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Is MEGA to be proved RIGHT .............(British & getting KILLED!)

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  • Is MEGA to be proved RIGHT .............(British & getting KILLED!)

    I sussed ALL of this 4 years ago while working in a lock up unit making door handles. So much for the "experts".

    Let It be, Let it be......

  • #2
    Re: Is MEGA to be proved RIGHT .............(British & getting KILLED!)

    One added word of caution; inflation is not caused by rising prices, it is being caused by a depreciation in the value of the currencies, £, $ you name it.


    • #3
      Re: Is MEGA to be proved RIGHT .............(British & getting KILLED!)

      More wood for the fire:-

      I don't know how it is by you Chris, but i live outside Liverpool.....3 concils have said they sacking staff:-
      Mersyside 3,000
      Sefton 900
      Knowelsey 1000

      So, 5,000 jobs + Police & NHS to come very soon..............Critical mass


      • #4
        Re: Is MEGA to be proved RIGHT .............(British & getting KILLED!)

        Originally posted by Chris Coles View Post
        One added word of caution; inflation is not caused by rising prices, it is being caused by a depreciation in the value of the currencies, £, $ you name it.
        Isn't inflation caused by water-flowing into the sea, unused for anything productive except for maybe salmon-habitat preservation or bird-habitat preservation?

        Isn't inflation caused by resources preserved forever------ for maybe some religious reason?

        Isn't inflation caused by unemployment? Isn't inflation caused by human resources going-to-waste?

        Isn't inflation caused by the fear of doing something productive or maybe just doing anything at all--- maybe because of the legitimate fear of a law-suit? Isn't inflation caused by government policies that have made it impossible to do anything at all?

        Here is an old idea: How about backing the $ or Pound or Euro, whatever, with gold, oil, kwh of electricity? And we will dig-out of this mess!

        I don't want to read or hear about any econometric models. We will dig-out.
        Last edited by Starving Steve; January 18, 2011, 02:15 PM. Reason: common sense


        • #5
          Re: Is MEGA to be proved RIGHT .............(British & getting KILLED!)

          Looks like HMV are toast! :-
          I have been told by two music and entertainment companies that they can no longer get credit insurance for additional sales to HMV.
          HMV shop

          Here is an extract from an e-mail sent by the "head of credit and collections" at the UK arm of a major UK manufacturer and distributor of CDs and DVDs:

          "I need to advise you that our credit insurers have significantly reduced our insured credit limit on all HMV entities. Based on the current HMV balances, the limit is not sufficient to support any sales on an insured basis moving forward.

          "I have this morning met with the Chief Executive and Risk Director at the insurance company to understand the reasons for such a quick and drastic reduction. Due to HMV's listing on the stock exchange, they are unable to divulge the reasons for their decision. They met with Simon Fox last week and whilst they have said that HMV has provided everything asked for, they are clearly worried following the public announcement that bank covenants may not be met. A further review will take place in 4 weeks time."


          • #6
            Re: Is MEGA to be proved RIGHT .............(British & getting KILLED!)

            Blighty has always been "The BIG one" far, far more debt to GDP then Us or anyone else expect Japan............but Japan can produce lots of stuff.........Blighty can't.



            • #7
              Re: Is MEGA to be proved RIGHT .............(British & getting KILLED!)

              We all will produce. The impossible will be made to be possible. Everyone will be employed. No-one will be thrown-away.

              The "right stuff" was not rightwing or any-wing. The "right stuff" in the past was DOING and PRODUCING........ The cost-of-living will be driven-down, and we will rise to this challenge.

              Everything will be done............ And the birds and fish will love it.


              • #8
                Re: Is MEGA to be proved RIGHT .............(British & getting KILLED!)

                Originally posted by Mega View Post
                Blighty has always been "The BIG one" far, far more debt to GDP then Us or anyone else expect Japan............but Japan can produce lots of stuff.........Blighty can't.

                I haven't been to the UK, but if Blighty is like British Columbia or like California, the first step in the de-flation process would be to de-flate the cost of urban land. The city-planning or regional-planning elite--- and they are an elite--- would have to be confronted. Their anti-sprawl, anti-growth, anti-people, and "eco-everything" ideas would have to be challenged.

                Here in East Sooke, British Columbia, we have a rock that sticks-out and blocks the view of motorists. We have already had a serious crash caused by the rock. I am told that the regional planners would NOT blast the rock away.

                This is the game in my neck of the woods...... I know of a few games down in California. I know of a few games that were being played in Winnipeg in the 1970s. I published those games in City Magazine. That kind of elitist-planning will stop.

                We will begin the questioning of the planners, slowly. And in the universities and colleges, the economists and the ecologists will be confronted, or atleast, questioned......... This should have been done decades ago.

                Carmel Valley, California: no dam? The Carmel River flows into the sea? The Eel River in California, a river with roughly the same volume of water-flow as the Mississippi River at Minneapolis-St.Paul, is not dammed. No hydro-electric power? Why is the river not diverted to the SF Bay Area or to Southern California?

                No new atomic-power plants in California? Why is that?

                No uranium-mining and no atomic-power in BC; why is that? Uranium-mining in BC is against provincial law. Why would that be? Who passed that law, and why is that law still on the books?

                What is the elitist agenda of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency? They need some questions to be asked.

                There are plenty of questions to ask, and there is no need for photo-ops. These questions should have been asked decades ago.

                Why is the Fraser River in BC flowing into the sea without hydro-electric dams? Why is land in the Greater Vancouver Regional Planning District being held off of the urban land market, and held for lettuce or berries????????? How elitist!

                The San Francisco County "rare and endangered" field-mouse. Why? Who drempt-up that scam? Who are the lawyers that are getting-rich off of that preservation-scam?

                No-one questions governments to-day? No-one questions professors or questions "experts" to-day.... Why?

                We will begin slooooooooowly, and we will legally question "authorities" and "experts".
                Last edited by Starving Steve; January 18, 2011, 06:33 PM.

