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The Battle lines in Britan are drawn!

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  • The Battle lines in Britan are drawn!


  • #2
    Re: The Battle lines in Britan are drawn!

    Mike did you reply in the comments section, If not we have not been preaching in vane
    I Cut & Paste this man's reply because it rocked my socks off - Yes that's one well educated person who wants ...... well ..... he is close to doing anything. I feel for him and the thousand who have been sold a slaves to the banking industry.
    From Single Dad......

    Yes, you've missed quite a lot actually.

    Firstly I exercised the correct options at every turn. Even with the magic of hindsight I cannot say that I should or even could, have made a different decision at any point because any different decision would have produced a worse result in the particular circumstances.

    The calamities did not happen in one day, rather over a long, long period; but I was as trapped as a fly in a sticky spider’s web of the financial industry’s monopolistic control over the entire mortgage market and usurious, grasping, greedy and evil behaviour; grossly overcharging for mortgages and just fleecing homeowners at every turn.

    Their behaviour is also disgusting in not making any proper allowances or sensible negotiations with people suddenly deprived of their income through no fault of their own.

    I had little or no freedom to do anything sensible at all as I was completely trapped by a combination of an oppressive and interfering state benefits system and controlling, usurious money lenders determined to squeeze the maximum amount of money out of other people’s distress. They are very, very nasty people.

    And if you doubt that, just ponder this. How they, and quite specifically it is they, and only they, who have brought the entire World economy to its knees, ruining millions of people, throwing millions of people out of work World wide and inflicting poverty on billions of people on a breathtakingly epic scale.

    And they are getting away with it. And they are even being paid billions of pounds of taxpayer’s money to get away with it and help them on their criminally inclined way, so they can just do it all over again when the dust settles a bit.

    It has ALL been caused entirely by nasty, evil, mortgage lenders, owned by the banks, helped along with a small group of extremely dishonest and greedy banks who, collectively, spread their poisonous tentacles around the entire Globe, controlling the movement of money everywhere in an immoral, dishonest and usurious manner; taking ever bigger slices of everyone’s money - money that does not belong to them.

    They just helped themselves to ever bigger chunks of every financial transaction they could get their greedy little hands on. They even have the cheek to think they can charge hefty fees for people to just take their own money out of their own bank accounts. Who on earth do the banks think they are. Are they living in cloud cuckoo land or something ?

    And the general public were too ill educated and ignorant in the ways of the money men to realise what was going on, or to be able to do anything about it. The people were, and still are, powerless to stop the raging, out of control greed of the banks. Even governments seem powerless to do anything. So everybody just meekly does what the banks want them to do.

    It was a Rothschild banker who realised all that many years ago. A man who openly said governments could be controlled by the bankers because it was the bankers that controlled ALL of the money; which is the case. And that if the banks controlled all the money, then they also controlled governments.

    But, I digress; back to my particular mortgage issue.

    Me moving home would have been just a way of making a fragile financial situation much, much worse as it happens. If I had remained in my original house I would now be completely secure and would, indeed, be able to use the property as a source of income and support. You really did miss that particular point as I think I did spell it out quite clearly.

    Mortgage lenders are ridiculous; and how do I know that ? Well, I know that if I lent someone a mortgage loan on the security of their property, that they would in virtually all cases strenuously desire to pay their mortgage at all costs and that the only reason they would fail to is that they were deprived of their income.

    In which case, my borrower being unable to pay anything, I would say to him that I will have to protect my money as strenuously as possible and within that remit will negotiate freely with that borrower and tell him that he may himself decide exactly what he must do within the confines of using up any remaining equity left in the property if he so wishes.

    Providing only that a margin of equity is left so that it provides the means of ensuring I, the lender, can ensure the property is sold with room for the sale to safely pay off the mortgage. I, as lender, would not ‘control’ the borrower. I would not bully, harass, intimidate or threaten him and go out of my way to make his life a misery with endless financial punishments to make the debt spiral wildly upwards and beyond anybodies ability to control the debt from escalating completely out of control.

    But this is what the mortgage lenders do, isn’t it ?
    They just wantonly destroy people's lives.

    The borrower will understand that he himself will have to sell the property when the margin is reached in order to avoid a re-possession. Simple really. If he doesn’t sell it at that margin, then the lender will.

    But lenders don’t do that. I previously quoted the example of the nasty minded lender trying to foreclose who is owed only £10 000 on a property valued at £500 000, who are attempting re-possession. It is just a form of theft really in circumstances like that.

    That particular lender is a subsidiary of disgraced bank Lehmans, and that strong-armed bullying mortgage administrator that was called Capstone, but has now changed its name to Ascenden because it had such a bad, bad reputation, what with it being previously owned by the Worlds most dishonest and rapacious and greedy bank - Lehmans. They are the unpleasant bunch of thugs trying to evict this impoverished person from his flat - all for a loan of £10 000 against a property worth £500 000.

    They have, in that case, £490 000 of equity against a loan of just £10 000. As lenders are in the business of making money, any case of mortgage difficulty is the lenders opportunity to say to the borrower, that if the borrower wishes the lender to use remaining equity against missed mortgage payments, while the borrower hopes to improve his finances, that is fine, providing the borrower understands that when a safe margin of equity is breached the house must be sold.

    There would not be a borrower in the World who would fail to understand and go along with that quite cheerfully. And if that borrower failed to improve his financial situation so as to be able to pay his mortgage, why, he would willingly sell the house without rancour or ill feeling towards the mortgage lender. Everyone would be happy.

    The lender would have his money and a profit, the borrower would have done his best to survive and would not have been bullied and fleeced and would have no reason to feel ill will towards a lender who had been totally reasonable and had not used the borrowers financial difficulties as an excuse to effectively punish and to effectively thieve the homeowner’s equity from him.

    And, with mortgage lenders behaving in this reasonable way, it would also mean the borrower who had fallen on hard times would be able to rehouse himself in the future and be able to obtain another mortgage without difficulty when he was in possession of an income once again.

    If I was a mortgage lender I would never, ever, behave in the way I have personally experienced the evil little b******s behaving. What on earth do they think they are up to ?

    I was re-possessed by the Alliance & Leicester Building Society (owned by one of those banks) when the DHSS had been paying their mortgage interest on the £100 000 mortgage in full, but had erroneously stopped for a time. The Alliance & Leicester pointedly refused to be helpful in any way whatever. They basically refused to communicate in any way at all - excepting to simply demand payments with various threats.

    My house was worth about £300 000 at that time and was later sold for over £400 000 .

    The Alliance & Leicester forced me into the arms of the rapacious sub-prime lenders against my will. The Alliance & Leicester legal representative even made violently aggressive threats outside the court to me and point blank refused to listen to my attempt at telling her that I had another mortgage in place and the Alliance & Leicester would be paid off in a few days as the new mortgage was being paid to me by the end of the week.

    The unpleasant Trollop representing the Alliance & Leicester was just a nasty minded bully, habitually used to making threats instead of behaving like a decent human being. Trollop is too good a word for people like that. They are human detritus that has no place in a civilised world.

    How in God’s name do they imagine they have a divine right to ‘punish’ people for having any sort of difficulty with their mortgages. What pompous, arrogant, nasty minded little prats they are for thinking they can ‘punish’ and bully & persecute; in fact use every form of violence and bullying, whether emotional or physical, that they think they can get away with; anything rather than simply negotiate sensibly with borrowers in difficulties.

    Make no mistake. They do not negotiate in any sensible manner at all. That is a fairy tale constantly put about by the Council of Mortgage Lenders or the likes of that Smarmy, oily, greasy little man Adrian Coles of the Building Societies Association whom I have never heard being honest in all the pontificating nonsense he spouts about how considerate and helpful mortgage lenders try to be when their lenders get into difficulties.

    It is a downright lie.

    And no, I did not have a choice to do things differently, and again no, I am not now living in a house worth more than a million pounds. That would be the case if I had remained with my original London House, but I was eventually forced out of it and forced unwillingly to sell it because of a sub-prime lender behaving appallingly.

    I moved to a modest and poky, mundane little purpose built ex-council house currently worth no more than the average two and half bedroomed ex-council house built badly with poky little rooms and uncomfortable, ugly, third rate fittings.

    I started again with a clean slate, but was then again manipulated and misled by those bureaucrats and sub-prime mortgage lenders who conned me from sub-prime mortgage to sub-prime re-mortgage in my desperate struggle for survival.

    But this is getting too along a story to tell in its entirety here.

    But you get the drift ?

    I am classed as intelligent, well educated, of a professional class, even public school educated etc etc, but I have fallen unwitting and unwilling victim to fraudulent banks and their subsidiary mortgage lenders as well as victim to bungling and corrupt, spiteful and lazy government employees who administer the state benefits systems on their own malodorous and whimsical fantasies of bile & disinterest.

    If that can happen to me, how much more easily can less able people fall victim to the deceit and lies peddled by the financial industry, as well as the life destroying spites of the lazy hordes of bone idle government employees who wield the power of life and death of people’s futures - and routinely thoroughly abuse that power to mindlessly destroy poor people’s lives.

    I promise there will be a pay back and it is unfolding as we speak. Inter Alpha Group - you have another to be scared as you sleep
    PS: He had a further post down that explains how he was asset stripped
    Last edited by thunderdownunder; December 17, 2010, 05:14 AM.


    • #3
      Re: The Battle lines in Britan are drawn!

      1ST of all lets get something stright, the A&L (now gone) is like any other bank wanting to get paid back its money. Do they "Set traps" ?..........Yes but they practise the "shear don't slauter" policy.

      This chap is unhappy, for such a well Ed-u-cated man i am surpized by his lack details.......perhaps they would show too much of the other sides point of veiw?

      This man without doult was the very type whom was flying round in a lease hire BMW/Merc 2 years ago calling me a tosser for only have a Skoda....vRS which i paid for in cash 6 years ago. Debt IS a bad thing, it is best avoided or if required the smallest posssable amount used.

      Single Dad?.......perhaps this has had more to do with his troubles than the A&L ?


