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  • Bonds?

    What is he talking about?

  • #2
    Re: Bonds?

    Originally posted by Mega View Post

    What is he talking about?
    Mike: I opened a thread about treasuries yields some days after QE2 was anounced. It struck my attention then how yields were going up, when being supposed to go down after FED said they were gona buy lots of them.

    The tendency has subsisted and today there was an article on YAHOO finance titled as "how the bond vigilantes can thwart a bull" or something like that.
    All this is in essence, probably the beginning of the monetary and capital flight meltdown predicted years ago by EJ.
    Confidence in treasuries and the dollar begins to collapse in slow motion.
    For me, unfortunately my TBT play was way early, at some point I undeed my positions...such is life.
    For gold, this predicts further rises.


    • #3
      Re: Bonds?

      i am starting to buy short t's again duration 2.2yrs. maybe someone will think that this is silly, but nothing goes up or down in a straight line.
      I was almost completely out of t's in october due to selling into the rally. so essentially i am buying them back at a lower price. this is considered a speculative position and if rates go down again they will be sold. If this is the beginning of the end, well, then I have a lot more to worry about.

      I also picked up some PHYS today at a good price.

      If rates go up any more, will this de-rail the tax cut plan?

