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Potpourri and FIRE and NEA interests: California incoming governor Brown warns of more education cuts

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  • Potpourri and FIRE and NEA interests: California incoming governor Brown warns of more education cuts

    Fascinating juxtaposition of FIRE and Educator spin

    Key notes:
    1) 72% of California education spending comes from the California General Fund (i.e. income, sales, and other taxes/fee), 28% from property taxes

    2) California 47th or worse in staffing ratios, but 29th in spending per pupil (see 2nd article) and 1st in highest teacher salaries in the 5 largest states

    Gov.-elect Jerry Brown said Tuesday that public schools in California should brace for more budget cuts when he presents his spending proposal in the next few weeks to solve the state's $25.4 billion budget deficit.

    The Democrat called education and public safety the pillars of a civilized society but warned that the magnitude of the deficit problem facing California is "unprecedented in my lifetime" and that the state must prepare for drastic changes.

    "I can't promise there won't be more cuts, because there will be," he told a gathering of school administrators, teachers union representatives and other public education officials from across the state during a special budget forum in Los Angeles.

    Brown implored those at the forum, which focused on education spending, to "please sit down" when they see his budget proposal on Jan. 10. "If you're in your car, fasten your seat belt. It's going to be a rough ride, but we'll get through it," he said.

    The governor-elect also pledged to slash the budget for the governor's office by 25 percent, which is about $5.5 million from the office's current $21.9 million annual budget, and said he would like to see the budget process completed 60 days after he takes office Jan. 3.

    He said the office has "a lot more people in it today than the last time I was there and it's going to have a lot fewer by the time I arrive."

    Brown's statements about cuts were the most detailed comments he has made about his plans for the state's budget since winning the race for governor in November. While the audience applauded at several points, Brown showed little emotion and maintained a serious demeanor while speaking and taking questions.

    He was joined at the forum by California's top financial and education officials, who presented detailed graphics outlining previous education spending and pupil-to-staff ratios at public schools in the state.

    Education leaders at the event pleaded for flexibility from the state regulations and laws that force districts to spend money on certain programs. Several people also said that education spending had suffered enough from budget cuts over previous years and that Brown should look elsewhere for savings.

    Under the budget for this year, California will spend $36.2 billion of the $86.5 billion general fund on K-12 education and community colleges. Including local property tax revenue, California will spend $49.6 billion on education this year.

    Three years ago, the state spent $56.6 billion from both sources on K-12 education and community colleges.

    David Sanchez, president of the California Teachers Association, said the union understands that the state is facing hard choices but noted that tens of thousands of teachers have received pink slips already while others are taking multiple furlough days.

    "There is no more meat on this bone to carve. The only thing left is amputation," Sanchez said.

    That sentiment was echoed by school district superintendents and other groups, including the state Parent Teachers Association, who implored Brown to look for new sources of revenue to help public education.

    State Treasurer Bill Lockyer - who described himself as "the town grouch" - took an aggressive tone at the meeting, telling the crowd to prepare for cuts. He scoffed at any notion that education would be spared from the budget ax.

    "So far, we've heard good ideas about how to spend more money. Great. It ain't there, and so it's time to make cuts; I believe deep cuts," Lockyer said.

    The Democratic treasurer noted that, because of declining tax revenues, the Legislative Analyst's Office has projected that the minimum funding for K-12 schools and community colleges under the Proposition 98 formula, which includes both general fund dollars and property tax revenue, would be $2 billion less than this year.

    That means the $2 billion cut to education is factored into the projected deficit and state leaders would have to cut even further to bring down the deficit number.

    A spokesman for Brown said no additional forums have been scheduled, though more may happen.

    California's pupil-staff ratios and national rankings

    Students per teacher: 20.8, 49th in the U.S.
    Students per counselor: 89.2, 49th in the U.S.
    Students per librarian: 5,038.5, 50th in the U.S.
    Students per administrator: 433.1, 47th in the U.S.
    Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2007-2008

    Nice spin in those stats above.

    Some other stats from the NEA itself:

    Expenditures per K–12 Pupil in Fall Enrollment for California
    Over the Last 10 Years

    California Rank U.S Average
    2005–06 $8,486 29 $9,100
    2004–05 $7,935 30 $8,717
    2003–04 $7,745 27 $8,340
    2002–03 $7,580 26 $8,065
    2001–02 $7,055 31 $7,532
    2000–01 $7,018 24 $7,296
    1999–00 $6,333 27 $6,824
    1998–99 $5,666 36 $6,455
    1997–98 $5,580 31 $6,174
    1996–97 $5,191 36 $5,949

    Expenditures per K–12 Pupil in Fall Enrollment
    for the Five Largest States, 2005-06

    Expenditures per K-12 pupil in fall enrollment, 2005-06 Rank Percentage of national average
    California $8,486 29 93.3%
    Texas $7,547 44 82.9%
    New York $13,551 3 148.9%
    Florida $7,762 41 85.3%
    Illinois $9,456 21 103.9%
    United States $9,100

    Average Teacher Salary
    in the Five Largest States, 2005-06

    California $59,825
    Illinois $58,686
    New York $57,354
    United States $49,026
    Florida $43,302
    Texas $41,744