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Another one bites the Dust!

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  • Another one bites the Dust!

    AHM............. American Home Morgage............7500 workers finished/Gone/No Job.......Its over!

    I see that Peter S is getting more invites on to more TV channels. He did Bloomberg today, not his normal jumpy self, more manture. I expect Peter will go MSM VERY soon as the market crashes & burns!


  • #2
    Re: Another one bites the Dust!

    Originally posted by Mega View Post
    AHM............. American Home Morgage............7500 workers finished/Gone/No Job.......Its over!

    I see that Peter S is getting more invites on to more TV channels. He did Bloomberg today, not his normal jumpy self, more manture. I expect Peter will go MSM VERY soon as the market crashes & burns!


    Jim 69 y/o

    "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

    Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

    Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


    • #3
      Re: Another one bites the Dust!

      Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post

      yeh, is that "more manure" or "more mature."


      • #4
        Re: Another one bites the Dust!

        Geez Metalman - that jibe seems real petty, and an easy shot. Why don't you pick on me instead?


        • #5
          Re: Another one bites the Dust!

          Originally posted by Lukester View Post
          Geez Metalman - that jibe seems real petty, and an easy shot. Why don't you pick on me instead?
          sorry. i take it back. stupid thing for me to say.


          • #6
            Re: Another one bites the Dust!

            Metalman -

            OK, cool!

            I do dig your horse lying on it's back getting paddled, by the way, and I admired the way you replied to the criticism regarding that post with forthrightness. That's a sign of strength and honesty.

            FWIW (I can seem Jim Nickerson wincing at the sound of yet another cute and trendy web acronym being overused) I think Bullion Vault sounds like a pretty classy outfit, for those willing to consider remote storage.

            Their correspondent Adrian Ash is a great read on British and EU finance - always dry, humorous and informed. He's one of my favorite journalists on the markets.

            I vote solidly for Mr. Tustain and Bullion Vault, and I can understand him wishing to defend his company's reputation, particularly if they provide 100% scrupulous service - as then it's entirely his right and his duty to speak up in defence of their good reputation.

            But I also vote solidly for Grapejelly, and the whole "I'll believe the gold is there when I actually see it" movement. !!!

            So you could say I was 'sitting on the fence' on that question, but 'leaning over' to the Grapejelly argument.

            Sorry man - I did not mean to bust your chops.


            • #7
              Re: Another one bites the Dust!

              Originally posted by Lukester View Post
              Metalman -

              OK, cool!

              I do dig your horse lying on it's back getting paddled, by the way, and I admired the way you replied to the criticism regarding that post with forthrightness. That's a sign of strength and honesty.

              FWIW (I can seem Jim Nickerson wincing at the sound of yet another cute and trendy web acronym being overused) I think Bullion Vault sounds like a pretty classy outfit, for those willing to consider remote storage.

              Their correspondent Adrian Ash is a great read on British and EU finance - always dry, humorous and informed. He's one of my favorite journalists on the markets.

              I vote solidly for Mr. Tustain and Bullion Vault, and I can understand him wishing to defend his company's reputation, particularly if they provide 100% scrupulous service - as then it's entirely his right and his duty to speak up in defence of their good reputation.

              But I also vote solidly for Grapejelly, and the whole "I'll believe the gold is there when I actually see it" movement. !!!

              So you could say I was 'sitting on the fence' on that question, but 'leaning over' to the Grapejelly argument.

              Sorry man - I did not mean to bust your chops.
              what does this have to do with bullionvault? now it feels like i've given it up to an advertiser......


              • #8
                Re: Another one bites the Dust!

                LOL !!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


                • #9
                  Re: Another one bites the Dust!

                  Originally posted by Lukester View Post
                  LOL !!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
                  why is that funny?


                  • #10
                    Re: Another one bites the Dust!

                    Metalman -

                    OK I'm not sure if you are feeling sore about the exchange of views regarding Bullion Vault, or if you take my commenting on it here and praising you for being straightforward there as being in any way a hidden jibe at your expense. It is not.

                    I further don't know if you found my mentioning it here a non-sequitur.

                    Yes, it's a total non-sequitur to mention it here. Are we bound to sequiturs? Let me know what your ground rules are for people talking to you, so you don't feel anyone is taking the Mickey out of you, and I'll stick to them like glue. You don't like non-sequiturs? - fine - you'll never catch me offering you a non-sequitur again (!!?).

                    I don't believe you and I have exchanged more than a one line post before. I stated (very clearly) in my prior post, my impression that you seemed very forthright on that thread, in your responses, and that I found that admirable. Now you seem suspicious I'm taking a poke at you in some veiled or hidden way?

                    What else can I clarify here that remains unclear? I do use plain English myself, and I doubt I can be easily misunderstood.

                    BTW, do you consider me an ideologue, or some kind of "fanatic" perhaps, because I've mentioned the word 'morals' in passing elsewhere in a discussion with Jim Nickerson? Or do you think perhaps I look down on people who are openly in pursuit of their own profits and take a snooty view of others?

                    Let me know if you have doubts, and I'll set set you straight on the matter.

                    Best regards ...


                    • #11
                      Re: Another one bites the Dust!

                      Originally posted by metalman View Post
                      sorry. i take it back. stupid thing for me to say.
                      metalman, when did you become a wuss? I thought and still very much think it was an appropriate comment regarding spelling.
                      Jim 69 y/o

                      "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

                      Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

                      Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


                      • #12
                        Re: Another one bites the Dust!

                        Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
                        metalman, when did you become a wuss? I thought and still very much think it was an appropriate comment regarding spelling.
                        yeh, wtf. was trying to get along. always a mistake with someone on someone's sales team.


                        • #13
                          Re: Another one bites the Dust!

                          The new voting system says it all. No further comment needed.


                          • #14
                            Re: Another one bites the Dust!

                            Originally posted by metalman View Post
                            yeh, wtf. was trying to get along. always a mistake with someone on someone's sales team.
                            Good, that's more like it should be.
                            Jim 69 y/o

                            "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

                            Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

                            Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


                            • #15
                              Re: Another one bites the Dust!

                              Metalman -

                              Not sure who you suggest is selling something. But if you were referring to me:

                              What in goodness name do you imagine I'd be selling you, as though I were a shill on "someone else's sales team"? What? I'm digging down into my pockets searching for anything I might have for sale!

                              Are you joking, or merely appeasing Jim, who seems to have stoked himself up into a state of rage here?

                              And how in goodness name do you imagine I was being anything but friendly to you, as I've clearly offered you some praise here and even apologized for calling you out on a slightly nasty, ill advised comment of yours (not mine!) to Mega?

                              Seems now Jim criticizes you for not telling me to F*** off - just because I suggested it was a cheap shot to make mean little jokes about someone else's measly spelling errors??

                              Just who is being petty here? Seems I am the one who is upholding the idea that it's demeaning to make petty jokes out of nothing at other's expense just because you may be having a bad hair day?

                              As soon as you clarified it, I only offered you respect for being forthright, and I've explained to you that Mega from what I've understood, has put himself through engineering school and is a self made man, and that the little self-congratulatory bit of humor transposing "manure" for "mature" was a stupid jibe on a good man!

                              So please enlighten me - why in goodness name would anyone here paint me as the "bad" person in all this? And just what is it you imagine I'm selling, to you, Jim, or the entire iTulip community? Peanuts? Gold paper certificates? Tell me what I'm selling you here, so I can practice my sales pitch some more!

                              All I suggested was that poking cheap humor at someone else's spelling error is a cheap shot - to which you promptly and admirably agreed. I then told you I admire that quality in you, because it speaks of honesty.

                              Seems to me Mr. Nickerson is the one wishing to cause animosity here, because he's deeply offended that I told him yesterday that if you make a permanent ethic out of expressing fashionable cynicism, as with unfortunate remarks to the effect that "less population would be a good thing" about the world's poor going hungry or starving if oil goes to $150 a barrel, then you risk waking up one day with a hole where your conscience should be.

                              And guess what - that's true!

                              The fact is of course, that Jim isn't really callous at all, but was just adopting an empty rhetorical posture to disagree with me. Which one of us is going to stand and openly say "I don't give a shit" at TV images of tens of thousands starving? No-one! Or if they are going to stand up and say such stupid, flippant things and really mean it, they are a far greater twit than anyone here I can imagine at present.

                              Posturing on iTulip that one does not give a shit about millions starving, because "nothing can be done about it" is rubbish. It's nonsense. One can be cynical, but one needs to have some bit of care - at least a tiny scrap, to be human.

                              As far as Jim is concerned, I committed the unpardonable sin to his pride to point all of this out. What a load of baloney! He put himself into a dumb rhetorical box (I didn't, he did!) and now succumbs to hostility towards me for pointing it out?

                              How much intelligence or independence of thought is there in this community to step aside from clubby little loyalties and pursue the simple truth when debates get this stupid?

                              I'm not selling a damn thing to either you, Mega, Jim Nickerson or anyone else here but statements of the obvious (otherwise known as truth) if you want to play along with Mr. "All Grown Up" Nickerson on this as he cheers for someone to mix it up with me due to his poorly reflected remarks yesterday, then go right ahead - I can only express my regrets at the compounded folly, which will begin to get downright comical.

                              If the moderator has interest, perhaps they might read carefully through this thread (putting aside any partiality) and acknowledge my comment regarding Mega was probably on the right side of the pettiness question, and yours and Jim's weren't? Everything else I said to you was in the way of friendliness and praise!

                              I have little respect for stupid ragging when there is no real issue being discussed. If people are in a thorny discussion on something significant - like issues that affect major ideas put forward on this site, then one might understand one or two barbed comments. But why sling nasty, uncalled for little word pun jabs at Mega when he's not ever said anything comparable to you?

                              Now look at Jim and who knows who else here - pasting all those silly little "red thumbs down" icons on this thread? Gee - do you suppose they are out to make me out to be the one displaying poor judgement ?

