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President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

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  • President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

    As I intently listened to Mr. Obama's State of the Union speech I hoped to hear some salient insight into the impending financial catastrophe looming over my nation. There was none. Mr. Obama failed to address the impending bankruptcy status of multiple states, litigation for the same by municipalities, escalating foreclosures, and the psyche of the Average American...who does not buy gold, silver, or oil...because they are investing in food. Food, which is becoming more valuable on my pantry shelves than my money in the bank.
    Mr. Obama hasn't a clue as to how to make a living...only how to take it away. Green Energy? I couldn't recap my investment it I put solar on my house! By the way, where is his personal Green Energy home know. The one he had to pay for with his own money?
    Mr. Obama voiced ideas, which cannot be funded and are therefore moot. The Macro-Economic trend for the USA is continued QEs and the devaluation of the dollar, which will escalate the lowering of the US $ as a composite of the SDR basket. The SDR being the end-all measurement of where we will stand when a global currency is introduced into the marketplace. I also believe that another macro-economic tend will be that the US will revisit the 1933 confiscation of gold in attempt to "manage" the demise. I am sure that Mr. Obama knows of this remedy, too. So, if you are a fool keep buying US gold coins. Eventually, you will only be reimbursed their face value.
    Note: After the demise of Brenton Woods, the decision to be the reserve currency packed with it the ultimate status of our economic woes. The lending and distribution of the US $ would see its devaluation because of the practices inherent in the system. Some economists saw this at that time, but their sage advice was ignored.
    I am 51 years old. I pay in excess of 16K per year to fund my local school district, which is a macro economic entity because it involves numerous industries. It is "suburban", so called "rich', and on the precipice of testing failure due to US federal mandates, which Mr. Obama cannot end as long as he continues to open the doors to millions of non-citizens. Additionally, why can't Mr. Obama be honest and say, "We need a 12 month and 8 hour school day."? Our students are failing because they attend at bare minimum and cannot be held back for failure or expelled for disrupting the educational process for others. Why can't Mr. Obama be honest and include in the discussion all unions that represent school administrators? Yes, Principals and Supervisors are unionized, too. Mr. Obama cannot be honest because our system isn't honest. Everyone in the room with him last night should be replaced by those who can read balance sheets.
    Maybe I am part of the problem because I didn't speak up sooner. Maybe I am part of the problem because I trusted. Maybe I am just part of the problem because I was too busy trying to work, pay my bills, and pay to educate my three children that I didn't take the time to confront those who did not and wound-up taking my "reserves currency".
    The NWO is here, and it will only include those who see the macro-economic trend and put their "reserve currency" outside of the USA...especially after Mr. Obama's speech is considered by those who add and subtract to make a living...businessmen and women who invest to build and not break America.
    Last edited by AverageAmerican; January 26, 2011, 06:00 AM. Reason: typographical error

  • #2
    Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

    Does anyone know who wrote the speech last night? The level of language was totally different from his previous speeches.
    Last edited by AverageAmerican; January 26, 2011, 06:05 AM. Reason: I fixed my prior post and added this.


    • #3
      Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

      Originally posted by AverageAmerican View Post
      Does anyone know who wrote the speech last night? The level of language was totally different from his previous speeches.
      Cody Keenan


      • #4
        Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

        Thanks. He needs to refine his language and stop writing to a 4th grade level...unless that is his and our President's perception of the mass intellect. It is all too terribly sad and catastrophic.


        • #5
          Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

          Originally posted by AverageAmerican View Post
          Thanks. He needs to refine his language and stop writing to a 4th grade level
          I fully agree! If he keeps speaking over the heads of typical Americans, we'll never get anywhere. Where was the talk of the new American Idol, the Pack is back, and how great the Ford F150 is doing?

          I hope in the future he'll fit his speeches to meet the intelligence of the typical American.


          • #6
            Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

            Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
            I hope in the future he'll fit his speeches to meet the intelligence of the typical American.
            That would require an interpreter for the congressional audience.


            • #7
              Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

              As someone who whole heartily supported Obama in '08 I agree very much with what you have to say. Perhaps not the education part though I understand the idea of increasing civilizing of the masses through education. Obama shows no awareness of how things really get done nor any honed intuitive sense for the connection to the basics of survival. He is an urban academic who, perhaps, would have been a great President for the Sixties but now seems focused on simple motivational rhetoric followed by a list of tasks for the student to do at home. The American electoral system has produced two men in a row that have no sense of America as it really is now. Bush I and Bush II tried to project copies of what they thought this essence looked like. Clinton came the closest. Reagan got it but it was dated to somewhere in the forties when he left it for Hollywood. Obama's reference to the mantra that anybody in American can make it if they work hard seemed self congratulatory and hollow since it should have also been followed by anybody can be bought in America as clearly he has been. Not with money but with the fear that what was given can be taken away by those who give it. Obama is placating those who he thinks will enable his next election not those who supported him as a catalyst for true change and an attempt to build a sustainable future.


              • #8
                Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

                As someone who has never taken Obama's word for anything, this latest speech is simply one of a series.

                Obama is a fine candidate - he is very good at making vague promises and grandiose sounding statements.

                As a chief executive, he has been an unmitigated disaster.

                No leadership. No coherent plan. No ability to project confidence. No salesmanship. No ability to manage even his own appointees.

                Really a sad situation.

                However, despite that, it is unfair to say that the problems of the US are due to immigrants.

                An immigrant working for $10/hour day labor - even if this job required to be given to an American - would simply result in another American family on food stamps.

                As for green energy: it isn't that there aren't any benefits to alternative energy. It is that this entire sector is very poorly developed. Throwing tons of money is just a waste as has been clearly demonstrated by Denmark, by Germany, by Spain, etc etc.

                Note Obama specifically called out ethanol - something which even Al Gore admits is a terrible idea.

                I posted an article a few days ago on just how dramatic this ethanol 'investment' has distorted the corn market:

                You know its bad when you see this:


                OMG! Ketchup without high fructose corn syrup! And its advertised as a feature!


                • #9
                  Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

                  Tessek?...I never said the problems of America are the result of immigrants. I tried to state that you cannot open the doors to American schools to everyone everywhere and expect to be able to adequately fund and educate an endless pool. Are you aware that schools in the Southwest have enrollments of Mexican citizens who are walk across the border each day and attend US public schools? This is fact not fiction. I am the granddaughter of Hungarian immigrants. My mother still swells with tears and sadness when she remembers the bigotry against her father for this accent identical to that of Mr. Soros. I have been a teacher of students of Haitian, Central American, and Chinese descent. The problems are not limited to books,they extend to free medical care for dental and hospitals/clinics. Extensive housing and general expenses for everyday living. As a nation we cannot afford this. I wish I could have taken each child home and housed them. I even told my husband that if immigration ever showed up I would hide them in my home. We have done everything we can for everyone and we have to take care of ourselves. Our nation is dying. That is the simple fact. If someone in your house is dying do you keep the door open and take the food and medical care away from them for a stranger? NO. That is just how it is. What is wrong with asking for a birth certified birth certificate or "Green Card"? Nothing. Look at the nations that are keeping their heads above H20. Look at Mr. Obama's hero: China. No one there has the health care and education that we provide on the most basic level. They buy our bonds because they have created the world's largest penal colony and have forced savings. We are a nation of free legal and illegal immigrants...not penal slaves. We have to regroup to survive. I NEVER said immigrants were the problem. The problem is that we thought we could save the world and lost our lives in the process. This process has to end. Finally, my Grandfather (Who was from Ungvar) always said that when there was a problem in the village four men went into the woods and three men returned. We are are now walking into the woods and I do not want America to be the nation not to return. So, to Mr. Obama I say, "Vigyazz!" That means caution/beware/pay attention...wake-up and smell the coffee NOW. To Mr. Obama I say, "Please, Change. Before it is too late and our walk into the woods is one of self-annihilation and not your proposed self-enlightenment."
                  Last edited by AverageAmerican; January 26, 2011, 02:14 PM. Reason: typograpical error


                  • #10
                    Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

                    Underwhelming speech and as expected lots of theft from the Republican playbook.

                    I had quite an uneasy feeling that President Obama really now believes he has merged Republican politics and his own via
                    the cross sectional seating choices of some of the more moderate members of Congress.
                    Somehow Congress is going to attempt to cut spending via a "freeze" in domestic discretionary spending while Corporate tax rates
                    will be allowed to plummet which will somehow usher in a new era of trickle down economics.

                    My opinion on that Corporate Tax Cut move to build a consensus with the GOP won't do a lick in the next two years to save the
                    next election for Obama. Given the choice the boards of the multinationals will move to do stock buybacks and pay dividends with their new
                    found windfall. There is no way they are going to re-invest those billions in tax savings into expanding operations in a declining
                    empire full of uncertainty. Heck the oil companies will benefit perhaps the most, and we are going to cut their subsides?

                    Enjoy this take on Season II Act 1 from NY Mag

                    The president’s friend and adviser Valerie Jarrett sometimes pointed out that not only had he never managed an operation, he’d never really had a nine-to-five job in his life. Obama didn’t know what he didn’t know, yet his self-confidence was so stratospheric that once, in the context of thinking about Emanuel’s replacement, he remarked in all seriousness, “You know, I’d make a good chief of staff.”



                    • #11
                      Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

                      Originally posted by AverageAmerican View Post
                      The NWO is here, and it will only include those who see the macro-economic trend and put their "reserve currency" outside of the USA...especially after Mr. Obama's speech is considered by those who add and subtract to make a living...businessmen and women who invest to build and not break America.
                      Hi Average:

                      I know that you are new here - and I am far from an authority on the forum - but the New World Order talk really doesn't help you make any point here. There's a forum for that at above top secret. Unless you demonstrate a link between macro-economic trends and a cabal of lizard men from Bavaria or whatever they are, it would be better to leave them out in my opinion.

                      Thank you.


                      • #12
                        Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

                        Hi dcarriqq:

                        You projected the lizard men into Average's analysis. "macro-economic trends" is just as much of a fufu reference as NWO in any case. The point is that the US and its President's relevance may not be as self-evident as assumed and perhaps we need to accept that fact in order to make better decisions about our future. We have been dreaming and asleep long enough perhaps it is time to start addressing facts instead of notional metaphors.


                        • #13
                          Re: President Obama's Speech & Macro-Economic Trends

                          Originally posted by seanm123 View Post
                          My opinion on that Corporate Tax Cut move to build a consensus with the GOP won't do a lick in the next two years to save the next election for Obama. Given the choice the boards of the multinationals will move to do stock buybacks and pay dividends with their new found windfall. There is no way they are going to re-invest those billions in tax savings into expanding operations in a declining empire full of uncertainty. Heck the oil companies will benefit perhaps the most, and we are going to cut their subsides?
                          Conventional wisdom says you're right, but I never thought about the impact of stock buybacks on a presidential election before: could it be possible that a recovering stock market coinciding with the "real" economy muddling through is his way of buying re-election?

                          In other words, we're all being told that reducing unemployment is a requirement of Obama's re-election. What if all that's actually required is S&P 1500?

