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Oil:Egypt Events Prompt A Change in the Mindset

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  • Oil:Egypt Events Prompt A Change in the Mindset

    anything new/interesting here?:

    Egypt Events Prompt A Change in the Oil Mindset

    by Kent Moors Ph.D. | published February 4th, 2011
    As the world awaits developments out of Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt – and ripples of discontent begin emerging from elsewhere in the region – European oil analysts are switching perspectives.
    There is now a "risk premium" being factored into the calculation of expected Brent prices in London. Today prices are retreating to under $100 a barrel in London and less than $90 in New York.
    Yet the overall dynamics continue to point toward a virtual guarantee of levels above $100 a barrel for the near term – on both sides of the pond.
    The new risk element is, of course, a result of the political unrest in Egypt and calculations about what that may mean for the wider areas of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Yet, just as significantly, it is not a prognosis of supply problems.
    What we are seeing is the first stage in a major cycle of volatility in the oil trading market. Egypt may have been the trigger, but it is the trading markets themselves that are creating the problem…
    Let me be clear about this. While concerns are expressed about wider MENA impacts from the current unrest, that unrest has had no measured effect on the availability or crude oil or oil products in the global market.

  • #2
    Re: Oil:Egypt Events Prompt A Change in the Mindset

    On the domestic retail front, gasoline here (NorCal) has been going up 2 cents/day, now at $3.41.


    • #3
      Re: Oil:Egypt Events Prompt A Change in the Mindset

      Originally posted by don View Post
      On the domestic retail front, gasoline here (NorCal) has been going up 2 cents/day, now at $3.41.
      wonder what they getting up on 395 in bishop and mammoth?

      HNL: 354 for reg, a few cents less at costco, a few more elsewhere, over 4bux in a few isolated places, outer isle


      • #4
        Re: Oil:Egypt Events Prompt A Change in the Mindset

        Central MD prices are around $3.05.

        Egypt seems to be over; things getting back to normal.
        Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


        • #5
          Re: Oil:Egypt Events Prompt A Change in the Mindset

          Just finished purchasing the last installment of 87 octane, (10% ethanol) regular gas to fill 500 gal storage at average of $2.87. That'll last us about 4 months of normal driving. Will see if that was an astute purchase or not. Have been buying it over the last month of increasing price. FWIW, I haul it home in 55 gal drums, use air pressure to squeeze it to the elevated storage and gravity feed to the using vehicle.
          On the sad side, the day I bought that barrel last summer, I could have filled at $2.26 but thought it was a little high. Procrastination has proven a good strategy in some cases, not this one.
          Take care. Stetts


          • #6
            Re: Oil:Egypt Events Prompt A Change in the Mindset

            The World is awash with "NG", we have "Gas to liqurd".............So why not simply process the NG into petrol & problem solved!

