As we mentioned in the New About page , we're bringing the message forward in a new way. No more missing central banker clues about what's next for The System, the next asset bubble. Greenspan told U.S. senators at a hearing in 1999 not to worry about a collapsing stock market bubble because 70% of household wealth was tied up in real estate. If that wasn't a clue to the Fed's next move after the stock bubble popped -- creating a real estate bubble -- what was? has always been blessed with a global community of the best and the brightest who work together figure out not only what's coming next, but what to do before, during and after the events we collectively predict. We intend to guide a lively discussion among our prized and loyal members, especially those who contributed so much to our predictive success in the past.
Only registered Forum users can post to the forum. Rules of conduct are simple:
1) Don't say anything to anyone on this forum that you would not say to their face. That means no cursing, insults or other anti-social behavior.
2) Stay on topic: economics, financial markets and politics.
3) If the moderator receives three complaints about a registered member from three separate registered members, that registered member will be suspended for a period of one week. (3-Strikes rule).
4) If a registered member is suspended a second time, the suspension is permanent.
If you're new to, welcome. If you're an veteran, welcome back! And thanks for your participation on this forum.
Eric Janszen
Founder, has always been blessed with a global community of the best and the brightest who work together figure out not only what's coming next, but what to do before, during and after the events we collectively predict. We intend to guide a lively discussion among our prized and loyal members, especially those who contributed so much to our predictive success in the past.
Only registered Forum users can post to the forum. Rules of conduct are simple:
1) Don't say anything to anyone on this forum that you would not say to their face. That means no cursing, insults or other anti-social behavior.
2) Stay on topic: economics, financial markets and politics.
3) If the moderator receives three complaints about a registered member from three separate registered members, that registered member will be suspended for a period of one week. (3-Strikes rule).
4) If a registered member is suspended a second time, the suspension is permanent.
If you're new to, welcome. If you're an veteran, welcome back! And thanks for your participation on this forum.
Eric Janszen