Re: NYT: Solar Panel Maker Moves Work to China
could be, i suppose - but for the present-day end-user, arent these mostly 'sunk costs' they dont have to pay and arent the present>future out of pocket prices to the end user declining rapidly enuf to overcome that long term issue? and nears i know, the crystaline type of panels are wrrt'd for something like 90% of output rating for periods of 20years or more - and considering the known-historical rates of increases in electric rates, never mind the next cheap-peak-oil krankup thats sure to accompany increase in demand going forward - dont you think that concern is a bit over stated? - esp if the grid faulters/krashes from some disaster, wouldnt you think it better, for the end-user of electricity, to have PV than not - esp if one accepts that inflation will krank up electric rates at least as fast as food, shelter, motor fuel prices?
yeah - kinda like harry reid/nevada has done, with respect to the billions pumped into yucca mountain.
i just dont see how The US has any choice going forward, but to go full throttle into a re-development of nuclear energy - most of the rest of the world seems to have already made the decision, esp china - and think of the jobs, REAL JOBS 'saved or created' that we would've had if the 800billion that was flushed down the stimulous rathole went to something other than merely delaying the state govs day of reckoning - it would seem that it would be well worth the investment of at least what they've blown out the past few years in bailing out the ny banks, to double down and end up with something that actually amortized/ showed ROI: like eliminating the need to import oil to burn in power plants/cars (cuz we would have had an unlimited source of electricity that was "too cheap to meter" spinning electric cars all these years, if it werent for the luddites that shut it down since the 70's and then to offset those "variable costs" couldve saved even more _trillions_ in not having to fight wars in the middle east over oil... but i guess now i'm just delerious from having got up too early this AM ;)
it may not be beneficial for a utility, but it sure would be for those in _possesion_ of the PV capability - why i wrote to mr steve that they are most valuable to those that _own_ them, as a dollar saved (on electric) is 10dollars earned (tax free) while giving the added ROI of having a source of power when the grid goes down....
Originally posted by c1ue
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Originally posted by c1ue
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i just dont see how The US has any choice going forward, but to go full throttle into a re-development of nuclear energy - most of the rest of the world seems to have already made the decision, esp china - and think of the jobs, REAL JOBS 'saved or created' that we would've had if the 800billion that was flushed down the stimulous rathole went to something other than merely delaying the state govs day of reckoning - it would seem that it would be well worth the investment of at least what they've blown out the past few years in bailing out the ny banks, to double down and end up with something that actually amortized/ showed ROI: like eliminating the need to import oil to burn in power plants/cars (cuz we would have had an unlimited source of electricity that was "too cheap to meter" spinning electric cars all these years, if it werent for the luddites that shut it down since the 70's and then to offset those "variable costs" couldve saved even more _trillions_ in not having to fight wars in the middle east over oil... but i guess now i'm just delerious from having got up too early this AM ;)
Originally posted by c1ue
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