Report -H/T Zhedge
Looks like the roiters have captured some of the soldiers and are dousing them with gas. Appearently shooting the civilians and bombing their homes has pissed them off. 100 crispy, side of fries with that. Civilians are doing some sort of pack hunting now. The media is reporting 10's dead. The anon in channel is counting around ten on the street he just passed...
I can't wait to read the spin on this.
AS in the Egyptian army is dropping 5 pound shells on their own civilian population because the police force has cleared out of town after the rioters burned down the police stations and a couple of places they knew people were a couple of other government buildings.
The anon in the channel is one of the govie techies and is giving directions from memory because there is no power and all land lines have been cut. Some of the local techs and engineers hijacked the verizon sat tower and got it up and running on a generator to keep sending tweets and maintain some basic communication in the area to keep pushing information outside of the area. Appearently the reporters, all of them have been accidentally shot.
Revenge of the nerd...the anon in channel just wants to get the fuck out of town and is shooting photos over his shoulder and getting his grandma out of town. Least that can be done is give him an extra five minutes.
Report -H/T Zhedge
Looks like the roiters have captured some of the soldiers and are dousing them with gas. Appearently shooting the civilians and bombing their homes has pissed them off. 100 crispy, side of fries with that. Civilians are doing some sort of pack hunting now. The media is reporting 10's dead. The anon in channel is counting around ten on the street he just passed...
I can't wait to read the spin on this.
AS in the Egyptian army is dropping 5 pound shells on their own civilian population because the police force has cleared out of town after the rioters burned down the police stations and a couple of places they knew people were a couple of other government buildings.
The anon in the channel is one of the govie techies and is giving directions from memory because there is no power and all land lines have been cut. Some of the local techs and engineers hijacked the verizon sat tower and got it up and running on a generator to keep sending tweets and maintain some basic communication in the area to keep pushing information outside of the area. Appearently the reporters, all of them have been accidentally shot.
Revenge of the nerd...the anon in channel just wants to get the fuck out of town and is shooting photos over his shoulder and getting his grandma out of town. Least that can be done is give him an extra five minutes.