in the community as the death and injury toll has soared. Corporal Richard Edward Atkinson last week became the 22nd Australian to be killed in the war.

    The war has also become an increasing financial drain on a force that has been told to find $20 billion in cuts over 10 years.

    Sources said any draw-down would be determined by conditions on the ground, but there was a political imperative to cut troop numbers. Initially they would fall by about a quarter.

    Sources gave varying accounts of how strongly United States colonel Jim Creighton, the overall commander of allied forces in the province, has argued against a reduction in Australian numbers, but they all agreed he has asked Defence to reconsider any draw-down.

    Some sources said moves to cut troop numbers had been driven by a funding squeeze, exacerbated by the cost of relief operations after cyclone Yasi and the Queensland floods.

    The Age
    has also been told that plans have been drawn up to withdraw Australian troops from eight of 11 bases in the network of valleys dissecting Oruzgan and hand them over to the Afghan National Army.

    The federal government and Defence hierarchy have said repeatedly that Australia's role in Oruzgan is to train the 4th Brigade of the Afghan army to the point where it can take over security in the province, and that it would take at least until 2012 and possibly 2014.

    One source described the proposed abandonment of patrol bases as ''Vietnamisation'', referring to America's ill-fated strategy of training South Vietnamese troops to take control of their country in the latter stages of the Vietnam War.

    Another source said Australia ''won't know unless they try'' whether the Afghans can handle the remote bases on their own.

    NATO commanders and the Afghan government have talked recently about the imminent transfer to local control this year, with the first regions to be named as early as March.

    The US is expected to make a major statement in July, and some sources believe Canberra will make similar synchronised comments about a draw-down of Australian forces.

    One source said: ''Oruzgan may well be one of the first provinces to be handed over.''

    When The Age was embedded with Australian troops in the Mirabad Valley late last year, it was clear that Afghan troops had good potential, but required further training.

    Australian soldiers were nervous when Afghan troops, most of whom are from ethnic groups deeply hostile to the local Pashtun people, searched compounds by themselves, as they were thought to be more likely to use force and intimidate the villagers.

    Afghan troops standing guard at night also regularly fired into neighbouring villages, saying they were defending themselves against ''genies''.

    Sources have said contingency plans were made to reduce Australian troop numbers in the province as early as next month in order for US forces and Afghans to become accustomed to lower numbers.

    In another significant shift, full-time special forces soldiers may soon endure longer tours because fewer reserve commandos will be deployed.

    Reservist commandos were involved in a civilian casualty two years ago that led to an upcoming court-martial, and some of their pre-deployment training was heavily criticised in an internal review.

    The overall number of special forces soldiers will remain constant.

    A briefing note to Finance Minister Penny Wong last October showed that overseas troop commitments - primarily to Afghanistan - are now costing the budget $1.7 billion a year.

    It says the budget does not set money aside for drought relief or overseas troop commitments in future years, so any spending has to be added to the budget every year.